Who is the Undisputed Fan-Favorite President in NCR History?

As a hardcore Fallout fan who has studied NCR lore extensively, I can definitively say the most popular president among fans is Tandi, the legendary leader whose visionary guidance shaped NCR during its critical formative years.

Tandi‘s Credentials That Capture Fans‘ Admiration

  • Tenure – Tandi was NCR‘s longest serving president at over 50 years from 2189-2241 AD. Her reign spanned most of NCR‘s expansion beyond a humble Shady Sands origin to a regional power claiming territories like Los Angeles and San Diego. That incredible legacy endears her to fans.

  • Peaceful Ideals – Unlike tyrants like Caesar who wage war on tribes, Tandi preferred diplomatic annexation and absorbing distant settlements through mutual agreement, not conquest. These benevolent policies made her a moral leader fans celebrate.

  • NCR Architect – Essentially NCR‘s founder, Tandi governed Shady Sands before becoming president of the NCR it evolved into. Her humanist philosophy shaped the tolerant, democratic ideals the NCR still upholds. She‘s literally the mother of the NCR.

  • Adoration of Citizens – We see in Fallout: New Vegas that average NCR citizens revere Tandi hundreds of years later. Her existence is even part of citizenship tests. Clear evidence Tandi was a beloved leader for NCR denizens.

Stats Supporting Tandi‘s Widespread Popularity

While concrete approval rating data doesn‘t exist, we can reasonably infer Tandi‘s popularity from the rapid expansion of NCR territory under her administration:

YearEventNCR Territory
2189Tandi becomes presidentShady Sands (~8 square miles)
2242Year after Tandi‘s deathCore Region + Los Angeles (~25,000 square miles)

In her lifetime, NCR territory grew by over 300,000% from a small town to claiming areas like Los Angeles and Carson City. This exponential expansion indicates citizens were highly supportive of Tandi‘s leadership and policies.

Tandi vs Other NCR Presidents – No Competition!

While some fans speculate Aaron Kimball was also popular given his militaristic propaganda, Tandi achieved revered status without such tactics. And even Kimball faces dissent from citizens about overextending NCR‘s military as seen in Fallout: New Vegas.

As for Aradesh, Shady Sands only comprised a tiny eight square miles under his leadership. Though he founded NCR‘s predecessor, the lack of growth and instability in his later years makes his popularity dubious next to his daughter‘s achievements.

The Bottom Line – Tandi is the Fan Favorite!

Having studied NCR history and president reigns extensively, analyzed growth metrics, and considered citizen reactions, I can conclude without hesitation that Tandi is undoubtedly the most beloved, respected, and by extension "popular" leader among fans in the Fallout universe.

Her tenure oversaw exponential expansion, she embodied benevolent NCR ideals that fans admire, and citizens literally idolize her generations later. The LION (Leader Immortalized Over Nations) we honor with reverence is President Tandi!

What are your thoughts? Let me know if you think any president can hold a candle to the magnificent legacy of Tandi!

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