Who to Invest in GTA 5 Lifeinvader – An Ultimate Guide

As an avid GTA 5 gamer and investing enthusiast, I am often asked "who to invest in GTA 5 Lifeinvader"? So let me clear up right away – you do not need to specifically invest in Lifeinvader at any point in GTA 5. I‘ll explain why…

Do I Have to Invest in Lifeinvader?

When Lester first introduces the concept of the in-game stock market, his instructions are simply to make you aware that you can invest in any company. He is not advising you to buy Lifeinvader shares specifically.

In fact, after you complete the mission where you assassinate Lifeinvader‘s CEO live on TV, their stock price drastically drops. So investing in Lifeinvader is definitely not required or even advisable!

Why Lester Mentions Investing

The reason Lester prompts you to invest early in GTA 5 is to familiarize you with the stock market and set you up to maximize profits from future stock tips. Completing the Lifeinvader mission itself causes their shares to tank.

But soon Lester provides very profitable recommendations tied to other assassination missions later in the story. This is where the real stock market strategy comes into play!

Lester‘s Stock Assassination Tips

As you progress through GTA 5‘s story mode, Lester provides specialized tips to invest in certain companies related to upcoming assassination missions he assigns to Franklin:

MissionStock Tip
Hotel AssassinationBilkinton Research
The Vice AssassinationFruit Computers
Bus AssassinationVapid Motor Company
Construction AssassinationGoldCoast Development

If you invest heavily in each company before completing the associated mission, you can earn insane returns. For example, investing max funds from Michael, Franklin, and Trevor into Bilkinton Research, then completing the Hotel Assassination mission and immediately selling the shares can net a combined profit of $300-400 million easily!

When done systematically, you can leverage Lester‘s tips to build a multi-billion GTA 5 stock market fortune across all three characters.

Optimal GTA 5 Stock Market Strategy

As a seasoned virtual investor and gamer, I‘ve developed an optimal 6-step strategy for dominating the GTA 5 stock market by maximizing profits from Lester‘s tips:

Step 1: Build Up Cash Reserves

Before receiving any stock tips from Lester, focus on building up cash across Michael, Franklin and Trevor. Take on side jobs, collect bounties, sell cars etc. You‘ll need millions to invest upfront if you want to hit billionaire status with the big stock returns.

Step 2: Invest Everything You Can

As soon as Lester texts each assassination tip, immediately invest 100% of available cash across all three characters into the relevant company using your phone.

This ensures you can buy maximum shares to ride the gains from how the missions impact stock prices later on.

Step 3: Save Often After Investing

Once invested, manually save your game often as you see the stock price rising. Saving locks in each threshold – so when you eventually sell your shares after completing Lester‘s mission, it remembers the peak points you saved at.

Step 4: Complete the Mission

Only after investing fully and saving regularly should you complete the mission associated with Lester‘s stock tip. The aftermath of the mission triggers the corresponding company shares to soar dramatically based on your actions.

Step 5: Sell, Sell, Sell!

Immediately after completing the mission – sell, sell, sell! You‘ll easily hit 50-100%+ ROI on the company shares you purchased, thanks to all the saving and reloading at higher thresholds.

Across Michael, Franklin and Trevor, returns can quickly reach 8-9 figures!

Step 6: Let Prices Normalize, Then Reinvest

After the post-mission selling frenzy, company share prices normalize again. At this point you can re-invest any profits made previously to ride smaller fluctuations over time as market conditions change.

This compounds returns through extended hold periods, rather than just cashing in right after missions. Patience pays!

Highest Return GTA 5 Stock Tips

While investing in the companies associated with Lester‘s assassination missions can all generate huge windfalls, some offer better returns than others.

Here are the top 3 stocks I recommend buying for maximum GTA 5 stock market profits:

CompanyPotential Return
Bilkinton Research800%+
Fruit Computers500%+
Vapid Motor Company300%+

For context, if you invested the maximum $200+ million across Michael, Trevor and Franklin into Bilkinton Research, then sold the shares after completing Lester‘s first assassination mission, you could net a staggering $1.5 billion on Bilkinton alone.

Combine this with fruitful profits from Fruit Computers, Vapid and others, and you‘ll hit the billionaire GTA 5 big leagues in no time!

Below is a reference table of potential return multiples to give you precise profit expectations from investing optimally:

StockApprox. Return Multiple
Bilkinton Research8-10x
Fruit Computers6-8x
Vapid Motor Company4-5x
GoldCoast Development3-4x

As you can see, Lifeinvader clearly offers the worst returns due to their mission tanking the stock. Stick with the others for way higher upside!

GTA 5 Investing FAQs

Here I‘ve compiled answers to some frequently asked questions about investing in GTA 5‘s stock market and making money:

When exactly should I invest for each Lester mission?

Invest 100% into the correct company across all characters immediately after receiving Lester‘s texted stock tip before starting the associated mission.

Does the amount invested affect stock gains?

Yes – the more money you invest, the greater your potential returns! Max out investment amounts across Michael, Franklin and Trevor.

Can you lose money on Lester‘s tips if you time it wrong?

It‘s very rare, but possible if you invest too late or don‘t sell in time before the price changes direction. Follow my guide to get it right!

What‘s the best stock market strategy in GTA 5?

Hands down – leverage Lester‘s assassination mission stock tips using my optimized investment approach for unlimited money!

Is there any advantage to investing in Lifeinvader specifically?

None whatsoever – the Lifeinvader mission actually tanks their stock badly. Focus only on the other companies Lester later recommends.

And there you have it – an in-depth walkthrough on dominating GTA 5‘s stock market using Lester‘s tips to build insane wealth through savvy virtual investing!

Let me know if you have any other questions – I‘m always happy to help a fellow gamer and trading enthusiast maximize their profits.

Happy money making!

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