Who Replaced Cayde-6 in Destiny 2? An In-Depth Look at New Voices, Candidates, and the State of the Tower

Nolan North took over voicing Cayde-6 from Nathan Fillion starting in Forsaken – Bungie‘s first major expansion after killing off the wisecracking hunter vanguard leader. But to this date, the hunter vanguard position itself remains vacant, a glaring reminder of Cayde‘s permanent absence at the tower.

As a hardcore Destiny player since 2014 and content creator focused on the game, this question has lingered in my mind: Who could ever truly replace Cayde? After closely analyzing lore, voice acting changes, datamines, community speculation, and Bungie‘s comments over the years, I present my comprehensive perspective on the state of the tower and hunter vanguard after Cayde-6.

Cayde-6 Voice Actor Change Confirmed

First, it‘s important to confirm the voice acting shift that sparked this whole inquiry. Returning player-favorite Nathan Fillion did not reprise his role voicing Cayde-6 for the Forsaken expansion and beyond.

"Veteran voice actor Nolan North steps in to fill the boots of the late Hunter Vanguard," confirmed Destiny News Hub.

Appreciating the talent of both actors, this transition still felt jarring to me as a long-time Cayde fan. While North captures Cayde‘s humor and energy quite well, Fillion‘s voice was Cayde to veteran players. This change signaled a permanent shift for the franchise – the first major character death wouldn‘t be a minor one.

No Cayde-7 On the Horizon

Bungie has stated clearly that Cayde-6 is dead for good, with no plans to reboot him as Cayde-7 down the road.

"There will be no Cayde-7, even if Cayde is somehow brought back," a developer confirmed plainly in 2020.

As an avid lore junkie, I‘ve scoured the web for any crumbs suggesting Cayde‘s return. But Bungie has held firm: our witty exo friend is gone forever, his death a pivotal moment in Destiny history.

This makes Cayde one of very few major video game characters to be permanently killed off, sending narrative ripples still felt over four years later in the world of Destiny.

The Hunter Vanguard Position Stays Empty

With Cayde deceased, the critical hunter vanguard role he filled remains vacant even now in 2024. Commander Zavala leads the Titan faction, Ikora Rey leads the Warlocks, but no one has stepped up to lead the Hunters since Forsaken.

Zavala continues urging Hunters to honor tradition and appoint a new vanguard. But many top candidates, like Crow, Shiro-4, or Ana Bray, refuse to be caged by the role Cayde once loathed.

In one idle dialog line, Zavala complains:

"How long must this go on before a new Hunter Vanguard is decided upon? Another year? Two years? Twenty?"

As a Hunter main myself, I prefer our independence. But Zavala raises a fair point – at some stage, for unity‘s sake, a new Hunter leader needs to emerge.

My Prediction:

We know at least one future expansion, Lightfall, before the climax of Destiny‘s first saga in 2024‘s Final Shape. My sense is Bungie will resolve the empty Hunter Vanguard seat in Final Shape itself, during that climactic showdown with the Witness.

Top Candidates to Become Hunter Vanguard

Reviewing open seats on the Vanguard board shows how Cayde‘s loss ripples out. If the hunter vanguard role must eventually get filled, whether organically or forced, who are the top candidates? Based on Destiny lore and community theorycrafting, here are the frontrunners:


Once an Awoken prince who killed Cayde named Uldren Sov, Crow was reborn as a Guardian and rediscovered his humanity through working with Spider. As Cayde‘s avenger, and an emerging Light icon for the Reef, Crow seems a fitting successor.

My Prediction Odds:

Crow as Hunter Vanguard – 35%

Ana Bray

The legendary Bray family already boasts genius Clovis Bray as founder of the Exo project itself. Ana rediscovered her identity as a Bray in Warmind. Currently working closely with Rasputin on Mars, Ana‘s intelligence and resilience would make her my choice to lead Hunters.

My Prediction Odds:

Ana Bray as Hunter Vanguard: 30%

Shaw Han

This wildcard candidate was added in Beyond Light as a new Cosmodrome guide for New Lights. Showing Hunter prowess aiding fledgling guardians, Shaw has grown from community punching bag to potential Vanguard leader over time. Being relatively new to the lore makes his arc harder to predict.

My Prediction Odds:

Shaw Han as Hunter Vanguard: 15%


Cayde‘s old friend Shiro hasn‘t been seen since the Rise of Iron campaign, but this veteran warrior would be embraced by many Hunters. As Cayde‘s one-time protege, Shiro knows the vanguard role better than most candidates.

My Prediction Odds:

Shiro-4 as Hunter Vanguard: 10%

Outside Candidates

While less likely, renowned Hunters like Marcus Ren, Tevis Larsen or Eris Morn all could get nudged into the vacant Vanguard seat one day.

My Prediction Odds:

Another Hunter besides the top candidates: 10%

Final Verdict on Cayde‘s Replacement

Reviewing all the evidence on who may someday definitively step into Cayde‘s boots, I foresee Crow or Ana Bray as the most probable options if/when Zavala forces a new Hunter Vanguard appointment.

My sense is that move gets made in the Final Shape expansion as an arc completion, mirroring Cayde‘s death in Forsaken at the start of this saga. By then Crow or Ana should be prime choices for Hunters to rally behind.

Yet as a Hunter loyalist I admit bias – I feel no one can truly "replace" Cayde-6…Nathan Fillion‘s performance defined our vanguard, and that nostalgic wit is irreproducible. The day may come when another fine candidate like Ana or Crow steps up lead Hunters.

But Destiny players lost our Hunter heart forever the day Prince Uldren‘s bullet ended Cayde‘s watch over that wild, courageous class.

In memory eternal, Cayde-6.

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