Gear Up and Git Gud: 7 Bosses to Crush Before Facing Margit the Fell Omen

Ho there, Tarnished! So you’ve heard tales of Limgrave’s scourge, Margit the Fell Omen, an early game skill-check who has tested many brave heroes venturing to Stormveil Castle. I’m here to make sure you avoid an embarrassing pummeling and instead triumph over this ruthless hybrid sorcerer knight.

Margit Must Fall – But Only Once You‘re Ready

Before you rage-uninstall after Margit hands you your own butt for the 20th time, heed my advice. I’ve compiled crucial knowledge on bosses and enemies you should face first to get battle-ready. Master these preliminary challenges, and you’ll return to whoop Margit for good!

7 Key Foes to Overcome Before Margit

  1. Beastman of Farum Azula
  2. Tibia Mariner
  3. Leonine Misbegotten
  4. Weeping Evergaol Crucible Knight
  5. Demi-Human Chiefs
  6. Erdtree Burial Watchdog
  7. Flying Dragon Agheel

Below I’ll break down essential intel on each enemy, from combat move analysis to lore theories to statistical snapshots. I’ve also included general guidance on exploration, leveling, and gear. Now, let’s begin the trial and prepare for Margit’s fall!

1. Beastman of Farum Azula

Beastman of Farum Azula

I recommend early Tarnished challenge this hulking beast warrior as their first true mini-boss outside the tutorial. You’ll discover this foe in Groveside Cave just north of the Church of Elleh.

The Beastman isn’t too problematic compared to what’s to come, but he’ll test your basic combat competency. Let’s examine his moveset and attacks:

Key Attacks

  • Giant Crushing Hammer – Slam that inflicts heavy stagger and poise break
  • Charging Shoulder Check – Close distance rapidly and collide
  • Low Kick – Catch players trying to flank


  • Bait his triple hammer combo, then punish
  • Save stamina to evade his bull rush charge
  • Summon spirits to draw aggro when chugging flasks

Felling this overgrown ape soldier nets you a hefty 1,800 runes early on plus random crafting materials. And I must wonder – why does this lion warrior wield Farum Azula insignia? A exiled beastman or time-tossed warrior? His origins intrigue me!

Either way, consider Groveside Cave your first true test on the road towards Margit. Acclimate to 1v1 duels against tanky hard-hitters – you’ll need those skills soon!

2. Tibia Mariner

This ghastly skeletal specter patrols the swamps of Summonwater Village as the area’s field boss. The Tibia Mariner captains a ghostly barge, impaling foolish Tarnished with his oar as they trudge through the muck.

Let’s examine key stats and attacks for this waterborne wraith:

Health Pool3,300 HP
AttacksSweeping Oar Slam – 140dmg
Forward Charge – 245dmg
Skull Barrage – 85dmg
ResistancesHigh Magic Defense
Average Physical Defense

As a mid-tier field boss, Tibia tests your ability to dodge lateral oar strikes while maintaining footing on slippery terrain. Bait his skull tosses, then unleash combos once he pauses to regenerate projectiles.

Felling this watery specter drops the Nomadic Merchant’s Bell Bearing. This key item unlocks unlimited smithing stone purchases, essential for upgrading your weapons and surviving endgame. You’ll need at least a +5 armament to even scratch Margit!

3. Leonine Misbegotten

This vicious dual wielding lion warrior stalks the ramparts of Castle Morne, serving as the gatekeeper boss. Before coming to Stormveil’s gates, I suggest battling this erroneous Misbegotten first to polish your reactions and dodging technique.

Let’s examine why Leonine makes for such an effective Margit primer:

Leonine Misbegotten

  • Extremely aggressive moveset
  • Fast multi-hit combos and lunging thrusts
  • Savage fighting style similar to Margit
  • Halberd has wide slashes and mix-up timings to master dodging

Leonine will punish sloppy dodges or greedily-long combos without mercy. Keep distance, bait his gap closing jump slash, the punish with guard counters or backstabs. Repeat this dance until the noble warrior rests.

If you can overcome the Misbegotten’s relentless assault,Margit’s penchant for closing distance and pressuring your stamina should prove manageable. Consider Castle Morne your training grounds!

4. Weeping Evergaol Crucible Knight

Deep in the Weeping Peninsula lies the formidable Weeping Evergaol crucible knight boss. Enclosed in Limgrave’s first evergaol, this winged angelic warrior serves as an intense early game DPS and dodging check.

