Who Killed Kieran in Red Dead Redemption 2?

Kieran Duffy, a former member of the O‘Driscoll gang, was captured and brutally killed by his former gang. According to multiple credible sources, Kieran was decapitated by the O‘Driscolls after being tortured for information about the Van der Linde gang‘s location.

Background on Kieran Duffy

Kieran Duffy is a central character in Red Dead Redemption 2. After abandoning the O‘Driscoll gang, he joined Dutch‘s gang seeking camaraderie. However, most gang members distrusted him due to his past.

As shown in the table below, Kieran had a tragic story arc. Despite attempts to prove his loyalty, his violent early death perpetuated a cycle of vengeance between the warring gangs:

YearKey Events
1896Leaves O‘Driscolls in search of new community
1899Captured by Van der Linde gang after scouting raid on them
1899Gradually earns some trust in the gang
1899Captured, tortured and killed by O‘Driscolls

The Murder Scene

At an unknown point after the Van der Linde gang relocated to Shady Belle, Kieran was captured by the O’Driscoll boys.

As recounted by gang member Karen Jones, Kieran was brutally tortured by the O’Driscolls seeking the location of the Van der Linde gang. They eventually decapitated him and sent his corpse back to camp as a gruesome message.

This shook the Van der Linde gang members deeply. Mary-Beth Gaskill mourned Kieran, calling his killers “pigs” and pleading with Arthur Morgan to avenge him.

Lasting Impact

Kieran‘s violent murder had a significant emotional impact on the Van der Linde gang. As shown below, his death contributed to their downward spiral as trust evaporated and infighting escalated:

Result of Kieran‘s DeathEvidence
Deepened gang divisionsMary-Beth mourned Kieran while Micah mocked him
Eroded trustSome members blamed others for not protecting Kieran
Catalyzed splinteringShocked members questioned gang leadership

Ultimately, Kieran highlights the cyclical nature of violence between the warring gangs in Red Dead Redemption 2. Despite attempts to break free and start fresh, he could not escape the blood feuds of his past.

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