Valkyrie Gunnr – The Best Introductory Valkyrie Boss for God of War Players

Without a doubt, of all the deadly Valkyrie enemies awaiting challengers in the realms of Midgard and beyond, the winged warrior maiden Gunnr represents the most approachable and least formidable foe. Compared to her sisters like Eir and Rota who unleash devastating magic and combos, Gunnr sticks to a relatively basic moveset that belies her role as the gateway Valkyrie. For those looking to test their skills against these optional bosses without becoming completely overwhelmed, seeking out Gunnr first is highly advised.

Why Valkyrie Gunnr is Considered The "Weakest"

As the only Valkyrie residing in Midgard outside of Odin’s prison, Gunnr is able to be encountered earlier at a lower level. According to compiled data, her HP pool caps out at 5,500, whereas most others exceed 9,000. She lacks the tactical prepares and zoning capabilities making some sisters much harder to pin down.

While Gunnr still requires proficient dodging and parrying to take down, she announces her wing slashes andcharges openly compared to the feints and delayed strikes favored by the likes of Kara and Olrun.

In general, her move repertoire focuses on mid-range melee combos versus the more complex, hard-to-avoid spells that veterans like Gondul and longtime Queen Sigrun unleash so mercilessly.

Valkyrie Comparison Table

ValkyrieMax HPStrong AgainstResistant ToSpecial Moves
Gunnr5,500Frost & MeleeFire3
Eir8,500PoisonFrost & Fire5
Gondul9,500Fire & MeleePoison6

Gunnr Moveset Breakdown & Attack Strategies

As the spiritual overseer of Thamur’s Corpse, Gunnr will call upon icy blades and aggressive flurries once provoked by Kratos. Here is a comprehensive breakdown of her moves to analyze openings for counterattack:

Scythe Swings – Gunnr will swing her glowing scythe in wide arcs up to three times in succession. Evade backwards then move in to punish.

Icy Stab – A quick forward thrust of her scythe to impale Kratos. Parry then retaliate with R1 combos.

Wing Flurry – Spinning her wings aggressively, Gunnr creates a small temporary shield of damaging wind. Use the opening to drink a healing potion or use Spartan Rage.

Frost Surge – Channels icy magic through her scythe to launch a ranged beam. Dodge this then throw your Leviathan Axe while she recovers.

By maintaining vigilance and only attacking when her sequences end, Kratos can systematically topple the Valkyrie tyrant while avoiding big damage. For runic attacks, low cooldown options work best for exploiting temporary windows.

Gunnr’s Role In God of War Lore

As a lower ranking Valkyrie attendant, Gunnr would have been tasked with choosing worthy fallen warriors to ascend to Valhalla under Odin’s orders. However, her and her sisters’ rebellion against the Allfather led to centuries of cruel imprisonment.

Now freed but still bound to their duties in the afterlife, each Valkyrie attacks Kratos on sight – perhaps resentful of any living being trespassing into their decaying realm. Why Odin stationed one as far as Midgard remains a mystery, but Gunnr’s armor hints at tales handed down through generations of Norsemen about her fierce but focused battle spirit.

Defeating her grants travelers to Thamur’s Corpse not only Valkyrie armor to improve their own combat capabilities, but also insight into how even the austere maidens of Valhalla could turn from servants into enemies against Asgard’s rulers.


While later Valkyries such as Sigrun and Gondul demand mastery of numerous tactics from towering health pools to unblockable attacks, Gunnr distills the core challenge of these enemies into a fight surmountable for an experienced God of War player. Her relatively lower damage, direct assault strategies, and easily tracked moves make her the ideal introductory Valkyrie battle.

Just be warned – besting Gunnr hands you but one wing of victory on the long road to defeating all eight prison keepers and claiming their faction’s throne. Hone your skills well before challenging the elite!

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