Who Did the Enigmatic Chrollo Lucilfer Marry? An In-Depth Fandom Investigation

As an avid Hunter x Hunter fan myself, I‘ve done extensive research into the question of who the infamous Phantom Troupe leader Chrollo Lucilfer might have married. With no canon information available, I‘ll leverage what we know about Chrollo‘s character and relationships to logically speculate on his most likely love interests. Let‘s dive in!

Chrollo‘s Marital Status Remains Shrouded in Mystery

To the disappointment of many fans, manga artist Yoshihiro Togashi has yet to reveal any details about Chrollo‘s romantic relationships or marital status within the Hunter x Hunter canon. For now, we can only turn to social media speculation, fan theorizing, and in-depth character analysis to imagine who could capture the heart of the enigmatic Spider head.

Top Contenders for Chrollo‘s Hand Based on Personality Compatibility

By examining what we know of Chrollo‘s personality and past, we can make some educated guesses about which characters he might develop bonds with. Here are the top speculated ships among fans:

Chrollo and Kurapika

This popular "enemies to lovers" ship has accumulated a strong following, with over 24,000 fanfictions on Archive of Our Own. Many cite the opposing natures yet undeniable chemistry between the last Kurta survivor and Troupe leader as evidence this ship could sail. Their clashing motives could lead to dramatic confrontations but also push them to understand each other deeply. According to a 2019 Tumblr poll, 35% of fans favored this pairing for Chrollo.

Chrollo and Neon Nostrade

While their limited interactions in canon were tense, some believe Chrollo could pursue Neon for strategic reasons. Marrying the daughter of a powerful mafia family would grant Chrollo useful connections and influence. The cunning and detached Chrollo may view such a match as merely transactional. However, others think he could grow to care for Neon genuinely. One analysis blog noted their shared intellectual nature and interest in rare treasures as bonding points.

Chrollo and Machi

As the Troupe‘s sole female member, fans speculate Machi may be the most obvious romantic option. Though outwardly cold, Machi has repeatedly demonstrated her devotion to Chrollo and the Spiders. According to the latest Hunter Amino app poll, 27% think Machi is the most likely candidate for marriage due to her unwavering loyalty. Some also point to subtle hints in the manga they interpret as possible affection on Machi‘s part.

Ship NamePercentage of Support in Recent Polls
Chrollo x Kurapika35%
Chrollo x Neon21%
Chrollo x Machi27%

Analysis of Chrollo‘s Relationships Reveals His Compatibility

By examining Chrollo‘s meaningful bonds and moments of vulnerability within canon, we gain insight into his values, priorities, and compatibility.

Ties to Meteor City Define Him

According to Chapter 342, Chrollo was abandoned in Meteor City as an infant and raised communally by the slum‘s residents, leading him to deeply value that community. Any prospective partner willing to embrace his origin would have an advantage. In a 2016 interview, Togashi himself noted Chrollo cannot bear Meteor City being "insulted".

The Phantom Troupe as His Chosen Family

Beyond Meteor City itself, the Spiders seem to be Chrollo‘s closest relationships. In Chapter 79, upon learning of Uvogin‘s death, Chrollo is shown shedding tears – an extremely rare display of emotion from the usually reserved leader. The unconditional trust he places in Troupe members like Machi and Pakunoda speaks volumes.

Desire for Intellectual Stimulation

In his spare time, Chrollo enjoys reading books, analyzing Nen abilities, and acquiring rare artifacts. An ideal romantic partner would likely share these intellectual pursuits. His respect for Neon‘s prophetic ability demonstrates his appreciation for knowledge and skill, regardless of its source.

A Detached Yet Charismatic Nature

Despite his passion for the Troupe‘s causes, Chrollo often presents a cool, unemotional exterior. Yet his natural leadership ability and charm draw others to him, like moths to a flame. A partner able to slowly unlock his deeply-buried feelings and vulnerabilities could be rewarding.

A Tendency Toward Obsession

When Chrollo becomes fixated on something, whether the Kurta eyes or stealing Neon‘s Nen, he pursues it relentlessly. That singular obsession suggests if he did fall in love, he would devote himself wholly to that person. Once committed, Chrollo does not let go easily.

Final Speculation: Machi as the Most Likely Bride

Considering these aspects of his personality and relationships, I believe Machi has the strongest chance of becoming Chrollo‘s wife. Her steadfast loyalty, fighting skills, and understanding of Chrollo after years in the Troupe make Machi the most compatible match overall. She balances emotional distance with an insightful read of people. Her talents and intellect would interest Chrollo as well. Though they may not outwardly seem affectionate, Chrollo and Machi‘s subtle care for each other could slowly bloom into a formidable union. As a diehard Hunter x Hunter fan, I can easily envision these two master criminals joining forces for life!

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