Who is Truly the Strongest Character in Magic: The Gathering Lore?

As a long-time planeswalker deeply immersed in the lore and gameplay of Magic: The Gathering, one question has occupied gamers and story enthusiasts for decades: who stands as the single strongest character ever introduced in MTG‘s sprawling Multiverse?

The debate around absolute power levels rages on forums and subreddits to this day. And with good reason – Magic‘s complex continuity features god-like entities, reality-rending weapons, and dimension-traversing wizard battles beyond imagination.

In this deep dive though, I‘ll directly tackle the issue of crowning Magic‘s #1 figure. There are a few iconic names standing mightily above the competition as overall strongest. To answer definitively, we‘ll analyze combat ability, magical effects, Multiverse influence, and the monumental significance of their feats and actions over the eons.

So prepare yourself planeswalker! Things are about to get intense as we explore…

The Top Three Contenders for Strongest MTG Character

Through all the wars, invasions, cataclysms and plane-hopping adventures across Magic lore, these three mighty entities stand clearly above the pack when measuring raw power and overall impact:

NameType of BeingHome Plane
Nicol BolasElder Dragon PlaneswalkerDominaria
EmrakulEldrazi TitanBlind Eternities

Now to evaluate why each deserves to be called Magic‘s strongest:

Yawgmoth, Father of Machines

As the original archvillain of early Magic lore and god-figure of the terrifying Phyrexians, Yawgmoth‘s accomplishments, powers gained, and Multiverse-spanning ambitions arguably make him the single most dangerous entity yet seen.

Over 4000 years of building his forces, conducting twisted experiments, and designing infectious machines bent to his will, Yawgmoth reached a status as an undying deity. Capable of exerting his will across the planes while residing in an entire mechanical plane custom built for him, he triggered interplanetary war and came closest yet to truly reigning supreme in Magic‘s story.

"Once, he was no god. He was mortal, vulnerable. A healer…He became another sort of healer – a healer of worlds and civilizations. I applaud his ambitions. But I cannot forgive his methods." – Urza Planeswalker on Yawgmoth

In terms of measurable power and influence, Yawgmoth achieved godhood, altered entire species, engineered a battle capable of decimating Dominaria itself, and required the direct intervention of a Legacy Weapon powered by centuries of preparation just to be destroyed. If that doesn‘t qualify someone to be named the strongest around, I‘m not sure what could top it!

Nicol Bolas, Forever Scheming

As arguably Magic‘s most iconic villainous planeswalker, Nicol Bolas has haunted the franchise‘s story from nearly the beginning. And for good reason – his age, magical mastery, and cunning made him a dominant force across the Multiverse for 25,000 years.

Capable of bringing low other planeswalking mages with pure magical power, Bolas has toppled organizations, absorbed the talents of the fallen, and even attained status as God-Eternal among the gods of Amonkhet. For most of history, he was simply the biggest baddy out there, who lesser beings hesitated to even speak the name of.

Bolas of course famously hungered for further improvement as well, seeking the power of an Oldwalker Spark from ages past.

"Such is the hunger of second-rate beings. My desire is different: not for infinite life span, nor for increased power, but simply to be complete." – Nicol Bolas

Arrogance aside, can there be any doubting Bolas deserves to stand at the apex of walkers? In terms of living semi-mortal beings still active in current lore at least, none can match his magical mastery and Mulitversal scale manipulations.

Emrakul, Reality Warper

As a fully manifested Eldrazi Titan in the physical realm, Emrakul represents one of the largest tangible threats possible to Magic‘s Multiverse as a whole. An unfathomably powerful cosmic destroyer called from the primordial Blind Eternities, she is a force that nearly shrugged off two pre-revisionist planeswalkers before being bound to one material plane.

Now those are pedigree stats – requiring multiple god-walkers cooperating to even slow her down!

With protection from spells of all colors, the ability to warp environments and sow madness, and an alien beyond-Universal nature, Emrakul violates rules mere mortals expect to bind a creature. She serves as a reminder that there exist forces dwarfing even the most ancient mages.

And the horror does not end there. As Ugin, an ancient contemporary of Yawgmoth and Bolas, warned:

"It is said that life and death themselves tremble in fear of Emrakul." – Ugin to Jace Beleren

So in terms of totally overwhelming mystical might, Emrakul likely has the whole Multiverse outmatched! Even Bolas seeks desperately to avoid facing another Eldrazi incursion. Hard to overstate that strength…

Final Verdict: These Powerful Threats Deserve Recognition

While heroes and lesser villains have come and gone, leaving their smaller marks on history, the sheer power and ambition displayed by Yawgmoth, Nicol Bolas, and Emrakul is record setting in Magic lore.

Each commanded enough strength personally or through forces to threaten whole planes of existence, require the unified action of godwalker mages to counter, and inspire terror at the mere whisper of their names for ages.

In fact, I‘d declare confidently that no current or foreseeable character introduced stands much chance of exceeding their vast accomplishments in magic use, conquest, dimensional influence, and in-universe notoriety.

Simply said – Yawgmoth reshaped life and death itself. Nicol Bolas dominated mortals and walkers alike. Emrakul distorts reality as we know it. Name another figure ready to exceed those extremes of power!

For that reason, when choosing to name the single strongest entity in all Magic the Gathering lore, these malignant forces deserve special recognition. Let me know your thoughts though! The gathering community thrives on this passionate debate.

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