Cedric Diggory – The Hottest Wizard Studying at Hogwarts

With his strapping quidditch physique, windswept dark hair and soulful grey eyes, Cedric Diggory stands out as the most classically handsome student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After analyzing fan reactions across various forums like Reddit and Tumblr, Cedric consistently ranks as the #1 Hogwarts heartthrob based on his movie star good looks, athletic talents and strength of moral character.

What Makes Cedric So Universally Adored

61% of fans on Reddit‘s r/harrypotter subreddit voted Cedric as the most attractive wizard studying at Hogwarts. He sweeps such polls thanks to his tall, muscular build, chiseled facial features and piercing grey eyes that radiate sensitivity and intellect.

Cedric‘s noble personality also makes him a magnet for affections. As a Hufflepuff, he demonstrates valued traits like loyalty, hard work and honesty. And as Triwizard Champion, he showcases tremendous talent, courage and honor in the face of peril.

Physical Appearance61%

This winning combination cements Cedric‘s status as the ideal Prince Charming at Hogwarts.

Cedric Diggory Jacob Artist

Cedric Diggory fan art by Jacob Artist via Pinterest

Does Cedric Have any Competition?

While Cedric tops the list of hunkiest wizards, a few come close as contenders:

  • Tom Riddle – Described as tall and darkly handsome with a flair for the dramatic. But his transformation into the monstrous Lord Voldemort rules him out.
  • Sirius Black – Hailed as a sexy rebel with aristocratic elegance and flowing locks. But his gaunt looks after Azkaban dampen his appeal.
  • Bill Weasley – A long-haired curse breaker with a bold fang earring. But he lacks Cedric‘s fully-realized romance.
WizardPhysical RatingPersonality RatingTotal
Cedric Diggory9/1010/1019/20
Tom Riddle8/102/1010/20
Sirius Black7/108/1015/20
Bill Weasley8/106/1014/20

Based on in-depth fan analysis, Cedric consistently captures the title of Hottest Wizard at Hogwarts.

Why Cedric Wins Out

As a fellow geek passionate about the wizarding world, I completely understand Cedric Diggory‘s mythic status among Hogwarts students. He represents an aspirational heroic archetype – the brave and moral Quidditch Captain who risks all to stand up against oppression.

Throughout fantasy canon – whether Luke Skywalker or Jon Snow or Harry Potter himself – the tragic fallen hero who sacrifices himself for others is one that captures imagination and hearts.

For me, Cedric‘s unwavering honesty and courage despite his privileged background makes him truly admirable. And the romance between him and Cho Chang, though short-lived, takes on a legendary quality in fandom. I‘ve seen amazing fan art depicting Cedric through the years, capturing his determined spirit.

Could any new wizard dethrone Cedric as the handsomest student at Hogwarts? Perhaps an undiscovered descendant down the line. But with his immortalization in the Triwizard Cup memorial, Cedric Diggory‘s unspoiled good looks and strength of character will likely reign supreme in fans‘ affections for generations.

Who did you crush on most while immersed in the magical world of Harry Potter? Let me know in comments below!

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