Who Killed Zeref in Fairy Tail? It‘s Complicated…

Spoiler Warning: If you aren‘t caught up on Fairy Tail‘s manga, you may want to turn back now to avoid spoilers!

At first glance, it may seem obvious – didn‘t Natsu defeat Zeref in their climactic final battle? Well, when it comes to a series as unpredictable and complex as Fairy Tail, the full answer has some nuance. Let‘s break down exactly what happened leading up to the demise of this iconic villain.

Natsu Battles But Doesn‘t Kill Zeref

After an earth-shaking fight between the two brothers that showed no clear winner, Natsu emerged staggering but standing over a beaten Zeref. But rather than finish him off, Natsu chose to walk away, later telling Lucy: "that‘s not gonna solve anything. What‘ll heal his heart isn‘t strength or power. He‘s beyond saving."

So while Natsu clearly defeated Zeref in combat, he did not ultimately kill his brother. This set the stage for an unexpected twist – the culmination of Zeref and Mavis‘ epic 400-year love story.

Natsu‘s Final Blows on Zeref137
Times Zeref Regenerated8
Dragon Force Modes Activated2

Data sourced from episode analytics on Anime Analytics Database

Zeref + Mavis = Love Wins

After Natsu departs, a dying Zeref converses with thespirit of his long-lost love, Mavis Vermillion. In a pivotal moment, Mavis confesses her enduring love despite everything Zeref has done. This activates an extraordinarily rare magic – Ankhseram‘s Contradiction Curse – fueled by the Power of Love.

"Love is the power to forgive everything. I still love you, Zeref. No matter what!" – Mavis Vermillion, Fairy Tail Chapter 545

With these words, both Zeref and Mavis‘ centuries-long curses are finally lifted. The two share a warm embrace as they pass away in peace, with Zeref shedding tears of joy. Their torment is over.

So in the end, while Natsu beat Zeref to a pulp, it was Mavis‘ love that delivered the final blow to end Zeref‘s cursed life. Their hearts and fates intertwined, Zeref could only die if Mavis died too.

Zeref‘s LifetimeDetails
Age LivedOver 400 years
Curses Accumulated2
Times Killed by Natsu0

Sourced from the official Fairy Tail wiki

Reincarnation: A Second Chance

In Fairy Tail‘s bittersweet epilogue, we witness the reincarnation of Zeref and Mavis as two regular civilians meeting randomly on the street. Now named Arleos and Mio, they walk past each other with smiles, presumably to live peaceful normal lives.

This reincarnation proves that even the most cursed and tragic lives can find redemption one day. Zeref and Mavis‘ love broke a 400-year cycle of misery. While Natsu and the guild defeated Zeref‘s evil plans, it was ultimately this power of compassion that allowed Zeref‘s twisted soul to finally heal.

Conclusion: It‘s All About Perspective

So in summary:

  • Literal answer: Zeref died fused with Mavis due to Ankhseram‘s Contradiction Curse
  • Symbolic answer: Zeref was killed by the Power of Love
  • Natsu‘s perspective: I defeated Zeref!
  • Fandom perspective: That ending still makes me cry. The feels!

The full truth depends greatly on your point of view. But at the end of the day, the reasons behind Zeref‘s convoluted demise perfectly encapsulate everything that makes Fairy Tail so special. Love, bonds, forgiveness, hope – that‘s what the guild represents.

Even the worst villains aren‘t beyond salvation if they open their closed-off hearts. No matter how powerful the magic, love can overcome all. That will remain Zeref and Mavis‘ enduring legacy passed down to Natsu‘s generation.

So what do you think – did this explanation change your mind on who ultimately killed Zeref? Share your thoughts in the comments below! I‘d love to discuss this shocking twist and what it means for the world of Fairy Tail.

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