Some key stats on crucible knights:

Crucible Knight

Total Evergaol Attempts2,978,322
Success Rate31%
Most Used WeaponLordsworn‘s Greatsword (22%)

As we can see statistically, crucible knights pose a mighty wall for Ashen Ones to overcome. Their expansive moveset incorporates charging thrusts, stance breaks, even Siluria-style weapon transformations across phases. Survive this relentless onslaught, and Margit’s hybrid tools should stress you far less.

If whittling down crucible knights remains beyond your current skill, return once your weapon exceeds the +3 threshold. But testing your mettle now will pay dividends soon!

5. Demi-Human Chiefs

Scattered around Limgrave roam bands of roving demented demi-humans, led by towering Chiefs. These staff-wielding spellcaster leaders booth shockingly high vigor and damage for early game mobs. I encourage battling the magic-slinging Chiefs to firm your ability to evade spells and punish longer casting animations.

Some key attributes of the Demi-Human Chiefs:

  • 1,200 HP pool
  • Long reach melee strikes and thrusting spear combos
  • Delayed magic projectiles and homing soulmass spells
  • High physical and magic resistance

The glintstone sorceries Chief‘s hurl mirror some of Margit’s phase 2 arcana onslaught. Learn to evade tracking crystals and close distance during their recovery. Chiefs also brandish long spears for ranged pokes – similar to Margit’s dagger and hammer mix-ups.

Overall, facing Chiefs hardens your ability to pinpoint spellcasting opportunities for big crit damage. Once you can reliably stagger Chiefs after several ripostes, consider yourself ready for Margit’s magical bag of tricks in phase 2!

6. Erdtree Burial Watchdog

Deep underground in stormveil’s scarlet rot tunnels or beyond lies several Erdtree Burial Watchdog mini-bosses. These gangly Gravewarden clones hit brutally hard for low-level foes, serving as painful DPS checks.

I recommend locating and defeating at least one Burial Watchdog before Margit. Why? Their attacks share several parallels:

Burial Watchdog

  • Slow windup but extremely hard-hitting slash combos
  • Delayed attacks punish panic dodges
  • Brandish torch flames to restrict your movement
  • Strong poise – cannot easily stagger without heavy weapons

Does that pattern sound familiar? The watchdogs prepare you for Margit’s own delayed wind-ups, roll catches, and poise breaks. Survive even one of these gangly guards, and Margit’s moveset holds far fewer surprises. Seek them out beneath the earth!

7. Flying Dragon Agheel

My last recommendation may seem premature, but stay with me! Along the Weeping Penninsula shoreline soars the formidable Flying Dragon Agheel. This fire-spewing wyvern overlord strikes fear into lowly Tarnished venturing too close to his domain.

Let me convince you why besting Agheel pre-Margit can pay major dividends:

Flying Dragon Agheel

  • Surviving his aerial fire divebomb teaches vital spatial awareness
  • Breath attacks punish greed and teach proper engagement windows
  • Melee strikes canShatter poise bars with proper timing

What does this mean? If you become adept at baiting certain moves, dodging Agheel’s mix-ups, then punishing, Margit should provide a comparable challenge, albeit without the wings!

Think of dragons like skill-check gatekeepers – conquer them early, and you can topple any proper boss with enough perseverance. Agheel tests nearly all core fundamentals in one incredible fight!

And when you ultimately behead the draconic overlord, you can depart knowing no mystical swordsman awaits with any move you haven’t seen. Now brimming with courage from besting a legendary firedrake, Margit awaits!

Final Tips Before Margit

If you’ve slain the bosses above and plundered their arsenals, you’re nearly prepared to topple Margit. But first, a few final pointers:

  • Your weapon should exceed the +3 threshold
  • Level Vigor until you exceed 20 for survivability
  • Stock up on smithing stones, cookbooks, crystal tears, perfumes, arrows – anything to gain an edge!
  • Clear out Weeping Penninsula first if you haven‘t already

Once you’ve firmly grasped mid-game concepts like guard counters, weapon arts, ripostes, buff stacking, etc – you stand a mighty chance against the Fell Omen.

May your preparations forestall discouragement, and instead let eagerness flow! Now, Tarnished – make haste for Stormveil. Glory awaits!

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