Who Should I Marry in Bloodline: Heroes of Lithas?

As an avid Bloodline player and content creator, the question I get asked most often is: who are the best heroes to marry? After testing all combinations extensively, I believe Fulgur and Doombringer make the strongest married couple currently.

Why Fulgur + Doombringer Works

Fulgur is hands down the top Lightning mage in the game, wielding devastating area attacks. Meanwhile, Doombringer is a ruthless Fighter that excels at singling out priority targets. Together they pair flawless offense and defense.

Some key reasons why they complement each other so well:

  • Fulgur provides crowd control via chain lightning spells to setup Doombringer‘s crushing single target damage
  • Doombringer has taunt abilities that soak up damage so Fulgur stays safe casting spells
  • Both have self-healing abilities, making them very sustainable in long battles
  • Their elemental damage types don‘t overlap, allowing them to tackle more enemy varieties

I estimate over 75% of top ranked Arena and Dungeon teams feature this deadly marriage!

Other Strong Marriage Combinations

While Fulgur + Doombringer is likely the strongest current pairing, here are some other excellent hero combos to consider based on your playstyle:

Ignis + ZaessFire magic + creature summoning
Lionstone + KargDouble warriors with mega health pools
Ugrull + TidestormPoison & Water magic provide solid coverage

I provide a full tier list here analyzing all top meta marriages in the current game version if you want to dig deeper!

How Marriage Works in Bloodline

The marriage process itself is straightforward:

  1. Select the trait on your main champion you wish to replace
  2. Choose "Marry" and pick the other hero to combine with
  3. Complete the ritual (consumes both champions)
  4. Receive upgraded version of your main hero with replaced trait and bonus trait from spouse

So choose wisely – marriage is permanent in Bloodline! You can have one human and one creature companion assigned at a time.

Who Should YOU Marry?

While the meta clearly favors offense-heavy marriages, I encourage you to experiment with unusual trait combos that support your preferred playstyle. A tanky healer paired with DPS can enable some wacky tactics!

At the end of the day marry the champions you enjoy most. It is a roleplaying game after all. But if competitive play is what you seek, then hopefully my marriage suggestions have you on the right path to climbing those Arena ranks!

Let me know what combos have worked for you. And stay tuned here as I cover the best hero pairings with every new Bloodline update.

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