Who Speaks Abyssal? An Expert‘s Guide for Gamer Lore buffs

Abyssal is the vile, primordial language of the demonic planes – but who in the D&D multiverse still actively speaks this profane tongue? As a lore aficionado, let me guide you through Abyssal‘s shadowy history and explain which entities wield it today…

The Origins of Abyssal

Far older than Mortal tongues, Abyssal traces its roots to the earliest eras of reality itself. When the chaotic matter of the Infinite Layers took form, the first Demons etched syllables of pure madness into the fabric of creation.

As the Abyss coalesced into a physical plane, this language adorned its schizophrenic landscape, twisting itself into new dialects unique to each Demon Lord‘s domain.

"The Abyss was the wellspring that birthed all wickedness, and Abyssal its first maddened cry."

– Excerpt from Libram Maleficius

Even other fiendish groups coveted Abyssal‘s etymologic power – Devils absorb its secrets, hoping to control rival Demons, while Night Hags weave it into Soul-trapping curses.

In time, the language seeped beyond the Abyss as Demons traversed the planes. When mortal cultists like the Cult of Elemental Evil unearthed Abyssal rituals, it gained additional footholds in the Material Realm.

Today, scholars debate Abyssal‘s continued evolution as new Demon Lords arise and obliterated layers reform. One thing remains certain though – Abyssal still embodies the infinite chaos central to the Abyss‘s nature.

Tieflings & Abyssal – Insights on the Margins

As Planetouched descended from fiends, Tieflings hold special potential to inherit Abyssal speech. However, most Tieflings instead speak Infernal – the Devil‘s Tongue. True mastery of Abyssal requires direct Demonic descent.

A core challenge? Many Tieflings don‘t actually know their specific lineage. Those guessing demonic heritage may learn incorrect languages by mistake.

In truth, only Tieflings directly spawned from Demon forebears naturally manifest Abyssal instincts – these "Abyssal Tieflings" include:

Abyssal Tiefling LineageDemonic Ancestor
Quasit‘s GetQuasits
Barlgura SpawnBarlguras
Goristro SpawnGoristros
Marilith SpawnMariliths
Balor BroodBalors

Abyssal Tiefling Lineage descent and related Demon Forebears

But could Devil-spawn ever learn Abyssal? Perhaps – linguistic texts show some ambitious Archdevils (like Dispater) using Abyssal to infiltrate Demon Courts. Such infiltration risks catastrophic consequences however if detected…

Cults of Chaos & the Descent into Darkness

Abyssal‘s spread owes much to Cults dedicated to Demon Lords across the planes. By adopting Abyssal rituals in their language, Cults allow Demon Lords to manifest in new forms or enable two-way communication via the Abyssal conduit.

Notable Cults like the Cult of Elemental Evil or the Horned Society use Abyssal as a means of pitting Demons against hated archdevils in an eternal Blood War. Other chaotic murder covens worship Demon Lords directly in hopes of gaining abyssal boons or transformations into new vessels.

"Continue the chants nightly, and He shall remake us all in His profane image…"

– Rites of the Abyssal Harvester

Though risky, such dark pacts see desperate mortals trade their humanity for profane power – with Abyssal itself the currency of this cosmic exchange.

Who Still Speaks This Language Today?

Given Abyssal‘s long history, who retains the ability to speak or read this obscure tongue today?

Demons – As Abyssal‘s original progenitors, all Demons inherently speak the language. Variants like Dretch, Vrock, Glabrezu, Nalfeshnees and Mariliths represent but a fraction of the vast demonic hordes who use Abyssal to communicate.

Cultists of Demon Lords – Mortals who worship Demon Lords learn Abyssal to leverage its accursed power or better commune with their abyssal benefactors.

Night Hags – These fiendish sisters trap souls using magic woven from Abyssal words of binding. Some legends even claim Night Hags helped Asmodeus steal his Ruby Rod using Abyssal rituals.

Devils / Rakshasas – Archdevils and similarly cunning Fiends sometimes learn Abyssal to infiltrate the plans of rival demon lords. This advantage comes at immense risk however.

Scholars of the Arcane – Rare demonologists versed in the language for academic study and cataloging of abyssal artifacts. Their very sanity balances upon a knife‘s edge however…

"With but a few uttered syllables of Abyssal, I bound the ferocity of that city to my will…"

– Mordenkainen (in context of Tovag Baragu)

Parting Thoughts

As you can see, mastery over the Abyssal tongue grants tremendous power, but can also open pathways better left untouched. My hope? This guide provides you, my fellow gamer, with exciting lore insights that enrich your D&D experience.

If you enjoyed this deep dive on Abyssal, let me know your thoughts in the comments! I plan to tackle the mysterious language of Slaad next…

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