Who is the True Villain in Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla? An In-Depth Character Analysis

Without a doubt, Basim Ibn Ishaq stands out as the one, true main villain in Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla. As the reincarnation of the deceitful Norse god Loki, Basim orchestrates cunning schemes across time periods seeking revenge against Eivor, the reincarnation of Odin who he feels deeply betrayed by. Through masterful manipulation, patient plotting across centuries, and a single-minded drive for retribution, Basim overrides any other antagonists in Valhalla to cement himself as the complex, domineering force opposing our protagonist.

Unpacking Basim‘s Complex Backstory – His Origins as Loki Turned Hidden One

To understand Basim‘s motivations, we must first dig into his origins. According to the Assassin‘s Creed wiki fandom, Basim was actually the human reincarnation of the Isu Loki – the Norse god of mischief. In his past life as Loki, he felt Eivor (as Odin) severely betrayed him which fueled a long-lasting hatred. This drives his villainy in Valhalla above all else.

In reliving Loki‘s memories, Basim inherits this ancient resentment across his lifetimes. Initially, Basim rejects Loki‘s influence, instead working dutifully for the Order of the Ancients. He acted as one of their most skilled members for years. However, perhaps due to his innate nature as Loki, he could not ignore the Order‘s quest for control and dominance.

  • Fun Fact: According to the comics, Basim began questioning the Order‘s motives as a young child already!

This leads Basim to covertly betray his former allies to ally with the Hidden Ones – mortal enemies of the Order. As a Hidden One, he befriends a young boy named Loki in a bizarre, poetic twist of fate. Tragically, Loki is eventually executed which further fuels Basim‘s disdain for oppressive groups like the Order.

However, throughout his arc as a Hidden One, Basim never escapes the burdensome memories of the original Loki. Through heightened exposure to Isu artifacts, he unlocks more of these lives, catalyzing his turn towards darkness once again.

What Really Motivates Basim? A Psychoanalysis

Given this history, what truly drives Basim as Valhalla‘s overarching villain? His primary motivation stems from a relentless desire for vengeance against Eivor due to her past self as Odin betraying him centuries ago. This harkens back to his origins as Loki.

In Norse mythology itself, Loki‘s hatred towards Odin unleashes chaos across the realms, sparking destruction and disaster at every turn. Similarly, Basim harbors this deep resentment through countless lifetimes. As the human vessel for Loki‘s reincarnation, he inherits immense anger which can never fade until properly satiated.

Throughout Valhalla, we see Basim cunningly manipulating allies and enemies alike for centuries to enact this retribution against Eivor/Odin at last. He befriends Eivor earning her trust, secretly corrupts her settlement, and even overtakes Layla‘s consciousness in the modern timeline – all fueling his ultimate vengeance.

So in many ways, his inescapable fate as Loki‘s incarnation turned nemesis to Odin/Eivor defines Basim most of all. His villainy directly channels the Norse legends, bringing a mediated, yet still destructive version of Ragnarok itself to the AC universe.

Comparing Basim to Other AC Villains – Far More Dangerous

When analyzing Basim as Valhalla‘s central villain, it is also useful to compare him against other antagonists like King Alfred the Great. At first glance, Alfred may seem the true opposition to Eivor with his expanding Anglo-Saxon army. However, Alfred dies before facing any real consequences. He remains a short-term, political foil to Eivor‘s raid.

Basim, on the other hand, presents a catastrophe of literally mythic proportions. Through tight ideological control, Alfred can only exert limited years of dominance over England. Meanwhile, as an Isu reincarnate, Basim upends the natural order over millennia with his cosmically enduring fury.

If we view raw power levels alone, Basim again overtakes any mortal villain by far. While figures like Alfred must rely on military might and political maneuvering to oppose Eivor, Basim wields supernatural Isu capabilities beyond comprehension. He transcends death itself, even overtaking Layla‘s mind centuries after his assumed assassination.

Lastly, Basim also stands apart in his personal connection to Eivor compared to other villains. Alfred the Great and Ivarr both clash with Eivor based on ideological differences or military objectives. Yet with Basim, the conflict stems from eons of intimate betrayal, driving so much chaos. This makes Eivor‘s battle against him drastically more severe on an emotional level.

Given these key differences, Basim undoubtedly rises above the rest as the definitive main villain based on his sheer power, eternal presence, and deep ties binding him bitterly against our hero.

Speculating on Basim‘s Potential Future Storylines

Looking forward, Basim is also clearly being set up across Valhalla‘s arcs to enact further villainy. His reclaiming of the Staff and restored corporeal form in the modern era leaves endless narrative potential. I predict he will stop at nothing until his wrath overflows violently against Eivor or her ancestor lineage.

Some story beats I foresee around Basim‘s next moves:

  • Full resurrection of Loki persona leading to catastrophic attacks
  • Establishing his own rival faction opposing the Assassins
  • Corrupting future sagas by infiltrating the Animus itself
  • Launching mythic weapons like Fenrir against modern cities

Of course as the unstable, tragically-burdened reincarnate of Loki across the ages, it is almost inevitable that Basim causes tremendous chaos across the franchise. Perhaps only another intervening Isu rebirth could provide sufficient power to stop this epic villain. We may need the rise of Thor himself to bring order!

Regardless, Basim has certainly cemented his status as AC‘s greatest looming threat. The stage is clearly set through Valhalla for his sustained dominance and discord through eras to come. Stay tuned, my friends!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments – do you agree Basim overrides all others as the definitive overarching villain? Who might finally quell his fury? I always love theorizing possible twists with you!

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