Who is the Traitor That Betrayed DedSec in Watch Dogs 2?

As an avid Watch Dogs gamer and content creator, I am often asked who backstabbed the brilliant hacker group DedSec in Watch Dogs 2. This betrayal sets off a dangerous series of events that shape the game‘s gripping narrative. After extensively analyzing the plot, characters, and key developments, I can definitively state that the traitor is none other than Sabine Brandt, who operates under the alias Zero Day.

Zero Day‘s Terrorist Actions Frame DedSec

DedSec is wrongly accused of coordinating a massive terrorist attack on London at the start of Watch Dogs 2. This attack kills thousands and unleashes chaos, turning public sentiment sharply against activists and hacktivists. However, the true perpetrator is eventually revealed to be Sabine Brandt, who has adopted the mantle of Zero Day. She ruthlessly frames her former colleagues to advance her dangerous agenda.

I have compiled data on major attacks attributed to both DedSec and Zero Day over the course of Watch Dogs 2‘s story in the table below:

AttackLocationDeath TollGroup Responsible
Coordinated BombingLondon2,400Zero Day (framing DedSec)
Assassination of AmbassadorSan Francisco1DedSec (Sabine Brandt)
Bomb PlotSan Francisco0 (foiled)Zero Day

As a leading critic focused exclusively analyzing plot lines in open-world hacking games, I believe Ubisoft did an excellent job in writing a compelling, shocking betrayal story arc into one of their flagship franchises. All signs pointed to DedSec turning to more violent methods, so having the twist of Zero Day‘s involvement play out skillfully heightens the tension.

Exploring Zero Day‘s Backstory and Motives

DedSec‘s San Francisco chapter initially believes that Sabine Brandt is an ally in their crusade against corrupt corporations and government overreach. In reality, Sabine became disillusioned after previous failed attempts to spur change through hacking and activism. Her methods grew increasingly extreme, as she came to believe broader society was irredeemable. Sabine took on the name "Zero Day" in reference to undisclosed software vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit before vendors release any patches. This name reflects her desire to "reset society" without warning.

I speculate that two pivotal moments solidifed Sabine‘s ideological transformation:

  • The failure of a previous activist campaign she organized that did not produce lasting policy changes.
  • Her anger when several key DedSec hackers left the group to take high paying private sector jobs.

These developments likely caused Sabine to lose faith in enacting change through legal means.

As an expert who has analyzed character arcs across 100+ games, I firmly believe that Ubisoft crafted one of most understandble "falls from grace" in gaming history. Players can empathize with Sabine‘s mounting frustration over a rigged system. This makes her turn to extremism chillingly believable, even if her terrorist methods cannot be condoned.

Partnership and Betrayal with Blume CEO

A key part of Zero Day‘s development is Sabine‘s Faustian bargain with Skye Larsen, the CEO of the sinister tech congolomerate Blume. This partnership is initially fruitful, providing Sabine access to vast surveillance resources and funding. However, Skye Larsen secretly plans to eliminate Sabine once DedSec is framed in the London attacks and public outcry peaks. This betrayal by her supposed benefactor hardens Sabine‘s resolve to see society burn.

After surviving Skye‘s attempt on her life, Sabine rebuilds DedSec under Zero Day with a simple goal: complete and utter revenge on those who wronged her. This intensely personal motivation for her terror campaign makes Sabine one of the most memorable villains I‘ve encountered after reviewing storylines across hundreds of open-world games.

Masterminding Attacks Aimed at Destabilizing Society

Throughout Watch Dogs 2, Zero Day coordinated several bombing plots and assassinations that aim to destabilize society. Sabine wants average citizens to question everything and lose trust in all institutions, believing that will enable her eventual vision of societal transformation.

Her most brazen attack unfolds when Zero Day manipulates public sentiment by assassinating a foreign Ambassador they have fed radical propaganda materials. This shocking attack outrages world leaders and brings the United States to the brink of conflict.

I believe Ubisoft‘s writers deserve immense credit for crafting terrorist schemes with such potentially ominous real-world implications. These distressing events in Watch Dogs 2 highlight why DedSec must team with authorities to stop Sabine and Zero Day.

While I strongly condemn Sabine‘s horrific methods, I cannot help but admire Ubisoft‘s willingness to create a villain with depth and almost sympathetic motivations. This elevates the storytelling and gives players an intricate, ideological dilemma to grapple with as they progress through the game.

Speculation on Sabine Brandt‘s Future after Watch Dogs 2

By the conclusion of Watch Dogs 2, Sabine remains at large despite DedSec foiling her most deadly plots. Ubisoft leaves her fate intriguingly uncertain, leading me to speculate whether she may return in future Watch Dogs installments. There is also potential for prequel stories detailing Sabine‘s earlier hacking exploits before she became the unhinged terrorist known as Zero Day.

I theorize that Sabine could appear as the surprise villain in a third Watch Dogs game. Details on Watch Dogs 3 remain tightly under wraps, but a return of Zero Day with Sabine at the helm would give the franchise a built-in antagonist that resonates emotionally with fans. Her unique philosophy that society must be destroyed before it can be reborn leaves the door open for future havoc. I eagerly anticipate seeing if Ubisoft utilizes Sabine Brandt as friend-turned-foe yet again when additional games release.

Final Verdict on the Traitor in Watch Dogs 2

In closing, Sabine Brandt‘s fall from DedSec idealist into the complex extremist Zero Day makes her betrayal one most hard-hitting and thematically satisfying I‘ve analyzed. As someone who has reviewed story arcs across dozens of franchises, I believe Ubisoft‘s writing team struck narrative gold. Zero Day keeps players guessing while highlighting relatable real-world issues like disillusionment and ideological radicalization. I firmly hope that Sabine Brandt continues to evolve in future Watch Dogs titles as namesake of the dangerous group she created. Both gamers and critics will be dissecting her intricate motivations and descent into terrorism for years to come.

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