Who is the Shortest Hero in Overwatch? It‘s Torbjörn!

Standing at only 1.4 meters tall, or 4 feet 7 inches, Torbjörn Lindholm is definitively the shortest hero across Overwatch‘s entire roster of characters. While his short stature makes him an unlikely frontline fighter, Torbjörn‘s ingenious gadgets and molten weapons prove that size isn‘t everything.

Overwatch Hero Height Rankings from Shortest to Tallest

To fully appreciate Torbjörn‘s diminutive size, here is a comparison of heights across some of Overwatch‘s most popular heroes:

Torbjörn1.4m (4‘7")
Hammond (without mech)40cm (1‘4")
Tracer1.62m (5‘4")
Sombra1.62m (5‘4")
Lucio1.6m (5‘3")
Mei1.6m (5‘3")
D.Va (no mech)1.66m (5‘5")
Ashe1.67m (5‘6")
McCree1.83m (6‘0")
Genji1.83m (6‘0")
Hanzo1.73m (5‘8")

As we can see, Torbjörn stands about a full meter shorter than some of the most agile damage heroes like Genji and McCree, not to mention giant tanks like Reinhardt at a hulking 2.24m (7‘4"). But just because he can walk under the legs of most heroes doesn‘t stop him bringing the pain!

Why Torbjörn‘s Compact Size Complements His Playstyle

Unlike towering tanks designed to shield damage or swift attackers diving into the fray, Torbjörn‘s role is to hang back as a builder/defender hero who supports his team with armor and turret fire.

As a brilliant Swedish engineer and weapons designer, his goblin-esque stature lets him effectively scamper around the battlefield to repair turrets or collect scrap for upgrades. Standing close to the ground also makes it easy to stay hidden while lining up molten lava blasts from his rivet gun.

When examining real-world athletes, many great footballers like Lionel Messi (5’7”) and Neymar Jr (5’9”) overcome their short height with blazing speed and creativity. Likewise in Overwatch, what Torbjörn lacks in vertical reach he makes up for in fiery tenacity and clever thinking.

His ultimate ability Overload even temporarily increases his speed and attack power, allowing him to savagely chase down enemies before they can escape. So while heroes like Widowmaker can shoot over his head, getting too close to Torbjörn often ends in tragedy!

Height Distribution Across Overwatch Hero Classes

Analyzing the heights of Overwatch heroes reveals some interesting trends across different hero classes:

Tanks – Unsurprisingly the tank category features the tallest heroes on average, with only Roadhog dipping under 2 meters tall. As armored behemoths designed to shield teammates, their towering statures match the fantasy.

Damage – Ranging from 1.4 meters to 2 meters tall, damage classes show the widest height variance since they must fulfill both mobile attacker and sniper archetypes. Still, most fall around the 1.7 to 1.8 meter average.

Support – Supports come in at the mid-high end of heights, hovering in the 1.7 to 1.9 meter range. Since their role involves healing teammates, their builds let them stand just above most heroes they protect.

So while each hero role has outliers, Torbjörn is clearly the smallest across any class by a significant margin.

Overwatch height by class

Embracing the Height Advantage as Torbjörn

Speaking to Torbjörn mains reveals that they actually enjoy capitalizing on his Napoleon complex to overwhelm enemies:

"Once an enemy like Doomfist or Reinhardt thinks they have an easy target in tiny Torb, they quickly realize it was a mistake when my turret starts landing headshots and they get a faceful of molten slag!" – Steve, Torbjörn onetrick

"I use Torb‘s size to hide around corners while my turret distracts enemies. By the time they destroy it and chase me down thinking I‘m an easy kill, I start blasting them in close range where it‘s impossible to miss." – Sarah, Torbjorn/Symmetra flex player

"Torbjörn‘s ‘Molten Core‘ ultimate is where I really wreck shop by using his small size to escape danger. Then I pump rounds into oblivious enemies who can barely react before I kill them at close range." – Dylan, Torbjorn enthusiast

So while unconventional, Torbjörn shows that verticality isn‘t the only path to dominance in Overwatch. With enough creativity and cunning, this tiny Swedish engineer can stand eye to eye with even the most formidable damage heroes and tanks.

Closing Thoughts

At the end of the day, Torbjörn Lindholm shatters expectations in Overwatch by being the shortest hero while packing one heck of a molten punch. So if you ever need proof that big things can come in small packages, look no further than this badass goblin engineer!

I hope you enjoyed this lighthearted but in-depth look at everyone‘s favorite vertically-challenged hero. Let me know in the comments if you were surprised to learn Torbjörn was the shortest hero or if you have any fun strategies for dominating with him!

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