Humanity‘s Strongest Soldier: Why Levi Ackerman Stands Above the Rest

Since his first appearance in the anime, Captain Levi Ackerman has distinguished himself as the most skilled soldier within the Survey Corps and the entire Attack on Titan world. With his elite combat capabilities, mastery of Omni-Directional Mobility (ODM) gear, physical strength, and cunning intellect, Levi stands peerless as a soldier and leader.

The Making of a Master Swordsman

Long before joining the Survey Corps, Levi spent his youth learning to survive in the Underground as a thief and gang member. Danger lurked around every corner, forcing him to hone lightning-quick reflexes, physical combat skills, and mental fortitude from a young age.

After a chance encounter with Commander Erwin Smith as a young man, Levi‘s talents were recognized. He joined the Survey Corps and devoted himself fully to mastering the art of Titan-slaying. Over many bloody battles, missions, and years wielding his blades, Levi shaped himself into a warrior without equal against the Titan threat.

Unmatched Mastery of ODM Gear

A key aspect of Levi‘s supremacy as a soldier is his otherworldly mastery over Omni-Directional Mobility gear. The ODM gear allows soldiers to grapple onto Titans and other surfaces to maneuver themselves in three dimensions. In Levi‘s hands, the ODM gear becomes a weapon of extraordinary speed, precision, and fluidity.

Fellow soldier Miche Zacharius, one of the Survey Corp‘s top soldiers himself, openly admitted that Levi is "far better at operating the ODM gear than me." We frequently see glimpses of Levi‘s mastery through scenes like:

  • Zipping through the Titan Forest at incredible speeds, reacting rapidly to obstacles
  • Flipping and spinning his body seamlessly to avoid Titan attacks mid-air
  • Using ODM gear to reach the napes of Titans of all shapes and sizes with pinpoint accuracy
  • Changing trajectories instantly, showcasing complete control even at high velocities

The skill ceiling with ODM gear is extremely high. Yet Levi soars well above what any other soldier has achieved with the gear.

A Savage Strength – Taking Down Titans

While more than capable in combat against humans, Levi‘s superlative skills shine most in battles against Titans. After all, slaying Titans is the Survey Corp‘s solemn duty.

Levi utilizes his physical strength, speed, and ODM gear to lethal effect against these towering enemies. A few examples demonstrating his masterful Titan-killing prowess:

– Solo Kills: Levi has racked up well over 100 solo Titan kills on screen – far above any other character. He shows no fear taking on 15-meter Titans or rare Abnormals alone.

CharacterSolo Kills

Solo Titan Kills for Top Soldiers

  • Saving Eren: On multiple occasions, Levi has saved Eren from capture or death-by-Titan through elite skill. He‘s sliced Titans to bits before they can consume Eren in their jaws more than once.

  • Female Titan Battle: One of Levi‘s greatest displays of mastery came battling Annie Leonhart‘s Female Titan. Though she possessed unusual intelligence and fighting skill for a Titan, Levi analyzed her abilities instantly. Through creative ODM maneuvers avoiding her strikes, he severed the muscles in her legs and sliced her eyes – before his squamates even grasped the situation.

  • Beast Titan: The only Titan that can compete with Levi‘s mastery is Zeke Yaegar‘s Beast Titan. But even then, their battle concluded before a definitive victor emerged.

Make no mistake about it – no Titan stands a chance in a one-on-one encounter with humanity‘s strongest soldier.

Strong Against Humans Too

While Titans are the primary adversaries, Levi has also emerged victorious in difficult battles against humans. Two examples are his lethal showdown with the serial killer Kenny Ackerman and overpowering Annie Leonhart‘s martial arts skills while she was in human form.

Against both lethal opponents wielding their own specialized weapons and techniques, Levi proved the superiority of his combat mastery yet again.

What Makes Him Special?

What allows Captain Levi to reach such peerless heights as a soldier? Several standout qualities separate him from his peers:

Instinctual Reaction Speed: Whether grappling with ODM gear or engaged in close combat, Levi reacts far quicker than any foe can register. His instinct to react – honed over years of battle – gives him a split-second advantage to outmaneuver the enemy.

Elite Swordsmanship: From slicing Titan flesh and joints to dual-wielding blades against humans, Levi demonstrates swordsman skills second-to-none. Combined with his athleticism and ODM skills, he carves through enemies with graceful precision.

Calculated Risk-Taker: Levi regularly makes daring split-second decisions to achieve the upper hand in battle, such as diving straight into a Titan‘s mouth to rescue a fallen comrade. Though incredibly risky, he executes these potentially suicidal decisions with enough skill to actually succeed.

Smart and Analytical: While prepared to risk his life in action, Levi has also proven surprisingly analytic, intelligent, and cautious at times for such a daring fighter. This combination makes him deadlier – he fights like a madman yet has the clarity of mind to find enemies‘ weaknesses.

Sheer Determination: Beneath his cold demeanor, Levi possesses an inner fire fueling his determination to eradicate the Titan threat. He has seen countless comrades die. He pushes his mind and body to overcome all enemies with a conviction matched by few others.

Final Verdict: Yes, Levi Deserves #1

In my view as an Attack on Titan expert and fan, Levi stands unquestionably as the #1 most skilled soldier. Every quality expected in an elite fighter – speed, strength, skill, intelligence, leadership, determination – Levi demonstrates to an elite degree.

Of course, there remain unanswered questions about Levi‘s full capabilities. With new Titan-shifting powers and enemies emerging in season 4, could Levi potentially meet his defeat? Will other soldiers like Mikasa rise up and surpass the Captain one day? It‘s possible, but unlikely in my view.

Until that hypothetical day arrives, Captain Levi Ackerman more than deserves his title as humanity‘s strongest soldier. No matter the challenge, he has always showcased mastery to overcome the odds and fight another day for the future of humanity.

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