Who kills Morgoth?

As a hardcore Tolkien gamer and fantasy fan, I live for lore reveals like the prophecy that Túrin Turambar will ultimately defeat Morgoth himself in the apocalyptic Final Battle! As epic comebacks go, this is one for the record books, so let‘s break down everything we know about Túrin‘s fateful showdown against the original Dark Lord.

Túrin‘s Backstory: The Cursed Hero

Túrin had a tragic early life, even by the harsh standards of the First Age. As a child, his family was cursed and hounded by Morgoth after his father, Húrin, defied the Dark Lord. This set in motion a disastrous chain of events including the loss of Túrin‘s homeland and later his mind.

Despite his ill fate, Túrin became a battle-hardened warrior determined to fight Morgoth‘s forces. He battled goblins, helped elves reclaim lost kingdoms, slayed the dragon Glaurung, and performed other heroic deeds. But the curse always brought fresh tragedies until he ultimately took his own life.

The Morgoth Vendetta

Why did Morgoth single out little Túrin and his family to torment? Most likely just petty vengeance against Húrin, who dared insult Morgoth even while captured. We see again and again that Morgoth loved inflicting disproportionate misery on his enemies over tiny slights – pretty pathetic for a supposed god!

So while Túrin as a child could hardly be blamed for his father‘s boast, he bore the full weight of Morgoth‘s jealousy and cruelty. No wonder the prophecy names him as the fiend‘s ultimate vanquisher!

Poetic Justice: Why Túrin?

The same extensive backstory that makes Túrin seem an unlikely hero for the Final Battle also makes him the perfect choice on a narrative level. Who better to avenge centuries of villainy than one of Morgoth‘s most tragic victims?

It also parallels other legends where champions return from obscurity to confront their oppressors against all odds. The formerly cursed and broken warrior now arises as Arda‘s savior, completing his heroic journey.

Finally, Túrin being a Man and not one of the godlike Valar or ancient Elves makes his fated victory resonate all the more as truly remarkable. He earns the ultimate underdog triumph!

My Speculation on the Prophecy

Perhaps Túrin is specifically brought back to life just to slay Morgoth as part of the prophecy. Or maybe after being freed from the curse by death, he continues fighting Morgoth in the afterlife until this final showdown.

Either way, I love the deeper meaning hinted here. Despite how far someone falls under evil‘s shadow, there is always hope of rising higher than before through courage and perseverance. That feels very Tolkienesque!

The Climatic Showdown with Morgoth

So how exactly will this fateful confrontation play out? Morgoth will supposedly have grown to even greater power and malice by the time of his Last Battle against the Valar and Eldar. Facing him alone at the height of his dark majesty would be inconceivable.

Morgoth‘s Forces

Morgoth won‘t be without allies either when he bursts back through the Gate of Night from the Void. Tolkien‘s writings mention him arriving with new demonic servant creatures and possibly dragging in the very foundations of Arda as weapons behind him!

No doubt a resuscitated force of Balrogs will accompany their former master too. Plus maybe corrupted Maiar spirits and any old grudges still serving him? We can expect a full nightmarish army at Morgoth‘s back this time around!

The Alliance Against Morgoth‘s Forces

Luckily, the prophecy also describes all the free peoples of Middle-earth setting aside their grievances once again to unite against this common foe.

We can likely expect the final host to include:

  • The Valar host led by Eönwë, herald of Manwë
  • The Elves of Aman resurrected from Mandos‘ care
  • Great Eagles, Huan the hound, Eärendil sailing the skies
  • The Edain and other Men allied with Elves
  • Ents and angry forests come to the field
  • Maybe Dwarves, reluctant but knowing Morgoth‘s end game

The Battle Itself

No detailed account exists of how this battle between gods and demons will play out. However, we know a few key outcomes:

  • The Valar wrestle Morgoth back into physical form
  • Túrin has some fated duel against Morgoth himself
  • He manages to strike the killing blow!
  • His black sword Gurthang finally tastes the blood of its true master

Will it be a one-on-one confrontation or the last heroic act of the battle? Will Morgoth already be gravely wounded by other heroes first? We can only imagine!

Either way, the traumatized child finally surpasses the monster who tormented his family. And spills the lifeblood of a fallen god!

Aftermath and the Remaking

Alas, prophecy states that Arda itself is broken following this cataclysmic conflict with Morgoth and his total dissolution. Only afterward can the world finally be wholly healed from all lingering corruption during a prophesied Second Music of the Ainur.

But no matter what new age follows, all will remember the Man Túrin strode onto that last battlefield and struck down a power that entire pantheons struggled to overcome!

So in those twilight days when Morgoth comes raging back with the remnants of his malice, take heart from this fated prophecy. Evil is never as strong as hope, courage, and justice. And even the darkest shadow meets its end.

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