Aurelion Sol – The Star Forger

As a passionate League player and lore enthusiast, I‘ve done extensive research into the capacities of the various champion mages, and the cosmic dragon Aurelion Sol stands head and shoulders above the rest. With the ability to create and destroy celestial structures across the cosmos, command space-time, and shape the very fabric of the universe, Aurelion wields unfathomable magic on a fundamental, physics-altering scale.

Origins: Existing Beyond Comprehension

The specifics around Aurelion‘s origins remain shrouded in mystery, but snippets of lore reveal that he came into being at the very dawn of creation, forged by the primordial clashes of elementary particles in the nascent universe‘s first moments. Already we get a glimpse into the unfathomable age and scope of Aurelion‘s being. Additionally, where all other Runeterran creatures and mages gained their magic through interaction with naturally occurring sources, Aurelion Sol PREDATES the existence of any such external power sources. The cosmic matter from which he formed grants Aurelion Sol innate, supreme magical abilities.

Star Forger Supreme

Immediately upon achieving consciousness, Aurelion began forging stars, planets, galaxies – sculpting the very basis of our universe as we know it. The Star Forger quite literally shaped existence as we understand it, demonstrating magical abilities operating on scales dwarfing any other Runeterran mage. Viktor‘s mechanization, Veigar‘s dark matter – all results enabled by the cosmological structures Aurelion himself established.

To drive the point home – Leona and Diana derive their powers from the Sun and Moon respectively, which are themselves Aurelion Sol‘s creations! No mage comes close to impacting reality on the levels the space dragon does.

Power Level Beyond Measure

Indeed, Aurelion Sol‘s abilities surpass logical quantification. According to astronomic calculations, our Milky Way galaxy alone contains over 100 billion stars formed through gravitational condensation of massive clouds of dust billions of years ago. The unfathomable energies and intricate universal forces coordinating such a stellar creation process make manipulating even one star orders of magnitude beyond any mage.

Yet Aurelion Sol creates, destroys, and manipulates entire galaxies of stars and planets casually and continuously to shape the cosmos to his will. The data paints an undeniable picture of Aurelion‘s unmatched cosmic magical strengths.

Aurelion Sol‘s Abilities Reflecting His Lore Power

A close examination of Aurelion Sol‘s in-game abilities further validates his status as Runeterra‘s most formidable mage:

Passive – Center of the Universe – Gravitationally pulls stars into orbit around Aurelion. Stars and celestial bodies orbiting Aurelion is thematically aligned with him creating galaxies and suns.

Q – Starsurge – Fires explosive balls of raw cosmic energy. Allows Aurelion to draw upon the extreme energies from supernovas and nebulae that formed him.

W – Comet of Legend – Aurelion builds up an orbiting comet and rides it for increased move speeds. Literally maneuvers celestial bodies.

E – Voice of Light – Releases blasts of energy so hot and bright they vaporize matter instantly. Clearly channels energies astrophysicists are yet to fully comprehend.

The theme of wielding stellar, superheated plasma and commanding the orbits of suns and worlds runs consistently throughout Aurelion‘s kit, directly reflecting the astronomical scale of his magical lore strengths.

The Targon Deception

We also know that to subdue Aurelion Sol, the mythical Targonians had to trick him using celestial magic and lure him into a mystical crown. Physically, the Targon Aspects likely did not stand any chance against the Star Forger, again confirming the apex nature of Aurelion‘s powers. Once restrained, they used the crown to forcefully bind Aurelion and exploit his World-Creating abilities. The fact that even in an enslaved state, the cosmic dragon‘s abilities were considered invaluable again highlights Aurelion Sol‘s unmatched magical talents.

Ryze, Syndra, Zoe? Mere Mortals Before Aurelion

None of League‘s other mages can contest Aurelion Sol‘s supreme magical abilities. Ryze struggles with scrolls to absorb World Rune magics from ruins, while Syndra‘s psychically hauls chunks of castles to showcase her strength. Meanwhile Aurelion simply wills entire galaxies and planet cycles into existence!

Zoe as the Aspect of Twilight might seem to rival Aurelion with her cosmic powers, but she does not CREATE warp bubbles and realities like the cosmic dragon but merely manipulates preexisting magic. Even Zoe with her reality-bending tricks wisely chooses to not anger Aurelion, acknowledging his superior standing in the League universe.

Interactions Solidifying Aurelion‘s Standing

Listening to Aurelion Sol‘s champion interactions provides further testament to how the League champions respect Aurelion‘s overwhelming magical strengths:

To Zoe: "My gratitude for releasing me, cretinous Star child. Now begone."

To Leona: Your lens focuses but a fraction of my power – yet a fraction is more than you can withstand."

Their hesitance shows they understand the extreme discrepancies between Aurelion‘s cosmic-scale powers and their own narrow magical abilities derived from the stars and celestial forces AURELION created.

In Conclusion

So whether we consider:

  • His primordial origins
  • Unparalleled cosmic matter and energy manipulation
  • Tier of power warranting enslavement plots
  • Abilities reflecting stellar crafting
  • Interactions with champions

All evidence irrefutably concludes that Aurelion Sol reigns supreme as League‘s STRONGEST MAGE! Let me know what you think in the comments!

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