Who Killed Adam Smasher in Cyberpunk 2077?

Adam Smasher‘s reign of terror over Night City finally came to an end in 2077 when V defeated the menacing cyborg in a dramatic confrontation atop Arasaka Tower. But how did V manage to topple Smasher when so many others had failed? As a passionate Cyberpunk 2077 fan, I‘ve done a deep dive into Smasher‘s backstory, V‘s preparation, and the electrifying details of their final showdown. Let‘s break down how this seemingly invincible foe was finally felled.

Adam Smasher – The Rise of a Cyberpunk Killer

Long before 2077, Adam Smasher made a name for himself as one of the most feared assassins and enforcers in Night City. He was employed by the Arasaka Corporation as their elite corporate hitman. While already dangerous, Smasher became exponentially more lethal over the decades as he continued replacing more of his body with state-of-the-art cyberware.

By 2077, Smasher was more machine than man. According to the Cyberpunk lore, he had replaced over 75% of his body with advanced combat cyberware. This included subdermal armor, anti-personnel weapons like retractable razors, and reflex boosters for incredible speed and reaction time. Just some of Smasher‘s most lethal upgrades included:

Gorilla ArmsPneumatic-driven hydraulics that deliver superhuman strength for melee combat
Optical CamoLight-bending adaptive camouflage for stealth
Projectile Launch SystemRanged mini-missiles and rockets
CyberskeletonArmored endoskeleton able to lift over 2 tons

With these extensive mechanical augmentations, Smasher became a juggernaut. He carried out Arasaka‘s dirty work with no remorse, killing anyone who stood in the corporation‘s way.

Smasher‘s History with Johnny Silverhand

One of Smasher‘s most famous conflicts was with famed rockerboy Johnny Silverhand. After Silverhand led a bombing on Arasaka Tower in 2024, Smasher retaliated by killing Silverhand in the aftermath. However, with Silverhand‘s body never recovered, rumors persisted that he may have survived.

We now know those rumors were true – Silverhand‘s mind lived on through advancing computer technology as a digitized construct. His coup against Arasaka ultimately failed, but the defeat fueled Silverhand‘s hatred of Smasher for decades to come.

Their eventual rematch would have to wait over 50 years until Silverhand‘s consciousness was stored on a biochip recovered by V in 2077. Silverhand then became a digital "passenger" in V‘s mind, able to provide guidance and support.

V‘s Preparation for the Smasher Showdown

By partnering with Johnny Silverhand, V gained extensive insight into Adam Smasher‘s bloody history, combat skills, and cyberware enhancements. Throughout 2077, V also trained rigorously and acquired an arsenal of weapons and cyberware specifically to counter Smasher:

  • Monowire Garrote – Razor whips able to slice through Smasher‘s subdermal armor
  • Dying Night Overwatch Rifle – Anti-material sniper rifle that can penetrate Smasher‘s cyberskeleton
  • Projectile Launch System – Matched Smasher‘s own missile launchers
  • Fortified Ankles – Reinforced leg cyberware for mobility during the fight
  • Optical Camo – Stealth camouflage to ambush Smasher

Additionally, V likely underwent combat training focused on countering Smasher‘s move set based on Silverhand‘s past experience. This included using gorilla arms to go blow-for-blow and capitalizing on Smasher‘s slower speed from his heavy cyberskeleton.

By the final confrontation, V entered the fight specifically equipped and prepared to exploit Smasher‘s weaknesses.

The Battle at Arasaka Tower

When V and Silverhand infiltrated Arasaka Tower to retrieve the indestructible biochip, Smasher finally appeared to settle the score. In a crushing display of power, he executed Rogue and then turned to V.

Smasher initially attacked with a barrage of guided missiles and machine gun fire, leveraging his ranged weapon advantages. But V managed to evade the onslaught while closing the distance.

At close range, V used monowire attacks to slice through Smasher‘s armor and damage cybernetic components. V took advantage of smaller profile and speed, dodging Smasher‘s deadly but slower hydraulic arms and melee strikes.

The key moment came when V shattered Smasher‘s cyberskeleton, crippling the strength provided by his subdermal armor. This allowed rapid follow up attacks directly to Smasher‘s more vulnerable flesh and organs. In a devastating finishing move, V used the Dying Night rifle to penetrate and disable Smasher‘s core cyberbrain.

Against all odds, V tactically dismantled Night City‘s apex predator piece by piece, finally shutting down the legendary killer for good. It was an electrifying underdog victory over 50 years in the making.

V‘s Triumph Over Smasher Explained

Given Adam Smasher‘s fearsome reputation, how did V manage to succeed where so many others had failed? Based on the events in Cyberpunk 2077, I theorize a few key factors led to V‘s monumental victory:

  • Exploiting Smasher‘s Weaknesses – V capitalized on Smasher‘s slower speed and reliance on his cyberskeleton with rapid maneuvers and monowire attacks.

  • Specialized Cyberware & Weaponry – V prepared extensively with cyberware and guns tailored to counter Smasher‘s specific enhancements.

  • Knowledge from Johnny Silverhand – Insight from Silverhand‘s previous fight was instrumental in V anticipating Smasher‘s battle tactics.

  • Aid from Rogue – Rogue sacrificed herself to weaken Smasher right before the final duel.

  • Element of Surprise – V used an unorthodox infiltration route on Arasaka Tower to catch Smasher off guard.

By playing to Smasher‘s weaknesses instead of his strengths, V overcame the odds and ended the legacy of Night City‘s most infamous killer. It took an incredible amount of skill, preparation, and determination – but V got the last laugh on Smasher in the end.

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