Saburo Arasaka is the oldest character in Cyberpunk 2077 at 158 years old

As an avid Cyberpunk 2077 gamer who has sunk hundreds of hours into Night City‘s rich lore, I‘m often asked a compelling question – just how old are some of these iconic characters? Well from poring over source material to in-game clues, one figure stands out from all others when it comes to extreme age – Saburo Arasaka clocks in at a staggering 158 years old as of 2077!

Just think about that – Saburo has managed to cheat death for over a century and a half thanks to his endless wealth and cyberware enhancements. He was born before the first television signal and has now lived long enough to command a corporation more powerful than most governments!

Let‘s dive deeper into the legendary figure of Saburo Arasaka – founder of Arasaka Corporation and Night City‘s hidden ruler:

Saburo Arasaka‘s Age and Background

Official lore pegs Saburo Arasaka as being born in 1919 in Tokyo, Japan. So by 2023, when much of the Cyberpunk universe lore takes place, Saburo is already an impossibly old 104 years. And by 2077 during Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay, the Arasaka Emperor has reached 158 years of age!

To put just how ancient that is into context, in 2077, the average Night City resident only lives to around age 60 according to World of Cyberpunk 2077 lore. That makes Saburo more than 2.5x older than even long-lived locals! Check out this comparison:

NameAge in 2077
Saburo Arasaka158 years
Average Night City Resident60 years

As you can see, no one comes remotely close to reaching Saburo‘s lifespan! The only way one man has managed to eclipse normal limitations is due to his immense wealth and control as founder of Arasaka Corporation.

How Saburo Has Lived Over 150 Years

So just how has this mythic corporate leader managed to reach such an astounding age? A key factor is that Saburo has long had unlimited access to the most cutting edge cyberware enhancements and age-defying medical technology, allowing him to overcome our frail human forms.

By 2023, over 50% of Saburo‘s body had been transformed by high powered cyberware upgrades. This included synthetic organ replacements, vast neural networking capabilities, hardened metal-infused bones, and amplified speed/strength/healing properties.

And by 2077 when Cyberpunk 2077 occurs? Arasaka‘s personal physicians estimated he was 96.2% cyberware, with only his brain remaining fully organic! All so that Saburo could rule for another 50+ years…

But in addition to radical cyber-augmentation, Saburo also made contingencies to cheat death itself using Arasaka Corporation resources:

  • Had multiple cloned bodies grown to transfer his consciousness into
  • Uploaded his entire personality engram into the Mikoshi system to achieve a form of digital immortality

As the richest and most powerful figure in Night City with access to cutting edge tech, Saburo has overcome every obstacle to extend his influence well past a normal lifespan. Some even believe with his vast wealth and upgrades, Arasaka aimed to permanently digitize his mind into Mikoshi – allowing him to rule as Cyberpunk 2077‘s shadow emperor for eternity!

How Other Iconic Characters Compare

While truly no one rivals Saburo Arasaka‘s 158+ years of life, a handful of iconic Cyberpunk characters have also used augmentations and credits to extend their lifespans:

Viktor Vector – The Tech-Enhanced Ripperdoc

Viktor Vector, Night City‘s gritty ripperdoc technician V meets early on, has also clearly undergone dramatic cyberware modification to prolong his life. Based on examine dialogue and conversations with V, Viktor seems at least in his early 70s by 2077.

Considering most in Night City perish far earlier, Vik has clearly augmented his form to stay active as a back-alley street doc. Between replacing failing organs, strengthening his chassis against harm, and even boosting cognitive function – Viktor seems a great case study on how cyberware can extend lifespan.

I‘d estimate 25-35% of Vik‘s body is enhanced cyberware to counterbalance aging. Unlike Saburo, Vik clearly can‘t afford more dramatic conversion and consciousness copying procedures – but his self-administered upgrades let him operate and prosper well past his normal lifespan!

Rogue Amendiares – The Fixer Trying to Turn Back Time

Rogue Amendiares is Night City‘s preeminent black market kingpin by 2077 – but she‘s been a major player since the early Cyberpunk days of 2013-2023. Officially described as being in her mid 60s during Cyberpunk 2077 events, I‘d peg her at least 65-68 years old – a ripe old age in the brutal Cyberpunk universe!

Unlike Vik‘s piecemeal life extension methods, Rogue has continued using advanced medical treatments over decades that aim to actually reverse aging related effects. Treatments like cloned organ transplants, cellular regeneration, mental cognition boosters cost astronomical amounts – but have kept Rogue sharp and deadly (while eliminating most visible aging signs) well into her later years.

While she‘ll never rival Arasaka‘s multiple centuries of extended life, Rogue‘s vast wealth and mental toughness have clearly allowed her to shatter expected longevity estimates for Night City residents. She simply has too many unfinished goals (and grudges against old foes like Saburo) to give up and die peacefully!

The Outlier: How Saburo Defied All Limits

Reviewing these fascinating characters who have managed to extend age far beyond normal human limits due to technology and wealth – Saburo Arasaka stands apart as the clear outlier.

At an impossible 158 years by 2077, Saburo has lived for nearly three times as long as even the hardiest Night City veterans and underworld bosses! His sprawling megacorporate empire and stranglehold over Japan have allowed him to pursue every avenue for defying death itself thanks to unlimited funds and access.

While others like Rogue and Viktor have added decades to their active lifespan – only Emperor Saburo has broken the limits to achieve functional immortality with engram backups and cloned replacement bodies.

The billionaire tyrant aims not just to rule Night City‘s present, but cement power over its entire future. No cost is too great to rewrite rules of human mortality when it comes to furthering House Arasaka‘s empire!

So for those asking who has managed to live the longest in Cyberpunk 2077 lore – I hope this provided a comprehensive overview. Let me know your thoughts on these characters challenging mortality via technology and wealth! I‘m excited to explore and investigate more of Night City‘s secrets.

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