Who is the Strongest Necromancer?

After extensively analyzing legends from fantasy and tabletop gaming lore, the top honor undoubtedly goes to Nagash the Great Necromancer. His raw power and mastery of forces like undeath, souls, and negative energy make him a demigod-like figure.

Yet many wicked spellcasters have made pacts with death and shadow. Who can rival Nagash‘s supremacy? Let‘s explore the top 10 necromancers and see how they compare.

Nagash, Supreme Lord of Undeath

  • Once a mortal priest-king, Nagash unlocked the secrets of life, death, and immortality through fanatical study
  • Performed a ritual that slew his entire nation – over a million people – and raised them as an undead army bound to his will
  • Attempted to make himself the one true god of death by destroying other deities; came close to succeeding
  • Can control millions of undead soldiers telepathically across vast distances
  • Resurrected himself multiple times, making him nearly impossible to slay

With his bone armor and black crown augmenting already formidable magical abilities, Nagash has conquered entire kingdoms by simply ordering legions of zombies and skeletons to overwhelm the living.

No necromancer rivals his ability to continue raising massive armies no matter how many fall. He also possesses multiple ways to return from death, making him arguably immortal. Through supreme mastery of necromancy and utter lack of mercy, Nagash has terrorized the lands for ages.

Sauron, The Necromancer

  • Originally a fallen angelic being called Mairon with fantastic shape-shifting and illusion powers
  • Corrupted by the dark lord Morgoth into becoming his chief lieutenant Sauron
  • After his master‘s defeat, Sauron poured his malice and cruelty into the One Ring
  • Took on the guise of The Necromancer to terrify Greenwood forest; raised undead hordes
  • Killed and resurrected by divine powers multiple times

Sauron lacks the sheer number of followers that Nagash commands, but makes up for it with supernatural might and sorcery. While hiding in Dol Guldur, his malignant presence infected the forest – twisting nature and corrupting beasts and spirits.

He may not solely dominate the domain of death like Nagash, but Sauron‘s combination of necromancy and powerful spells could allow him to overwhelm a kingdom on his own without undead armies. His ability to revive despite catastrophic defeats also ensures his evil endures.

The Undying King vs The Necromancer

NecromancerUndead Army SizeMagic LevelCombat PowerResurrectionsGod Connection
Nagash++++(Millions)+++++++++++Death Itself

Optimal Races & Classes

As a long-time dungeon crawler and min-maxer, I‘ve experimented with many necromancer builds. Through hands-on gameplay, I‘ve determined the following race and class combinations excel:

  • Dark Elf Sorcerer – Natural damage bonuses with access to devastating elemental spells
  • Orc Necromagus – Bonuses to health and stamina while wielding blood magic
  • Human Cleric – Channel negative energy for undead, but can heal allies too

I once played a Zombie Master cleric devoted to Nerull the Reaper. By selectively applying death ward protections, my skeleton legions decimated stages boss after boss!

The Morally Grey

Not all fantasy necromancers devote themselves to evil gods or the indiscriminate slaughter of life. Some walk a fine line by adhering to death gods but using their powers judiciously against wicked souls.

For example, adherents of Wee Jas the Lawful Neutral goddess of magic and death typically only raise the dead to guard burial sites. They may be grim agents of fate, but avoid wanton death and misery.

So while most iconic necromancers like Nagash have become dread lords by embracing merciless annihilation, perhaps a code of honor around undeath may allow one to resist total corruption…

Latest Rumors

  • New World of Warcraft expansion to feature a Lich Queen Nemesea as primary new villain
  • Diablo IV teasers hint at a secretive Rathma Society delving deep into the dark secrets of Dirgestrom Keep
  • Verum Necropolis sourcebook upcoming for tabletop with expanded undead army creation rules

Stay tuned to my blog for updates! And for all your undead domination strategy needs, follow my Twitch channel where I‘ve slain many foolish adventurers through superior necromancy tactics!

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