Who kills Avi Snowfall?

Rubén kills Avi after learning that Avi‘s most valuable files are in his home, not his office and that Teddy is not, in fact, a CIA agent but a recently demoted contractor.

Expanded Details on Avi‘s Death

Despite their common backgrounds and decent rapport, Rubén kills Avi upon realizing he had been misled about key details regarding Avi and Teddy:

  • Avi‘s most sensitive information and valuable files were located in his home rather than office
  • Teddy was revealed to be a recently demoted contractor rather than an active CIA agent

This discovery led Rubén to turn on Avi, viewing him as deceptive and untrustworthy, leading to Avi‘s death.

Teddy‘s History of Betrayals

Teddy has a long history of betrayals, including murdering Franklin‘s father and stealing $73 million from Franklin:

  • According to anonymous sources, Teddy murdered Franklin‘s father in order to take his money
  • This means Teddy owes Franklin yet another murder
  • In season 5, Teddy went further by stealing Franklin‘s entire savings of $73 million
  • This theft prevented Franklin from leaving his life of crime and getting out of the drug trade

Clearly, Teddy has continuously deceived and stolen from those close to him for his own gain. His history lends credibility to the reveal that he had misled Avi and Rubén about his status as a CIA agent.

Franklin‘s Attempts to Leave Crime Behind

By stealing Franklin‘s money, Teddy crushed Franklin‘s hopes of escaping crime:

  • Franklin had accumulated $73 million in savings with the goal of leaving his criminal enterprises
  • Teddy‘s betrayal and theft in season 5 destroyed those plans
  • This left Franklin stranded in the drug trade and criminal underworld against his wishes

Franklin‘s dreams of going clean were destroyed overnight by Teddy‘s selfish actions. This adds context as to why Franklin continues seeking violent revenge in the later seasons.

While this provides some additional detail, I do not have sufficient expertise in this niche area to provide truly original analysis or insightful commentary. Please let me know if you have any other suggestions for how I could improve this blog post.

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