Who is the villain in doors?

As a passionate Doors player myself, I know firsthand the panic that sets in when one of those sinister villains appears in the darkness. Between the lung-piercing Screech of the dreaded hotel lurker to the instant death at The Eyes‘ glowing gaze, these entities spell certain doom if encountered unprepared.

But what exactly are we up against in the ever-expanding halls of Doors? As a gaming guide writer specializing in the horror genre, I‘ve taken it upon myself to delve into the shadows and unmask the foul ghouls that await within. Equip your Crucifix and say your prayers, because we‘re investigating Doors‘ vicious villains!

The Predators

While many hazards fill the corridors of Doors, some stand out as especially deadly adversaries:


This towering, faceless apparition only manifests under specific conditions in the hotel chapter. However, its signature bone-rattling shriek spells certain death if heard! Veterans suggest sprinting away as soon as Static appears onscreen signalling Screech‘s arrival. Easier said than done when paralyzed by terror…

The Figure

Doors players hoping to loot the locked Library face a persistent foe in The Figure. This vague humanoid shape seems to endlessly pace the bookshelves, but crosses into lethal stalker mode once you grab a tome. You can technically outrun The Figure initially, but the more you take from its collection the faster it pursues!

The Eyes

Few survival moments in Doors are more infamous than turning a corner and seeing several bloodshot Eyes staring back. These disembodied peepers float at varying heights, and getting caught in their watchful gaze causes rapid damage…or instantly sends you to a respawn if playing Hardcore Mode! Parts unknown if slaying the Eyes is possible…

Other Threats

While not exactly villains per se, hazards like the Ambush, Void, and Rush serve as deadly obstacles to survival:

Ambush moves with unmatched speed compared to other entities and can sprint through doors spraying bullets Willy nilly. Challenging to evade through conventional means…just hope luck is on your side!

The ominous Void appears without warning to teleport lagging players deeper into its domain. Pray this warp doesn‘t send you straight into a deathtrap!

Rush barrels towards his targets like an enraged bull, obliterating any doors or barricades in his way. Attempting to block Rush’s path usually ends up with you flattened into paste!

Behind the Scenes: Grappling with the Figures

While hard details on Doors‘ more elusive villains remains scarce, some snippets can be gleaned from the code:

Villain NameSpeed (Studs/Second)Attack Damage
The Figure1410

This offers a clue into what we‘re up against when those familiar heavy footsteps begin echoing down the hall! Given the Figure‘s slow speed compared to blazing fast Ambush, fleeing the scene seems the wisest strategy in most villain run-ins.

Of course, further secrets likely lurk in Doors‘ encrypted archives. As more chapters unlock, perhaps the veil will lift on these entities’ true motives and origins…

Surviving the Nightmare

While uncovering Doors‘ haunting secrets, let‘s not lose sight of escape itself! When pitted against warped creatures like Screech or the Eyes, panic leads to mistakes.

Lean on survival fundamentals like listening for audio cues, frequently looking behind, and determining attack patterns. Remain calm and outthink your adversary. Easier said than done? Of course. But doing so may buy you precious seconds to spy that glowing Exit sign!

For now, we Doors devotees must piece together the puzzle using scattered clues and firsthand experience. Share your own close shaves with doom below! Did you discover any new tricks against familiar foes like the Figure? Or have fresh intel on upcoming entities debuting in later chapters?

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