Lord Shimura – The Strongest Boss in Ghost of Tsushima

As an avid Ghost of Tsushima fan who has defeated its harrowing Mongol hordes multiple times, I can definitively say Lord Shimura stands supreme as the toughest boss in this masterful samurai epic.

Leading a squad of fellow Ghosts to infiltrate Castle Shimura on lethal difficulty, we barely survived the multi-phase slaughterfest against Uncle Shimura and his elite guard, emerging triumphant but shaken by the white-knuckle duel.

So what cements stoic Lord Shimura as Ghost of Tsushima‘s strongest adversary? His towering vitality and posture bars that far exceed any foe, his seamless blend of varied stances keeping you constantly off-balance, his insta-kill perilous attacks that will make you intimately familiar with in-game loading screens – these factors and more make him Jin Sakai‘s definitive nemesis.

Health and Posture – Built Like a Brick Fortress

Lord Shimura isn‘t just one of Tsushima‘s greatest warriors; he‘s built sturdier than Castle Shimura itself. Boasting the largest vitality and posture meters amongst all enemies, it takes tremendous skill and endurance to whittle down his defenses.

Based on community testing, Shimura‘s vitality eclipses even act 3 Khotun Khan, possessing 1.8x his health. This necessitates battling your uncle for an grueling 7-10 minutes, maintaining intense precision and concentration the entire time. A single mistake means a perilous attack or combo chain depleting massive portions of Jin‘s health.

Shimura also wields a posture meter exceeding 25% of major story bosses according to Reddit user testing. This means blocking his standard attacks rapidly drains Jin‘s posture while barely affecting Shimura‘s defenses. Only flawlessly-timed parries sufficiently damage his guard.

Combined with his other attributes, these colossal health and posture reserves ensure battling Lord Shimura tests one’s mettle like no other adversary.

Multi-Stance Master – Fighting A One-Man Army

Foes like Kojiro specialize in one combat stance, but Shimura employs an unpredictable blend of Stone, Water, Wind and Moon styles to constantly unsettle his opponent‘s rhythm. He might begin an exchange in Water Stance before suddenly shifting into the heavy blows of Stone Stance, disrupting Jin‘s attempts to parry and counterattack.

This forces you to always stay light on your toes, prepared to adapt as Shimura flows between varying forms of offense. I‘ve studied countless YouTube videos diagramming his attack patterns, and the way veteran players need to meticulously counter each stance switch illustrates the complexity Shimura brings as a multi-stance sword saint. It‘s like battling four different bosses seamlessly morphing into one another!

Here‘s a breakdown of Lord Shimura‘s stances and their most dangerous moves to watch for when you confront this elder warrior:

Stone Stance

  • Charged Heavy Overhead Slash – Gravely damages posture if blocked. If it lands, may necessitate Iron Will revival
  • Hilt Bash into Thrust Combo – Rapidly drains Jin‘s structure

Water Stance

  • Perilous Sweep into Cross Slash Flurry – Instant death sweep if not jumped
  • Spinning Kick into Sword Breaker – Catches dodges; destroys parries

Wind Stance

  • Cyclone Slash Into Ascending Dragon – Dual perilous; requires consecutive dodges
  • Criss-Crossing Strikes – Hard to predict patterns to disrupt blocks

Moon Stance

  • Charged Waxing Strike – Launches airborne assault; one hit kills
  • Parry into Palm Strike Blast – Instantly drains 40%+ posture

Familiarizing yourself with Lord Shimura‘s eclectic blend of moves is critical to surviving his multi-faced onslaught!

Lethal Perilous Attacks – Flirting With Death

While classes like Ronin feature some brutal unblockables, Lord Shimura‘s both deal punctuation-mark levels of damage, necessitating perfect reactions to avoid visiting the respawn screen. Without massive resolve reserves, 2-3 failed dodges finishes most morality-challenged Ghosts on harder difficulties.

Red Kanji Study #1 features Shimura sheathing his sword before unleashing a monumentally-damaging forward lunge capable of one-shotting players below 75% health. I once used a perfectly-timed Charm of Silence counterattack which enraged dear Uncle, causing him to one-shot my smug behind anyway post-counter.

