Who Killed the Medjay? An Assassin‘s Creed Origins Deep Dive

As an avid gamer and content creator focused on the Assassin‘s Creed series, one question has burned in my mind since finishing Origins: who killed the Medjay? This article will investigate the tragedy of the once-great Medjay, protectors of Egypt, and uncover the shadowy plot behind their downfall.

The Honorable Medjay Slaughtered

First and foremost, the assassin responsible for the death of Bayek‘s son Khemu – and in many ways, the Medjay order itself – was Flavius Metellus. As a member of the mysterious Order of the Ancients vying for control of Egypt, Flavius cunningly orchestrated Khemu‘s murder and redirected Bayek‘s blade into his own son‘s heart. This brutal tragedy ignited Bayek‘s quest for vengeance against these corrupt rulers.

"I go to see my son. To see if he lives when so many others die." 
- Bayek, after Khemu‘s death

As both a Medjay and a father gripped by anguish, Bayek would stop at nothing to avenge his son and punish this merciless Order. This marked the beginning of the end for Egypt‘s noble protectors.

The Medjay: Warriors of Egypt

To understand the Medjay‘s sorrowful end, we must first understand their stalwart beginning. Acting as a paramilitary police force, the Medjay were fierce warriors tasked with safeguarding Egypt‘s pharaohs, temples, and citizens for over 500 years.

Recruited young from Nubian tribes to the south, these courageous fighters undertook rigorous combat training to serve their adopted homeland. Known for their distinctive clothing, weapons, and facial tattoos, the Medjay inspired fear and commanded respect across Egypt.

"He was Medjay. He lived to serve and protect, as his fathers had before him."
- Description of Bayek as a loyal Medjay guardian

The last known recorded Medjay ruler was Ramesses III, pharaoh of the 20th Dynasty. After his reign ended in 1155 BCE, the term "Medjay" faded from history‘s pages…that is, until the adventures of one Bayek of Siwa.

Bayek of Siwa – Egypt‘s Last Medjay

In as tumultuous time for Egypt, Bayek represented the last vestige of the honorable Medjay tradition. As protector of his remote village Siwa, Bayek continued to embody the warrior principles of his ancestors:

  • Courage in combat
  • Justice for the downtrodden
  • Service to Egypt above all

Yet in the end, even his martial skill and steely resolve could not save his son Khemu from the Order‘s wicked schemes. Some key facts about Bayek‘s background:

  • Born and raised in Siwa around 80 BCE
  • Trained as Medjay protector from youth
  • Married to Aya, future founder of the Hidden Ones
  • Witnessed son Khemu‘s ritual murder aged 36
"I am Bayek of Siwa, though I often wondered if I even deserve this name."

While Bayek blamed himself for his failure to save Khemu, it was the Order pulling the strings behind the tragedy. Their grand plan – seize power from Egypt‘s failing pharaohs – marked the beginning of the Medjay‘s end days.

The Order of the Ancients – Villains of Egypt

This mysterious organization sought to control all Egypt from the shadows, establishing a New World Order in the process. Known members such as The Snake, The Scarab, and The Hyena all answered to one master above the rest.

While the Order likely existed long before Bayek‘s time, they chose this moment of turmoil in Egypt to make their move. Their goal – obtain ancient Isu artifacts to consolidate power. Their method – eliminate potential threats, including Medjay protector Bayek. Some key Order facts:

Flavius MetellusThe LionKilled by Bayek
"The Snake"The HippoKilled by Bayek
Lucius SeptimiusJackal‘s ShadowKilled by Amunet
"Be wary...the Order is everywhere."
- Bayek, warning against the Order‘s insidious reach

Sadly for Bayek, the war against this Order ultimately led to cleaving apart the already fading Medjay. But from tragedy arose hope in a new creed – one of justice in the shadows now known as the Assassin Brotherhood.

The Bittersweet Birth of the Hidden Ones

After enacted vengeance against his son‘s killers, Bayek retreated from the collapsing Order and corrupt rule of Queen Cleopatra. Together with his understanding wife Aya, Bayek established an incipient brotherhood focused on protecting the free will of the common people: The Hidden Ones.

While the Medjay as an institution had passed into memory, its enduring principles would live on through this new secret society. In many ways, the Hidden Ones filled the vacuum left by their extinction:

  • Justice – Striking down cruel oppressors from the shadows
  • Patience – Biding time before delivering killing blow
  • Fraternity – United by wisdom against darkness of ignorance

Indeed, though his quest cost Bayek his son and split with his wife Aya, their vision sparked hope that tyranny might one day fall. Justice untethered by politics or prejudice.

"I hereby pledge myself to the wisdom and guidance of the Hidden Ones..." 
- Bayek‘s oath to the new Brotherhood

And so the Medjay‘s age-old duty passed to a new generation of shadows and daggers. Protecting innocents from the puppet masters who wish to dictate our fates. Ever vigilant, ever righteous.

This has been but one gamer‘s humble tribute to an ancient duty now discharged by bold assassins. Though the Medjay light faded long ago, it sparked a new lantern…one we still look to for direction out of darkness today.

May it ever guide us rightly.
Game on, friends.

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