Who is the Oldest Character in Fallout?

After extensive analysis into the lore of the Fallout universe, the title of oldest known character goes to Stanislaus Braun. As the notorious director of Vault-Tec‘s Societal Preservation Program and overseer of Fallout 3‘s Tranquility Lane simulation, Braun used his advanced expertise in life extension technology to prolong his life for over 200 years.

But Braun has some contenders for the oldest Fallout character, including other long-lived beings like ghouls, super mutants, and advanced synths. Let‘s analyze some key candidates:

Ghouls and Super Mutants

Ghouls are humans who were exposed to extreme radiation but did not die. Instead, they transformed into zombie-like beings with lifespans lasting potentially centuries. One of the oldest known ghouls is Raul Tejada from Fallout: New Vegas, who was already alive before the Great War in 2077 – making him over 200 years old as well.

Similarly, super mutants created from the Forced Evolutionary Virus enjoy vastly increased lifespans compared to normal humans. Though research is still unclear on exactly how long they live, super mutants have been reported to live for decades at least while resisting aging and disease.

Synths and Other Technology-Preserved Characters

Advanced machines and preservation technology in the Fallout universe have also enabled some characters to live well past normal human ages. For example:

  • Synths created by the secretive Institute using android technology have unknown lifespans, as they do not age biologically.

  • Robert House, CEO of RobCo Industries, has used life support machines to stay alive over 200 years after the Great War occurred.

  • The "Think Tank" scientists of Fallout: New Vegas transferred their brains into floating robots, granting them indefinitely long lives.

  • Virtual reality pods and AI consciousness transfer are other technologies that extend lives.

Here is a comparison table of some of the oldest known characters and their methods of longevity:

CharacterAgeMethod of Longevity
Stanislaus Braun200+ yearsAdvanced technology and life extension research
Ghouls (ex. Raul Tejada)200+ yearsRadiation exposure transformed biology
Robert House200+ yearsKept alive through life support machines

So in summary, while Stanislaus Braun takes the record for oldest known character so far, there are clearly many other beings from ghouls to robots that have engineered lifespans lasting centuries. The Fallout universe is filled with fascinating secrets around immortality!

As an avid gamer myself, uncovering these hidden lore details is what makes replaying Fallout so rewarding. I hope this guide gave some interesting insights into its longest lived characters! Let me know if you have any other favorite eternal characters in the comments.

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