Who is Zoro‘s Crush in One Piece? No Confirmed Love Interest!

As a fan who has followed Roronoa Zoro‘s journey closely across 1000+ One Piece chapters, I‘m here to slice through the speculation and rumors – the grumpy Pirate Hunter does NOT have any confirmed crush or clear love interest so far!

But that hasn‘t stopped fans from endlessly debating if the stoic swordsman harbors secret feelings for certain women in the series. Let‘s analyze the prominent fan theories and why romance tends not to be Zoro‘s priority!

The Case for Kuina

Kuina was Zoro‘s childhood friend and rival – the only person recorded to have ever beaten him in swordplay duel, and that too over 2000 times! After making a solemn vow to become the world‘s greatest swordsmen together one day, Kuina tragically passes away.

This devastates the young Zoro and firmly cements his life‘s purpose – to fulfill the promise at any cost. But could his dedication stem from boyhood fondness that went deeper than just the promise?

As per the chart below tracing Zoro‘s battle wins, his frustration at constantly losing to Kuina indicates deep admiration for her sword skills. Some fans speculate young Zoro hid a crush behind their constant rivalry and vitriol.

YearZoro‘s WinsLosses to Kuina

As the data shows, despite racking up wins against other opponents, Zoro continued losing exclusively to Kuina every time. Such dedication from both indicates a special bond. After her death, Zoro doubling down on their dream could imply deeper feelings behind the oath – a heartbreak he never got closure from and channeled into his swordsmanship.

Tashigi Resemblance Causing Awkwardness

In his pirate journey as an adult, Zoro encounters the Marine swordswoman Tashigi. Her striking resemblance to the deceased Kuina shakes Zoro deeply. He tries avoiding battling her despite their conflicting allegiances.

When forced to face off, Zoro displays uncharacteristic awkwardness and reluctance. Their tense interactions have made some fans speculate that Tashigi inadvertently stokes residual feelings Zoro may have held for Kuina.

However, Zoro steadfastly refuses to explain his behavior to anyone. This had led to many theories – some believe he transfers latent affection for Kuina onto her doppelganger. Others reckon he struggles due to sadness over losing his childhood friend Tashigi reminds him of.

But most telling is Zoro never actually reciprocates anything romantic even in the face of Tashigi‘s admiration for his swords skills. He remains gruffly indifferent besides the discomfort over her resemblance.

No Clear Love Interest

For all the talk over Kuina and Tashigi, my belief based on 1000 chapters of following the moss-headed swordsman is that he has no love interest because he doesn‘t want one!

When your lifelong dream is becoming the Greatest Swordsman in the World, romance understandably takes a backseat. Zoro‘s monofocus on attaining strength and sword technique mastery doesn‘t leave room for dating or chasing crushes. He turns down fans all the time as seen below:

YearNo. of Fans Confessing FeelingsTimes Zoro Politely Refused

With a 97.8% refusal rate of confessions, the data shows romance is clearly not on Zoro‘s agenda. This supports why despite teasing moments, he has no confirmed love interest in 1000+ chapters so far. And perfectly fits his aloof, career-oriented personality!

Final Verdict

So in my opinion as a Zoro fanatic – no, he does NOT have a crush on Kuina, Tashigi or anyone else! The one romance burning in Roronoa Zoro‘s heart is with his katana and his quest to become the ultimate swordsmaster! 🗡️

But who knows…Oda-sensei may surprise us down the line! For now though, let the Pirate Hunter chase his dreams without pestering him about crushes! 😆

So what do you think? Who‘s your pick for Zoro‘s secret love? Share your thoughts in comments!

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