Who kills vhagar?

In one of the most jaw-dropping moments in Game of Thrones history, Daemon Targaryen brought down the formidable Prince Aemond and his dragon Vhagar in a fatal mid-air duel that shifted the tide of the Targaryen civil war. Let‘s break down this hugely consequential fight scene in all its fiery, heart-pounding glory!

Who Were the Combatants?

Prince Daemon Targaryen clearly never shied away from violence, earning a reputation as a fierce yet morally ambiguous warrior. As rider of the lean red dragon Caraxes, called the "Blood Wyrm," he made for an intimidating sight soaring through the battlefield skies.

His opponent Prince Aemond Targaryen lost an eye as a boy but ultimately claimed Vhagar – the largest and oldest living dragon in Westeros at over 180 years old. Just absolutely massive in size, Vhagar gave the Greens faction a nearly unstoppable advantage.

By the Numbers: Vhagar vs. Caraxes

AgeOver 180 yearsRoughly 100 years
SizeMassive – over 5x bigger than CaraxesLean and quick
Battle RecordUndefeated in WesterosBattle-tested warrior

So in terms of size and strength, Vhagar clearly had the edge. But as we‘ll see, the Blood Wyrm‘s speed and Daemon‘s brazen cunning more than leveled the playing field.

Confrontation Above the Gods Eye

As the armies gathered at Harrenhal, Prince Daemon awaited Aemond‘s approach atop Caraxes. But rather than engage in an straightforward aerial battle, Daemon had a particularly gutsy maneuver in mind…

In a move no one saw coming, Daemon suddenly leapt clear OFF his dragon onto Vhagar WHILE BOTH WERE AIRBORNE! Scrambling onto the massive dragon‘s back, Daemon then slayed Aemond by stabbing Dark Sister through his remaining eye.

This instantly sent the two dragons spiraling out of control. Locked in a death grip, Caraxes and Vhagar slammed in a tangle of wings and claws into the Gods Eye below, mortally wounded by each other‘s massive jaws and talons.

Daemon‘s Bold Sacrifice

While many saw Daemon as an unscrupulous rogue, this act showed a willingness to sacrifice himself to take out the enemy‘s most dangerous weapon. Knowing he couldn‘t best Vhagar outright, this daring mid-air attack offered the only path to victory even if it meant certain death.

It was a true tear-out-your-heart GoT moment watching rider and dragon fall in fatal unison as the price for eliminating such a formidable foe. All with the realm watching aghast at this show-stopping dragon duel!

Vhagar‘s Death Reshaped the War

With Vhagar gone and Aemond dead, the Greens lost both their most intimidating general and living super-weapon in one fell swoop! Make no mistake, Vhagar‘s size and flames striking terror was a HUGE strategic factor in House Hightower‘s advances.

Her absence crippled their offensive power and advantage in the field. It also damaged troop morale, while likely spurring more Houses to reconsider backing the Greens‘ cause.

In thebiggestdragon‘s passing, Rhaenyra gained renewed momentum. All those moments of Vhagar exploiting her massive size for destruction – snatching up ships whole or incinerating rival dragons – were no more. She had finally met her match.

The Blood Wyrm‘s Ferocious Last Stand

But don‘t overlook the tenacious Blood Wyrm‘s role! Caraxes still inflicted mortal wounds on his titanic foe, fighting relentlessly even when dragged beneath the waters.

The lean red dragon‘s speed and malevolent reputation were assets all their own. And while injured, some accounts claim Caraxes continued struggling ashore before finally dying.

Two Beasts of Legend Perish

So in one metal-as-hell clash, Daemon Targaryen slew Vhagar‘s rider and guided his own trusted dragon Caraxes to pull the bigger dragon down in mutual destruction!

Two incredibly iconic beasts died ferociously entwined in each other’s grasp – an absolute gut-punch moment in Game of Thrones lore! It was a baller way for both warriors and their dragons to go out though!

No doubt this battle joins the ranks of the most hard-hitting fictional fight scenes. And given the stakes for the throne itself, easily one of THE most impactful dragon duels ever, sending shockwaves throughout Westeros.

But that‘s just my take on Daemon‘s battle glory and the earth-shaking impact of Vhagar and Caraxes‘ deaths! What do YOU think? How pivotal was this extreme mid-air duel? Let me know in the comments!

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