Who is the True King of 2b2t?

On the storied Minecraft anarchy server 2b2t, one name stands out as having potentially the strongest claim to the title of "true king" – Pyrobyte. During his dominance from 2013-2015, Pyrobyte built some of the most iconic bases, led powerful groups that awed and terrified the server, and retains devoted fans who still proclaim him the king of kings.

However, on an anarchy server where the balance of power shifts constantly, can any one player truly claim an enduring crown?

The Rise and Fall of Kings on 2b2t

With over a decade of history filled with warring factions, 2b2t has seen many kings and tyrants rise to dominance and fall. For example:

  • chrisleighton (2011-2013) – An early griefer king who terrorized the server with his many alts. He pioneered tactics still used today.
  • popbob – A nearly mythical griefer still remembered in 2b2t‘s lore today. popbob‘s willingness to destroy anything and dominate all opposition resulted in temporary reigns whenever she surfaced from the shadows.
  • iBallista – As leader of the legendary Facepunch Republic from 2013-2014, iBallista‘s name still carries weight in 2b2t‘s history books.

And many more names have been etched into 2b2t lore and hailed as kings…at least for a time, before the next great faction toppled them.

Such is the nature of anarchy servers – they foster rapid shifts in power and control. One month‘s king is the next month‘s exiled refugee.

The Legendary Reign of Pyrobyte

But one name stands out as perhaps having the longest reign and greatest legacy from 2b2t‘s first decade, still remembered fondly today – Pyrobyte.

During his rise to power from 2013-2015, Pyrobyte:

  • Constructed some of 2b2t‘s most legendary and gorgeous bases, like Aureus City, Mega City, and many more architectural wonders. He pioneered design elements still used today.
  • Led powerful groups like the Legion of Shenandoah and Libertas that dominated the server through skill and gear. Names tied to Pyrobyte like Drewbookman, Wildx, and more still carry weight today.
  • Was viewed by many at the time as 2b2t‘s height of culture, architecture, and power. The world was seemingly theirs to rule.

Pyrobyte at his peak was hailed as an unstoppable king, ruling from shining citadels surrounded by devoted fighters and builders who shaped 2b2t in his image. Even today, fans still refer to this as 2b2t‘s Golden Age.

Some metrics on the legacy and impression Pyrobyte left behind:

  • His main YouTube channel has over 115K subscribers. His videos from 2b2t‘s glory days still rack up hundreds of thousands of views.
  • Reddit posts about his bases and accomplishments receive incredible upvote percentages from nostalgic fans. Aureus City remains his most famous build with redditors.
  • Many 2b2t museum builds contain sections devoted exclusively to Pyrobyte‘s bases and history.
  • In chat, it is still common for players reminisce about Pyrobyte‘s reign as king and pine for those glory days.

By many accounts, Pyrobyte sits as first among equals when evaluating all the kings of 2b2t‘s first decade.

Could Any King of Anarchy Truly Rule Forever?

And yet, while loved by many to this day, Pyrobyte too saw his empire crumble in time. As with all kings of anarchy, internal drama fractured his alliances and external enemies tore down his fortresses until there was nothing left but remnants. Such is the inevitable fate of even mighty empires on 2b2t.

This is what leads some longtime veterans to scoff at any proclamations of a "true king." On 2b2t, all kings fall eventually, they argue.

Other dissenting voices in the community suggest perhaps prior griefer warlords like popbob were the true dominant forces of the era. popbob‘s ability to evade all capture made her a literal mythical boogeyman whom no one was safe from in her heyday of 2011-2013.

And still more argue Pyrobyte‘s reign was not necessarily a golden age, but simply another cycle of drama-fueled power grabs and betrayal.

In this view, there are no truly "glorious" times in 2b2t‘s chaotic history. There are only eras of varying destruction and madness until the next era arrives to outdo the last. Like the nature of anarchy itself, power constantly changes hands in endlessly repetitive cycles of violence.

Was Pyrobyte‘s reign any different? Or was it simply another chapter in 2b2t‘s blood-soaked history books?

Conclusion: The Throne Awaits the Next Warlord

Like all warlords of anarchy, Pyrobyte‘s empire could not escape the inevitable fate that one day it too would collapse. Glorious as the heights may have been, the violent nature of 2b2t gave way to ruin once again.

While some name Pyrobyte as the closest equivalent to 2b2t‘s version of a High King, dissenting voices undercut any notion of him as an enduring singular ruler.

In the end, the fractured nature of perceptions around power and fame on such an anarchic server likely means no one player will ever rise to be unanimously crowned 2b2t‘s one true king across all of history. Rather, there are only eras of fearsome warlords, warrior poets, and griefer kings who rise up to dominate the present era and inspire future legends before they too eventually fade into ruins.

That likely means the seat of power on 2b2t will remain a revolving door, the crown passed from player to player as unchecked greed and ambition continues the server‘s chaotic cycle of destruction and rebirth.

The throne sits empty today, awaiting the next great warlord who can seize it. Whether through legendary builds, dominant clans, or simply an unmatched willingness to destroy, the next king of this anarchy server could be anyone bold enough to grasp true power over thousands of players across the largest canvas Minecraft offers. Ironically, that fame might last a few months on 2b2t – yet also directly shape server culture for years thereafter.

Now more than ever, the title of King of 2b2t remains ripe for the taking by Minecraft‘s next great anarchy warlord. But they must be willing to win not only glory, but also the inevitability of one day watching their empire turn to dust and rubble. Just as all the ruined kingdoms before it did eventually.

Such is the fate of even mighty warlords and visionaries who dare try to rule eternal on these blocky battlefields of chaos.

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