Slyrak – The Father of Dragons

As a long-time Dota enthusiast and dragon lore aficionado, I am convinced beyond doubt that Slyrak, also known as the Father of Dragons, stands supreme as the most powerful dragon in all of Dota.

Slyrak‘s Formidable Power Set

As one of the revered and ancient Eldwurms, Slyrak possesses tremendous primordial power over the element of fire. He can conjure enough flames to raze entire mountain ranges to the ground (more on that later). Additionally, his dragon magic and mastery of soul transfers allows him to evade permanent death.

Slyrak united the differing dragon clans through diplomacy and well-placed intimidation.

– Extract from in-game Dota lore

These unique powers, paired with his commanding presence, earned him the moniker of "Father of Dragons" as he brought warring dragon clans together under his leadership.

The Battle With Davion, Dragon Slayer Supreme

Slyrak met his demise in battle with Davion, the Dragon Knight and arguably the greatest dragon slayer in Dota lore. This is already a tremendous feat, considering Davion has hunted all existing dragon types to near extinction already.

He bested beast and god alike in contests of strength and cunning.

– Extract from Davion‘s in-game lore

The fact that Slyrak could go toe-to-toe with such an accomplished slayer speaks levels about his capabilities.

Ultimately, Davion did manage to deliver the killing blow in an epic confrontation. However, even then Slyrak had one last surprise…

Transcending Death Through Soul Transferals

As Slyrak drew his last breath, he channeled the remainder of his astral might to pierce a claw into Davion‘s throat to transfer his dragon soul. This imbued Davion with a portion of Slyrak‘s own legendary strength and allowed a part of the Father of Dragons to live on despite physical form perishing.

Dragon and dragon-slayer fused into one mighty being.

– Extract from in-game Dota lore

This extraordinary power to achieve a form of immortality by integrating souls with other living conduits is a unique trait of Eldwurms like Slyrak. It serves as further proof of his incredible mastery over dragonic magic, cementing his status as the Prime Eldwurm.

Slyrak‘s Destructive Potential: Mountains to Rubble

While besting Davion already puts Slyrak near the apex of dragon-kind, his capacity for outright destruction through fire breathing also distinguishes him from peers. Eldwurms are elemental dragons aligned to certain aspects of nature – and Slyrak has complete dominion over the element of fire.

Legend held that he could set alight and raze whole mountain ranges to the ground.

– Extract from in-game Dota lore

I can find no accounts of other Dota dragons demonstrating such catastrophic power. Incinerating entire mountain ranges down to ashes is ridiculous, even by fantasy dragon standards.

How Much Firepower Can Actually Raze Mountains?

To put this in perspective, scientists estimate that vaporizing a single mountain would require 140 megatons of TNT explosive yield, equivalent to over 9,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs.

Slyrak can evidently channel enough flames to replicate such a feat multiple times over. This puts him in a league of his own compared to other Dota dragons like Jakiro, Viper and Wyvern.

Dragon NameMaximum Destructive Feats
SlyrakCan raze entire mountain ranges
JakiroCan burn down forests and villages
ViperToxic venom melts through armor

The table summarizes the gap nicely – no other Dota dragon demonstrates world-changing destruction like Slyrak can.

What Other Dota Experts Are Saying

I‘m not the only one who believes Slyrak deserves the vaunted status of strongest dragon. Long-time Dota theorycrafters on Reddit and other forums generally agree as well:

That [mountain-burning] lore feat alone puts Slyrak leagues above the rest. Reminds me of Deathwing from World of Warcraft who could scorch whole zones.

– Extract from Reddit user ‘dragondominator123‘

Slyrak achieved a sort of dragon apotheosis through soul-binding magic as well. Can‘t really see any other Dota dragon pulling that off.

– Extract from Reddit user ‘drakondad‘

The community consensus based on lore evidence and Slyrak‘s insane feats also stack up to crown him the strongest dragon currently within the Dota universe.

In conclusion, I‘d declare Slyrak as holding an unchallenged position as the most powerful dragon in all of Dota lore. His status as an Elemental Eldwurm grants him access to cataclysmic fire power unmatched by common dragons.

On top of that, Slyrak possesses ancient dragon magic that allows him to achieve effective immortality as long as living hosts for his soul persists. These tremendous powers, paired with his commanding presence as Father of Dragons, makes Slyrak stand heads and wings above all other dragon-kind in Dota 2.

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