Who killed Izo in One Piece?

As a long-time One Piece gamer and fan, I was shocked to learn of Izo‘s brutal death at the hands of CP0‘s Maha during the Wano Country arc. For those less familiar with this charismatic character, let‘s first examine Izo‘s backstory and role leading up to his tragic end.

Izo‘s History and Combat Profile

Izo originally served on Whitebeard‘s crew as the 16th division commander. He was known as a skilled gunslinger and reliable officer. After Ace‘s death in the Marineford War, Izo later reconnected with the remaining Akazaya Nine Red Scabbards group from Wano Country.

In combat, Izo utilized flintlock pistols with explosive ammunition and was deadly at long range. According to the One Piece Wiki, his marksmanship allowed him to strike precisely from massive distances. He also employed Observation Haki to gain an advantage in battle.

While not the most durable fighter, Izo‘s agility and gunplay made him a formidable foe – evidenced by his battles against high-level opponents like Kaido. Even when fatally struck by CP0, Izo managed to take the assassin Maha down with him in a mutual kill.

The Attack That Took Izo‘s Life

The exact details of Izo‘s tragic death remain off-panel, but based on story context clues, we can piece together what likely happened.

During the large-scale Onigashima battle, Izo was presumably ambushed by CP0 agents Maha and another unnamed member. Despite the numerical disadvantage, the crafty Izo fatally wounded his attackers – but not before Maha landed a lethal Shigan finger pistol blow.

This brutal skirmish fits with CP0‘s mission to eliminate key alliance targets while global attention focused on the Yonko showdown. It also shows that for all his skill, Izo was simply outmatched when cornered alone against the government‘s most lethal killers.

How Izo‘s Death Compares to Other One Piece Losses

While any character death impacts One Piece fans, Izo‘s quiet passing stands out as exceptionally unexpected. Unlike flashy on-panel deaths like Ace at Marineford or Pedro‘s suicidal bomb, there was no heroic sacrifice or climactic countdown for Izo.

One moment he stood with the Straw Hat raiders – the next, he was gone. This subverted trope made the loss more realistic and shocking.

CharacterManner of DeathLast Words
Portgas D. AceChest puncture by Akainu in front of Luffy"Thank you for loving me"
PedroSelf-detonation to enable Straw Hat escape"Goodbye my beloved captain!"
IzoAmbush by CP0‘s MahaUnknown

The lack of poetic final words or a visible last stand helpless emphasizes the abrupt brutality. Among major character deaths in One Piece, Izo‘s quiet assassination stands out as an unforgettably grim turn.

How Izo‘s Loss May Impact Pending Storylines

While the full implications of Izou‘s death remain unclear, several key story threads could unfold in the aftermath of this tragedy:

  • Whitebeard Remnant Involvement – Marco could rally allies to seek revenge against CP0 and the World Government.
  • Cross Guild Support – Buggy‘s territory linking Whitebeard associates aids Luffy‘s vigilante coalition.
  • Looming Final War – The senselessness of the killing raises stakes for the inevitable global clash.

I anticipate Izo‘s murder sparking reprisals from Whitebeard‘s old crew and more lawlessness in the now-unstable New World region. This could even draw once-neutral parties like Shanks into conflict as the world hurtles towards all-out war.

While I deeply mourn the premature end of this fantastic character, Izou‘s death provides poignant motivation for the alliance while reminding fans that no one is safe in war. I‘m excited to see what happens next even amidst the tragedy of his loss.

For comprehensive One Piece coverage and discussion, be sure to check out my YouTube channel and gaming blog in bio! What are your thoughts on Izo‘s death and how it might impact pending storylines?

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