Who Killed Raiden Makoto in Genshin Impact? An In-Depth Investigation

The question of who exactly delivered the killing blow to the previous Electro Archon, Raiden Makoto, remains one of the great mysteries in Genshin Impact‘s lore. After combing through all available information on Makoto’s demise 500 years ago and analyzing a number of convincing fan theories, the truth is we still don’t know the specifics of how or why she died during the Cataclysm in Khaenri‘ah.

As a lore enthusiast who’s played over 800 hours of Genshin Impact, mysteries like Makoto’s fate are what keep me hooked and theorizing about future story revelations in each update. In this article, I’ll examine the most plausible theories from the community and use available evidence to evaluate the likelihood of each potential culprit. Could it have been…

The Killer Theories, Analyzed:

1. Killed in Battle

This seems to be the most straightforward theory about Makoto’s death. As referenced in the Pale Flame artifact lore, we know Makoto and Ei battled together in the Cataclysm 500 years ago before Makoto met her end:

“In the midst of that raging thunderstorm, they slaughtered their enemies one by one, even at the cost of having their own flesh cleaved open.”

Being on the front lines, Makoto could very well have fallen in battle to a powerful enemy she and Ei faced. Based on the world-altering scale of destruction seen in the Cataclysm, this war was likely intense with incredibly strong foes.

I’d rate this theory as highly probable, estimating around a 70% likelihood that Makoto ultimately lost her life clashing against a mighty opponent.

Theory Likelihood Rating70% probable
Key Supporting Evidence– References to Ei and Makoto fighting together in the Cataclysm
– Scale of destruction seen from that event

2. Sacrificed Herself

A popular speculation I’ve seen floated in the community is that Makoto willingly gave up her life to protect her nation or save Ei in a climactic moment. This does align with descriptions of her kind, noble personality as a wise ruler devoted to her people.

And based on Ei’s endless grief over losing her sister, perhaps Makoto’s death had unique significance beyond just being slain randomly in battle. However, we lack solid proof of the exact context around if/how Makoto sacrificed herself. I’d estimate this theory around a 30% likelihood rating until we get more confirmation.

Theory Likelihood Rating30% probable
Key Evidence For– Makoto‘s noble personality
– Ei‘s severe grief over her loss
Key Evidence Against– No proof of self-sacrifice context

3. Betrayed By Unknown Party

This is personally one of my favorite Makoto demise theories. Given all the scheming factions and divine politics governing the world of Teyvat, what if Makoto was ultimately betrayed and caught off-guard by someone she trusted?

I analyze this speculation in more detail in my video here. But in summary, while the idea of the previous Electro Archon being backstabbed has compelling dramatic flair, I’d rate the likelihood of this theory at just 15% based on current information.

I won’t rule out a betrayal plot twist getting revealed later by miHoYo. But as of Version 3.4, there isn’t firm evidence indicating Makoto died specifically due to someone turning against her.

Theory Likelihood Rating15% probable
Key Evidence For– Dramatic narrative potential
Key Evidence Against– No proof of betrayal context

Conclusion: The Mystery Lives On

So in summary, my top theory is Makoto perished in battle during the Cataclysm, potentially protecting Ei or her nation with her dying breath. I give this a 70% probability based on current lore implications. But it’s very possible as the Story Quests progress, we’ll get definitive confirmation on whether she sacrificed herself or fell victim to sinister betrayal.

As both a lore theorist and casual player just wanting to seeEventCallbackForTesting that compelling narrative payoff, I’m excited for future content drops that may finally elaborate more on Makoto’s fate. It remains one of Genshin’s most alluring unsolved mysteries—and one I can’t wait to eventually unravel!

What are your theories on how the previous Electro Archon died? Let’s discuss in the comments!

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