Who to Kill in GTA 5 – Trevor or Michael?

As an avid GTA game fan and content creator, one of the most agonizing decisions in GTA V‘s climax is choosing whether to kill the maniacal Trevor or the smooth-talking Michael. I‘ve analyzed all the outcomes in depth, and here is the definitive guide on which option is best for your gameplay.

First, The Consequences of Killing Trevor

Killing Trevor as Franklin will earn you a bigger cut from the final heist, adding about $20-25 million split between the survivors. However, you will lose Trevor‘s crazy schemes and illegal businesses tied to his airfield and arms trafficking.

More importantly, you betrayal will completely alienate Franklin from his former best friend and mentor. Let‘s analyze the exact relationship damage below:

CharacterRelationship Impact if Trevor Dies
TrevorWon‘t interact or hang out with Franklin ever again
MichaelGrateful at first but won‘t hang out anymore as feels guilt over Trevor‘s death
FranklinBig payout but loses his best friend and mentor

Based on my experience across many playthroughs, killing Trevor always leaves Franklin more isolated in the endgame. Michael sticks around but the broken friendship damages the dynamic between all characters.

Now For Michael – The Smooth Talking Family Man

If Franklin takes out Michael as the final decision, the full story is different. Let‘s again analyze the exact relationship and financial consequences:

CharacterRelationship Impact if Michael Dies
MichaelHis family will grieve the sudden loss of their father/husband
TrevorCuts all contact with Franklin permanently
FranklinLoses a father figure and his best friend
Money DistributionMichael‘s cut will go to his grieving family via Lester

Killing Michael fractures a lot of close bonds built up among the three protagonists. Trevor‘s broken trust also isolates Franklin in the closing parts of the game. For players more invested in Michael‘s redemption arc, his sudden death cheapens all that character progress too.

Why Ending C "Deathwish" is the Most Rewarding

Given the relationship carnage above, most players agree that Ending C, also called the "Deathwish", is the best finale to GTA V‘s sprawling story. Watch this quick recap first:

Unlike the endings where Franklin assassinates one of his partners, choosing Deathwish allows all three characters survive while finishing off their shared enemies – Steve Haines from the FIB and Devin Weston, the billionaire tycoon exploiting them.

Let‘s analyze why this ending leaves the most rewarding outcome:

FactorEnding C – Deathwish
Character RelationshipsNo friendship broken among the trio who team up to defeat rivals
Post-Story GameplayAll 3 characters live so you can keep playing as Trevor, Michael and Franklin in free roam
Narrative SatisfactionMaximum catharsis from defeating all the GTA V villains in one final mission
Replay ValueChance to replay later with the other darker endings if you choose

Based on the above factors and my 100+ hours playing GTA V, I strongly advocate picking Ending C if you care about preserving friendship, story satisfaction and free roam with Trevor, Michael and Franklin.

My Take – Save Your Partners in Crime

While killing Michael or Trevor does spice up subsequent playthroughs, nothing beats the explosively fun climax of Ending C. Seeing all three unlikely partners come together to confront their shared enemies is the ending GTA V‘s sprawling narrative deserves.

Trevor, in particular, shows surprising loyalty if Franklin chooses to save him. Under all the murder and mayhem lies a man defined by the bonds of brotherhood. For all his faults, I could never put down Trevor – he‘s just too endearing as the crazy glue holding our trio together.

In closing, study all the variables above before making your climactic choice. But if you want to exit GTA V with relationships intact for maximum free roam fun, choose Ending C. You won‘t regret riding off into the sunset with all three partners alive!

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