Zero Two‘s One True Love and Crush is Hiro – Their Story

Zero Two‘s crush that her heart beats for is her darling Hiro – no one else comes close to making her feel a bond so deep. Their love story is one for the ages…Allow me to fully break it down.

A Connection Forged Early On

Even as young children – long before romantic feelings developed – a profound bond was established between them.

When they first met in Episode 13‘s flashbacks, Hiro was the only one to accept Zero Two for who she was – horns and all. Through simple acts like gracefully wiping away her tears or embracing her so she‘d feel less alone, he showed her unconditional caring that resonated on a soulful level.

"He was the first person to make me feel warmth", Zero Two fondly recalls.

Though their time was cut short, that sweet innocent connection planted seeds for a future love.

Feelings Growing Over Time

In Episode 01, their reunion seeemed to ignite an instinctive attraction and affection in Zero Two towards Hiro.

"I found you, my darling", she beams, in a moment fans relish.

Perhaps she recognized him as the boy who had been kind to her before. Or sensed the unique compatibility they shared.

Over their early missions together in Strelizia, through little glimpses of his determination and noble spirit, we can imagine Zero Two falling slowly but surely for her dashing partner.

In a diary scene in Episode 02, Zero Two even writes "I think I‘ve fallen for him", confirming Hiro had truly stolen her heart.

And from his willingness to pilot with her three times and stare death in the face unflinchingly, we can presume Hiro felt the tug towards her too – being in her company just felt right to him.

Their reciprocal affection was bourgeoning.

Withstanding the Tests of Time

Of course, it was never going to be smooth sailing all the way. Time and time again though, Zero Two and Hiro proved their bond transcended all obstacles.

As Hiro struggled to balance his fears of her losing humanity with his desire to defend her, straying from her side around Episode 14, she never stopped yearning for him, staying faithful to her "darling".

And when Hiro tragically lost his memories later in Episode 15, with them separated for months – Zero Two never gave up hope. She knew he‘d come back to her somehow – openly shedding tears for her darling‘s absence.

Through it all, their connection endured – unshakeable.

And as Hiro‘s memories came flooding back in Episode 19 in an emotional reunion, he professed feelings that delighted fans everywhere – "You were always the girl I loved!" – before kissing her with scorching passion.

They became inseparable once again – now fully embracing a romance written in the stars.

The Ultimate Sacrifice

In the climactic final battles versus VIRM to defend Earth, Zero Two and Hiro fought side by side, willing to sacrifice all for their cause and each other.

And when Strelizia Apus was stranded in space with Earth‘s hopes riding on them, they spent their final moments in tender intimacy – having become everything to each other sharing their whole lives and so much love, blissfully dancing among the stars.

"Even if the world comes to an end, I want to be with you" Hiro affectionately tells his darling.

Their epic romance fittingly ends with them cradled in each other‘s arms, making the ultimate sacrifice play to save their planet. A perfect encapsulation of just how deep their bond goes.

So Hiro always was and always will be Zero Two‘s crush and true love – from first meeting to final goodbye. Their romance for the ages has etched itself as one of anime‘s most iconic.

What Makes Hiro Special to Zero Two

What is it precisely about Hiro that captured Zero Two‘s heart so fully and singularly?

As the first person to accept her and see her vulnerability, he touched her soul right away. He would come to embody the caring, courage and compassion she‘d craved.

And that metaphysical, emotional connection transcended all – it‘s depth reflected in their exceptional piloting resonance in the Franxx.

Through Hiro, Zero Two found happiness, fulfillment and humanity – discovering her "darling" was the missing piece. And for him, she was always his one and only "monster".

So while Ichigo, Goro and others cared for Zero Two in their own way – she only ever had eyes for her darling Hiro.

Relationship Timeline Breakdown

Here‘s a statistical overview tracking major romantic developments:

StageEpisodeKey Moments
Initial Bond13First meeting as children, Hiro comforts Zero Two
Reunion1Zero Two calls Hiro her "darling" indicating attraction
Bond Strengthens3They pilot successfully again, bond solidifying
Hardship14Hiro distances himself, afraid of losing her humanity
Perseverence18Despite lost memories, Zero Two waits months for Hiro‘s return
Rekindled Romance19Hiro finally regains memories and professes feelings
Climactic End23 – 24Final battles together, mutual sacrifices made

Looking Ahead

While their time was tragically cut short, Hiro and Zero Two‘s romance for the ages is one fans will remember forever.

It captured hearts through its magical innocence, emotional potency and triumphing over adversity until the bittersweet end.

We can hope one day our darling and monster may meet again beyond the stars!

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