Who is the Tallest Character in Mortal Kombat 11?

As an obsessed MK gaming fan, I‘ve always been fascinated by the sheer size of some characters. When it comes to height, these are some truly towering kombatants! Let‘s closely examine official heights and compare just how gigantic some fighters are.

Shao Kahn – 7ft 6in Officially

The emperor of Outworld himself is a giant, with his MK2 bio listing him at 7ft 6in (229 cm). As you can see in this intro scene opposite Raiden, he practically dwarfs other kombatants:

[insert Shao Kahn height image]

Designers made Shao Kahn so tall to emphasize his threatening status as endboss. And you feel it in gameplay – his massive stature lets him dominate the stage and many attacks feel enhanced by his sheer size.

Moloch – Likely Over 7ft 6in

While his official height isn‘t provided, Moloch seems to match Shao Kahn when fully upright:

[Moloch height image]

Considering this, I think it‘s safe to presume Moloch stands at least 7ft 6in if not taller. As an imposing sub-boss, his oni appearance and size make him a dangerous opponent!

Goro and Kintaro – Easily 7ft Plus

The multi-limbed Shokan warriors tower over nearly all other kombatants. While exact figures aren‘t given, they clearly stand over 7ft tall based on comparing them against human fighters:

[Goro / Kintaro height images]

Their tall stature, combined with four beefy arms, enable them to dish out devastating attacks. I certainly wouldn‘t want to face them!

Sheeva – Over 7ft, Tallest Female Fighter

As a Shokan like Goro and Kintaro, Sheeva stands incredibly tall – sources state she‘s well over 7ft, making her the tallest female kombatant.

She uses her long limbs and powerful kicks to keep opponents at a distance as they struggle to get within range of her height.

[Sheeva height image]

Noob Saibot – Estimated Around 7ft

While Noob Saibot‘s height isn‘t officially provided, based on observing gameplay and cutscene images like this, I‘d estimate he stands around 7ft tall:

[Noob height image]

His menacing stature adds to his fearsome wraith aesthetic that makes him one of the coolest looking MK characters in my opinion!

Height Ordering Table

Based on available official and estimated heights, here‘s a table ordering MK11 fighters from tallest to shortest:

CharacterEstimated Height
Moloch7ft 8in
Shao Kahn7ft 6in
Goro7ft 4in
Kintaro7ft 2in
Noob Saibot7ft

Shorter But Still Towering Fighters

While not absolute giants, Kharacters like Raiden and Sub-Zero would still be considered pretty tall compared to average humans:

  • Raiden: Official sources list him from 6ft 2in up to 7ft
  • Sub-Zero: Similarly estimated 6ft 2in to 7ft

So while they get overshadowed height-wise by champions like Shao Kahn, they‘d still tower over nearly any human!

I hope you enjoyed this geeky examination into some of the tallest Mortal Kombat 11 fighters! It‘s incredible seeing these massive kharacters on screen. And I didn‘t even cover giants from past games like Belokk or Megaira…but perhaps that‘ll warrant its own future article!

Let me know who your favorite towering MK fighter is!

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