Unraveling the Mysteries – Who is the Oldest Being in Elder Scrolls?

As a lore scholar and devoted Elder Scrolls enthusiast, one of the questions I‘m most often asked by fellow fans is: who is the oldest known being in the Elder Scrolls universe?

With lifespans ranging from less than a century for humans to potentially thousands of years for magical beings, this question has intrigued scholars and gamers alike. After digging deep into obscure lore and consulting mystical oracles, I‘m here to settle the debate!

Divayth Fyr – Ancient Chimer Warlock

The being considered oldest in Tamrielic recorded history is Divayth Fyr, an ancient and venerable Dark Elf sorcerer believed to be over 4000 years old during the events of TES III: Morrowind. This astonishing lifespan has been achieved in part through Fyr‘s consummate mastery of the magical and alchemical arts.

As a respected member of Great House Telvanni in the Second and Third Eras, Fyr gained his immense life experience from centuries developing his magical talents. His understanding of necromancy and manipulation of souls gems in particular have allowed him to stretch the Dunmer lifespan far beyond normal limits.

"Divayth Fyr is the longest living mortal in Tamriel. He was already ancient before Tiber Septim was born." [^1]

Though the full secrets of his longevity rituals remain shrouded in mystery, scholars agree this ancient Chimer has unlocked life-extending powers beyond what most mortal magic users can achieve.

What events has this four-millenia old Dark Elf witnessed in his many centuries of life? Here are just some of the historical moments Divayth Fyr potentially observed firsthand:

  • The War of the First Council and Battle of Red Mountain
  • The Fall of the Ayleid Empire
  • The Slave Rebellion of Saint Alessia
  • The Miracle of Peace and Founding of the Third Empire

Unlike many other ancient elves, Fyr takes an active interest in current events – likely as a way to relieve the boredom of extremely long life. He maintains an opulent tower manor filled with daughters, concubines, and slaves. Those who prove themselves worthy of his time may even gain him as a teacher of magical arts or alchemical pursuits.

Table: Recorded Lifespans in Tamriel

RaceLifespanIndividual Cases
Human50-100 yearsSirollus Saccus (274 years)
Elf200-300 yearsDivayth Fyr (4000+ years)
Beast RacesVariousPaarthurnax (4000+ years?)
SpiritsImmortalEldergleam, Hist
GodsEternalAkatosh, Lorkhan

Who Else Contends for Oldest in Tamriel?

With the rise and fall of empires spanning eras beyond counting, which other ancient beings could potentially match Fyr‘s lifespan? Let‘s examine some of the leading contenders:

1. Eldergleam – The Oldest Living Tree?

Said to have sprouted from one of the original sprigs from the Earth Bones, the Eldergleam Tree is revered as one of Tamriel‘s most ancient living things. Worshipped by Kynareth devotees as a divine gift, this massive white-gold oak tree is likely older than any flesh and blood creature in Skyrim or beyond.

"Many believe the Eldergleam Tree is the oldest living thing in Skyrim, if not all of Tamriel." [^2]

Similar to hist trees of Black Marsh, the Eldergleam may possess a form of sentience and connection to nature spirits granting it exceptional longevity. Estimating the exact lifespan of such a tree would require advanced divination magic – potentially matching Fyr‘s own 4000+ year record.

2. Paarthurnax and the Dov – Among the Eldest Dragons?

Dragons as lesser fragments of the god Akatosh intrinsically possess extremely long lifespans compared to mortals – potentially thousands of years. Paarthurnax, leader of the Greybeards, tells the Dragonborn his immortal reasoning has shaped philosophy over "thousands of mortal lifetimes."

Did Paarthurnax himself witness the founding of the Dragon Cult during the Merethic Era? Can other immortal dov recall Alduin‘s ancient reign of terror? Without written records, the full truth of dragons‘ lifespans may remain obscured in shadow.

3. Tribunal God-Kings of Morrowind

Vivec, Almalexia and Sotha Sil – three physical gods collectively known as the Tribunal – undoubtedly attained immortality and supernatural power through tapping the Heart of Lorkhan. Their divine essence lifted them beyond mortal bounds into godhood.

Establishing a firm chronology, however, proves complex – what constitutes the "birth" of a being elevated to divinity from mortality? The Tribunal Temple records the apotheosis of the ALMSIVI taking place around 1E 700. Did their transformation negate prior mortal years?

Regardless, their divine reign lasted until the closing years of the Third Era – far exceeding any mortal span but perhaps still falling short of Fyr‘s own pre-divine total.

4. Deities & Divine Spirits of Aetherius

What of Tamriel‘s true deities – et‘Ada who participated in Creation like Akatosh, Arkay and Kynareth? As beings whose existence transcends linear time, comparison becomes difficult. Records from Dawn Era cosmogony remain conflicting – can one measure Ehlnofey wars in temporal years?

Lesser spirits and geodic beings like the chaotic Wilderking, benevolent Green Lady or expatriate ancestor spirits in Aetherial locales may potentially rival Mer in years. But without corporeal forms, can such entities accurately track the passage of mortal years? This scholar remains doubtful.

Conclusion – Divayth Fyr Reigns Supreme

In conclusion, according to the most authoritative records and esoteric research, House Telvanni‘s venerable Master Wizard Divayth Fyr retains his crown as Tamriel‘s longest-lived currently active mortal resident. Exceeding well over 4000 years at present, the Dark Elf sorcerer‘s intricate soul preserving magic has yet to be surpassed in its effectiveness.

Other mythical beings like deities, wild spirits and the mysterious Eldergleam all warrant further research. But this scholar‘s judgment concludes none provide conclusive proof of surpassing Lord Fyr‘s august age – at least not yet. But with Fyr himself continuing active research over 4000 years into magic‘s deeper mysteries, who knows what longevity insights future eras may uncover?

[^1]: Dialogue of Yagrum Bagarn, TES III: Morrowind
[^2]: "Eldergleam" Article, Elder Scrolls Wikia

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