Who Killed Valkyrie‘s Father Viper in Apex Legends?

The infamous mercenary Viper, father of current Apex Legend Valkyrie, met his end at the hands of Pilot Jack Cooper and his Vanguard-class Titan BT-7274 during the Battle of Typhon in Titanfall 2. This fateful defeat is a significant moment in Frontier War history, though Valkyrie herself only learned the truth behind her father‘s death years later.

Viper‘s Background as an Apex Predator

Viper was a deadly Pilot and Northstar Titan operator who worked as a mercenary for the Apex Predator faction under mastermind Kuben Blisk. With advanced combat and flight capabilities provided by the Northstar chassis, Viper was a formidable foe to any who faced him.

As one of the most skilled Apex Predators, Viper racked up an imposing kill record across the Frontier. When the IMS Draconis departed for the mysterious Planet Typhon with the mysterious Ark artifact aboard, Blisk assigned Viper himself to personally oversee the Ark‘s escort. Little did Viper know this mission would be his last.

Key Statistics – Viper as an Apex Predator:

  • Years Active: Over 8
  • Confirmed Kills: 103 Pilots, 218 Titans
  • Specialty: Long-Range Combat
  • Titan Class: Northstar

The Battle of Typhon – Viper‘s Last Stand

After mass defections from the IMS Draconis upon discovering the Ark‘s dangerous and volatile nature, Viper remained steadfast in his contract and readied to secure safe passage of the artifact. Standing in his way however was Militia Pilot Jack Cooper and the Vanguard Titan BT-7274.

What proceeded was a dramatic dogfight around Typhon‘s orbit as Viper unleashed the full might of his heavily customized Northstar Titan against Cooper and BT. The Northstar excelled at long range skirmishing while avoiding close quarters. Viper used Flight Core to pepper enemies with hovering rocket barrages. Though Cooper and BT eventually grounded the Northstar, Viper himself ejected to continue the battle.

In an ultimate showdown between Pilots, Cooper bested Viper in combat and executed him with his own pistol. This marked the end of one of the Frontier‘s deadliest mercenaries. Though the Ark was ultimately destroyed, Viper‘s death was instrumental in helping the Militia achieve victory on Typhon against seemingly impossible odds.

Valkyrie Discovers the Truth

Despite his villainous acts as an Apex Predator, Valkyrie always idolized her father and his prowess as a Titan Pilot. For years she wrongly blamed Blisk for sending Viper to his death. Only after analyzing old helmet cam footage did Valkyrie finally uncover the truth that Jack Cooper defeated Viper in an outright battle.

This discovery changed Valkyrie‘s perspective of her father‘s final moments. Rather than being betrayed by Blisk, he fought hard until the very end trying to complete his mission, however nefarious. For Valkyrie, learning Cooper defeated Viper has also fueled her competitive drive to be the best in the Apex Games as she continues her father‘s mercenary legacy.

Mysteries Remain Around Viper‘s Fate

While we now know the central facts around Viper‘s death, intriguing mysteries linger. How did Viper become one of the Frontier‘s deadliest mercenaries before joining the Apex Predators? What custom enhancements or tweaks did he make to his Northstar Titan to accentuate his strengths? During the final Pilot skirmish, what prompted Viper‘s last words "This is our world, you try to take it from us!" Does he have any other family besides Valkyrie? Solving these and other mysteries may reveal even more about this formidable opponent.

In many ways, Viper‘s influence continues to shape the Outlands over thirty years after his famous battle with Cooper and BT and subsequent demise. His reputation and Northstar Titan still strike awe and fear into Frontier hearts. And as his daughter soars to fame in the Apex Games, the legend of Viper looks destined to grow even stronger with time.

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