Olimar is the Smallest Playable Character in Smash Bros

According to official height measurements published in the Smash Bros Ultimate "Fighter Data" section, stellar astronaut Olimar stands at a mere 1.27cm – making him the smallest playable character in the entire franchise.

To put that miniscule size into perspective, the tallest fighter on the roster – Ridley – tops out at a towering 2.26m, almost 200 times Olimar‘s height!

Below is a data table highlighting height differentials across some of the notable larger and smaller characters:

CharacterOfficial Height
Donkey Kong2.03m
King K Rool2.01m

As we can see, Olimar is absolutely diminutive, even compared to other lightweight fighters like Pichu and Kirby who still stand over 20 times his height.

To put it visually, over 2,000 Olimars stacked on top of each other would just barely reach the knees of Ridley! He‘s miniscule enough to use a bottle cap as a helmet when exploring alien planets!

How Olimar‘s Size Impacts Gameplay

You might expect that being the smallest character in Smash Bros history would come with gameplay disadvantages – but skilled Olimar mains have developed clever strategies to utilize his tiny proportions to their favor.

Due to his tiny hitbox, Olimar can often narrowly avoid attacks and projectiles that would hit larger fighters. His side-b Pikmin toss covers huge horizontal range relative to his actual size, letting him control space beyond his tiny zone. And by relying on racking up damage with his loyal Pikmin squad, Olimar doesn‘t necessarily need huge knockback power to take stocks.

Plus, it‘s just inherently hilarious and satisfying to dominate with a character who is smaller than the projectiles thrown by fighters like Samus and Link!

Notable competitive players like Dabuz demonstrate advanced techniques that really optimize Olimar‘s size for battle:

Olimar may statistically have losing matchups against high tiers, but his small stature enables creative competitive play that is always exciting to watch!

Low Tier Maining as a Badge of Honor

Beyond his tiny proportions, Olimar has struggled with poor competitive standings in recent Smash iterations – consistently ranking low on most accepted tier lists.

But many dedicated Smash players pride themselves on "maining" lower-ranked fighters like Olimar – wearing their character loyalty as a badge of honor against an ever-shifting meta dominated by high tiers.

Racking up wins with Olimar draws respect in the community for requiring deep matchup knowledge and technical play. And confidently trumping "top tiers" like Joker or Pikachu with a 1.27cm astronaut at the helm feels extremely rewarding.

So while Olimar may literally be the smallest character in Smash history, skilled mains demonstrate that his tiny size harbors big competitive potential in the right hands!

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