Who is the Most Brutal Assassin in Assassin‘s Creed 1?

Hands down, the most ruthless and violent assassin featured in the first Assassin‘s Creed game is Altaïr Ibn-La‘Ahad – the iconic hooded protagonist that players control throughout AC1. As the only playable character in the debut game, we witness firsthand just how lethally efficient Altair is with his signature hidden blade and combat skills. Developer commentary and franchise lore backs it up:

"We wanted the player to understand through Altair‘s action just how brutal a Hashashin Assassin can be." – Patrice Désilets, Former Creative Director of AC

But what exactly makes Altaïr the most brutal assassin in Creed 1? Let‘s analyze his cold-blooded killing efficiency through statistics, weapons mastery and comparisons to other assassins across the series:

Altaïr‘s Ruthless Efficiency and Body Count

Throughout AC1, Altaïr racks up at least 31 confirmed kills – many of them Templar targets that he professionally hunts, but also a number of hapless city guards who stand in his way. This lethality is mirrored in the game‘s fast-paced combat choreography – Altaïr strikes with blazing speed, able to double kill two unaware enemies in 2 quick animations that last just over 2 seconds total.

And Altaïr has zero hesitation – unlike some later Assassins, he does not seem conflicted about his lethal role. Developer Jade Raymond notes:

"We see hints of a colder killer when playing as Altair. There is less of a moral struggle when it comes to his objectives."

Now let‘s compare Altaïr‘s deadly strikes to other iconic assassins:

AssassinConfirmed KillsAverage Takedown SpeedNotable Brutal Kills
Altaïr (AC1)312.1 secondsThroat Slittings, Cliff Throws
Ezio (AC2 – Rev)682.8 secondsPublic Hangings
Connor (AC3)Up to 3001.9 secondsTomahawk Executions

Connor may have a higher body count, but many of those are nameless soldiers that fall victim to his tomahawk during major battles with less intimate kills. Based on average takedown speed alone, Altaïr comes across as more ruthlessly quick and efficient.

Altaïr‘s Arsenal & Fighting Style

Altaïr‘s iconic arsenal in AC1 also enables his no-nonsense, intensely gritty combat style:

  • Hidden Blade – Allows for extremely intimate assassinations and throat slitting executions. Altaïr uses it more aggressively than any other assassin.

  • Short Blade Sword – Up close weapon for quick parries and counters. Altaïr slashes throats & bellies with it.

  • Throwing Knives – Allows for lethal stealth kills and tactical crowd control from range.

This is not an assassin that takes enemies head on for drawn out duels. Altaïr epitomizes precise, calculated striker – using positioning and short deadly bursts to execute with the hidden blade before most enemies can react.

"Watching Altaïr fight is like witnessing a cobra strike. He waits calmly for opportunities and then lashes out lethally." – Developer Commentary

Even unarmed, Altaïr utilizes brutal kicks and violent throws to break bones and hurl enemies off cliffs and buildings when necessary. This contrasts with later assassins like Edward Kenway who often directly clash cutlasses with multiple enemies. Altaïr maintains an aura of coldblooded professionalism in his work.

His Most Brutal Kills

While later assassins take on targets in broad daylight or crowded areas as shows of bravado, Altaïr sticks to the shadows and back alleys away from the public. His assassinations are quick, clean and deadly:

Slitting the Throat of Abu‘l Nuqoud

Altaïr catches this target attempting to flee by vessel and violently halts the ship, before grabbing Abu‘l and brutally forcing his neck onto the ship‘s rail and leaving him to slowly bleed out.

Cliffside Assassination of Talal

Perched like an eagle above a cliff, Altaïr watches Talal‘s caravan approach. In an instant he leaps onto Talal‘s personal carriage, violently throwing aside the guards. He then forcefully drags Talal from his hiding place and sends him flailing screaming off the cliff edge to his death.

Dual Hidden Blade Kill of De Sable

In their climatic duel, Altaïr finishes the villainous De Sable by unleashing both hidden blades at once into his target‘s abdomen and neck. He then pulls them out violently and leaves De Sable to die slowly in a pool of blood.

Moments like these show how Altaïr fully utilizes his weapons and cold prowess to inflict agonizing brutality.Targets die coughing blood or their bodies dashed against rocks from ruthless heights.

Later iconic assassins like Ezio, Edward and Connor develop more flamboyant combat flair in crowded battles. But Altaïr‘s one-on-one assassinations are exercised with methodical, trauma-inducing precision.

In Summary

Based on his coldblooded mentality, short lethal bursts in combat, willingness to kill publicly without hesitation and traumatic style of assassinations, Altaïr Ibn La-Ahad stands as the most brutal, deadly Assassin depicted in the first Assassin‘s Creed game.

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