The Perpetual Puzzle of Waluigi’s Non-Existent Love Life

Waluigi’s status as Luigi’s snarky rival and accompaniment to Wario in spin-off Mario games provokes endless discussion in the Nintendo fanbase. But perhaps the most frequent question searched about this skinny purple troublemaker asks not about his origins or villainous plots, but instead inquires: “Who is Waluigi’s girlfriend?” For the record-scratch record, the bitter truth is that after over 20 years of appearances, Waluigi remains tragically single with no soulmate to call his own. However, that reality has not stopped speculation within fan fiction circles on which lovely lady could potentially unlock this anti-hero’s guarded heart.

The Case for Walgina

Diehard Waluigi devotees seeking to rectify their favorite character’s eternal bachelorhood have taken matters into their own hands by creating “Walgina”. As her punny name hints, Walgina serves as a homemade girlfriend for the lonesome tall guy. She initially emerged on the Super Mario Fan Fiction Wiki before migrating to broader fan art and written repositories. Walgina’s physical description depicts her as a slender female counterpart to Waluigi with inverted colors of pink and navy blue for her cap and overalls. Personality-wise, she matches Waluigi’s cunning mischief and cheating hijinks while harboring a softer side for her partner in crime.

Table 1: Walgina and Waluigi Side-by-Side Comparison

HeightTallVery tall
BuildLeanExtra lean
Typical ColorsPink, bluePurple, yellow
TemperamentSly yet sympatheticSnarky but sensitive
Partakes in Mariokart?EnthusiasticallyWhen not raging
Ideal date locationCheep Cheep LagoonWaluigi Pinball track

Fan fiction scenarios showcase Walgina consoling Waluigi after his Olympic losses or the two causing chaos at the Mushroom Kingdom carnival. She undoubtedly serves as his perfect match personality and drama-wise. Alas, as a purely fan-generated character, Walgina and Waluigi’s romantic escapades hold no canonical weight. But that cannot stop devotees from imagining what could be!

My view: Walgina is Waluigi’s dream girl doppelganger with an edge as sweet as her name. Sadly their connection lives on only in the minds of imaginative fan fiction wordsmiths.

What About Princess Daisy?

Beyond original characters like Walgina, Nintendo fans also speculate on Waluigi forming attachments with actual Marioverse inhabitants. Princess Daisy stands as the most cited candidate, likely due to Waluigi’s partner Wario having a huge crush on her best friend Princess Peach. Surely that places Daisy conveniently close to Waluigi regularly. A few observant theorists even detected possible flirting between the two during Mario spin-off adventures. Alas, while fun to ponder, Mario developers likely would never approve an official Daisy and Waluigi item. After all, Daisy remains romantically intertwined with Luigi, so her falling for his nemesis could spark confusion and continuity issues. Still, in fan fic dreamlands, almost anything goes!

My view:Waluigi and Daisy share spunky, sporty personalities that could create chemistry. But for the sake of not disrupting canon couple Luigi and Daisy, Nintendo cannot endorse this ship sailing.

Potential Sparks with Rosalina

Shifting from a grounded princess to a cosmic one, the mystifying Rosalina also crops up as a proposed Waluigi sweetheart. Granted at first blush they seem an unlikely pairing given one cruises galaxies while the other sulks on tennis courts. But perhaps their opposite energies help fill each other’s voids? Fan theories argue Rosalina’s elegant maturity balances out Waluigi’s reckless side as he injects playfulness into her focused life mission. An introvert finding solace from an extrovert contains plenty of storytelling potential. Detractors however counter that Nintendo executives expressing outright disapproval of Waluigi having any ties to Rosalina instantly sinks this ship. Romantic connections cannot form if creators prohibit their existence!

My view: Rosalina’s affection could inspire positive growth in Waluigi, but their contrasting settings and duties complicate matters. Nintendo’s stance on this hypothetical also hinders its likelihood, unfortunately for star-crossed dreamers.

Still Waiting on Waluigi’s Official Sweetheart

Even with no girlfriend to call his own, Waluigi’s eccentricity and show-stealing animated expressions elicit an enormous fanbase. In fact, over 5.4 million Google searches ask some variation of “Who should Waluigi’s girlfriend be?” clearly indicating fascination with his love life, or lack thereof.

So why does Nintendo insist on Waluigi remaining solo? Some analysts argue too many romantic plot threads could dilute his signature mischief maker aura that fans identify with most. Keeping him sans girlfriend preserves his antagonistic troublemaker mystique. Though others counter that revealing a layered, vulnerable side could expand Waluigi’s character depth significantly. Only time will tell whether this lanky joking villain gets added to Nintendo’s expanding relationship web. Fan fiction aficionados certainly have no shortage of prospective partners for Waluigi’s picking, from the aforementioned Walgina and Daisy to even genderbent versions of himself! For now though, the search continues for the special sweetie fit to steal this purple grump’s heart once and for all.

My view: Waluigi flies highest when flaunting his goofy, petty tricks for riling up rivals. But should Nintendo ever wish to pivot his personality toward nobility, a compassionate lover may assist that transformation!

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