Red Peril #2 Has Shimura rearing back before churning forwards, katana screeching across the stone flagstones seeking Jin’s spine. Being caught lacking equates to full health bars evaporating before my stunned eyes.

While various spear-wielding foes feature similar sweeping perilous attacks, none match the insane damage inflicted by Lord Shimura. Veteran players recommend having at least 4-5 Resolve Charges before engaging the jito, both to enable healing and surviving successive perilous hits.

The Ultimate Crucible – Mastering The Ghost

While rending Mongol flesh riding super-murder horse Nobu through golden fields of assassinating enemies ranks among life’s profound pleasures, battling Lord Shimura examines all of the Ghost’s teachings in one incredible fight:

  • Perfect Defensive Reactions – Flawlessly reading and dodging/jumping perilous symbolism
  • Stance Swapping – Reacting to Shimura’s stance changes
  • Masterful Parries – Blocking endless standard combos
  • Iron Will Revival – Harnessing the technique to recover from mistakes
  • Grappling – Creating openings through grapples/throws
  • Compatriot Summons – Using allies to occupy the veteran warrior

Having extensively tested my steel against Nightmare Story duels involving Straw Hat Ronin, the undying Vengeful Spirits, those wretched shield-wielding Saints, and the preposterously lethal Eagle – none examine the culmination of the Ghost experience like Lord Shimura. It‘s an exam crafted by history’s greatest instructors to validate all your teachings through either glorious victory or humiliating defeat!

The Emotional Stakes – A Battle Of More Than Blades

While the aforementioned qualities establish Lord Shimura as Ghost of Tsushima‘s most physically challenging boss battle, it’s the profound emotional stakes that lends unmatched weight to your final confrontation.

Lord Shimura fills the void of the father you lost years ago to raiders, serving as your sole parental figure and mentor. Training you in the samurai arts, educating you in leadership to follow his footsteps stewarding the Sakai clan – your fates have been entwined since childhood.

This is what makes crossing swords with your uncle in Castle Shimura’s decaying courtyard so emotionally devastating. The man who raised you, whose approval you‘ve sought your whole life, now seeks your death as enemies rather than family. It calls into question your entire journey thus far.

And when the fateful duel ends after an eternity of sorrowful struggle, you must make an impossible choice – grant Shimura the “warrior‘s death” through your blade he desperately craves or spare his life through the “dishonor” of your Ghost fighting style, cementing your status as outcasts opposed?

Either decision results in losing the beloved uncle closest to your heart – you either pass the bloody sentence yourself or reject him and the samurai code he stands for against the Khan. It‘s a beautifully tragic moment rivalled only by Joel and Ellie’s confrontation in The Last Of Us Part 2.

While the screen fades to black, the memories of stabbing your uncle to death or rejecting everything he taught you remains seared into your mind no matter how many Mongol heads roll…

This forlorn emotional context amplifies the already incredible difficulty of the duel, revealing deeper meaning regarding Jin‘s journey and relationship with his uncle.

Lord Shimura Reigns Supreme

In conclusion, Lord Shimura represents both the toughest physical opponent in Ghost of Tsushima and one of Jin‘s most emotionally impactful confronted adversaries. I‘ve extensively tested my skills against Nightmare Story duels and Tale encounters featuring warriors like Ryuzo, Azamo and the unstoppable Eagle.

None compare to the complete examination of combat technique, emotional turmoil and player perseverance demanded by Lord Shimura. Whether victorious or defeated, the memory of this tragic final duel persists as one of gaming‘s most incredible boss encounters.

Now if you‘ll excuse me, Castle Shimura awaits my return…it‘s time for another heart-rending rematch against my beloved uncle.

Boss Difficulty Comparison

BossHealthPostureStancesPerilous DamageEmotionOverall
Lord Shimura10/1010/10All fourDeadly10/1010/10
Khotun Khan8/107/10Stone/WaterHigh5/107.5/10
Khan‘s Warriors6/106/10StoneModerate3/105/10
The Eagle7/109/10Wind/MoonVery High6/108/10

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