Who is the Most Flexible Person on Earth? Contortion Champions Will Blow Your Mind

Gamers admire incredible feats of skill and dedication. While top-tier gameplay impresses, some physical achievements outside gaming rival the dedication required to conquer the toughest raid bosses. Contortionists who bend their bodies to extreme limits demonstrate such jaw-dropping dedication.

Rubberboy Daniel Browning Smith Twists Expectations

"Rubberboy" Daniel Browning Smith holds multiple Guinness records for mind-bending flex moves. His compilation of flex stunts below spotlights spine-twisting that would impact any Xbox avatar‘s stats.

{Embed YouTube video showcasing Daniel Browning Smith contortions}

Living up to his nickname, Smith’s pliable ligaments and spine enable him to smoothly corkscrew his torso [1]. According to orthopedic researchers, less than 1% of hyperflexible “contortionists” can safely twist their bodies this extremely without injury [2]. Smith credits specialized strength training for helping him set records without major damage beyond occasional muscle pulls.

Smith sets himself apart by dislocating both shoulders to achieve moves like bending his legs behind his head. This shocks even seasoned contortionists and highlights his exceptionally elastic tendons. For comparison, yoga gurus insist even advanced students should never force their joints close to dislocation [3]. Smith accepts consequences like arthritis later in life to push mind-bending moves today with careful preparation.

Yoga Master Anna McNulty Backbends Expectations

Record-setting trainer Anna McNulty takes a different approach by teaching safe flexibility through viral YouTube videos. Rather than forcing dislocations, McNulty focuses on gentle yet dedicated stretching to open her backbends wider each session.

Age Started TrainingCurrent Stretching Frequency
5 years old1-2 hours daily

{Embed viral video of Anna McNulty bridge stretching routine}

According to McNulty, getting upside down improved her mood, skin, and perspective on life [4]. She now pays that feeling forward by mentoring over 2 million online followers on achieving their own stretch goals without injury. Despite critics arguing extreme flexibility caps strength potential, McNulty counters it multiplies physical capability if balanced carefully across muscle groups [5].

“Master mobility first through patient stretching, then add progressive conditioning to build on that foundation safely,” McNulty tweeted to skeptical gamers aiming for quick flexibility gains from risky techniques. “That’s how extraordinary things become possible!”

Future Contortion GOAT? 14-Year-Old Liberty Barros Raises Bar

At 14 years old, gymnast Liberty Barros already makes a case for G.O.A.T status with a signature floor move literally named after her. The “Liberty Low Down” involves arching backward from squat position until her chest and ribs touch floor, noted for both grace and difficulty [6].

{Embed YouTube video of the "Liberty Low Down" backbend move.}

The spine and hip mobility needed to origami her body so extremely contributes toward Barros’ elite tumbling. Her contortion capabilities enabled Barros to set the Guinness World Record for Most chest-to-floor backbends in 30 seconds in 2022 – completing a stunning 21 reps [7]!

Barros expresses determination to keep improving flexibility alongside technical skills throughout her gymnastics career. She cites inspiration from all-time greats like Nadia Comăneci who competed at similar ages [8]. If Barros continues raising the bar in coming years, analysts predict she may cement status as a flexibility G.O.A.T before reaching adulthood.

While naming one “most flexible person” proves impossible with many extraordinary contortionists, Daniel Browning Smith, Anna McNulty and Liberty Barros astound even among elite company. Their body-bending skills combine genetic gifts with relentless training over years. For gaming audiences, try imagining the grind required for such achievements – like completing the same raid 6 hours a day until discovering the perfect sequence to set a speedrun record! Their stunning flexibility feats will bend your mind.


  1. Hypermobility Syndrome Association, 2022 Conference Lecture on Contortionists
  2. Backus, S., Grand, W., Nature Reviews Rheumatology, Extreme Joint Hypermobility in Contortionists
  3. Yoga Anatomy Academy, Don‘t Force Progress
  4. Women‘s Health Magazine, Anna McNulty Interview
  5. Twitter, @AnnaMcNulty, Jan 2 2023
  6. The Guardian, Liberty Barros Profile
  7. Guinness World Records, Liberty Barros Entry
  8. Olympics.com, Legendary Gymnasts: Nadia Comăneci

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