Who Was the Chosen One‘s Father? Unpacking the Mystery Behind Anakin Skywalker‘s Origins

As gamers and Star Wars fans, few topics set our forums ablaze as much as the baffling question of just who fathered the pivotal Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker. Was it Darth Plagueis interfering with midi-chlorians? Did Darth Sidious secretly engineer his birth? Or was Shmi Skywalker‘s "virgin birth" claim literal? I‘m here to provide fellow gaming theorists an in-depth look at the evidence and forum debates regarding one of Star Wars‘ juiciest unsolved mysteries!

First, let‘s set the stage with some important mythos background for the uninitiated…

[Summary of Jedi vs Sith history, the Rule of Two, complexity around "bringing balance to the Force"]

Now this is where Anakin enters the picture. Discovered on Tattooine by Qui-Gon Jinn, this veritable nobody slaved away in junk shops completely unaware of his apparent destiny as the most significant Force wielder in generations. His mother Shmi claimed there was no biological father – she simply became pregnant one day to her own disbelief.

Naturally, obsession over the implications kicked into overdrive among us gamers. Let‘s analyze the prime paternal candidates:

Darth Plagueis

As Sidious‘ own master, experts on Sith lore like myself find Plagueis‘ ability to influence midi-chlorians highly suspicious when held against Anakin‘s mother‘s claims. Perhaps this powerful muun Dark Lord of the Sith spawned the "Chosen One" to further the Grand Plan in his experiments. I‘ve extensively debated this theory‘s arcane potential on Reddit and Discord chats with some convincing takes across the fanbase.

Darth Sidious

While less explored, the latest Darth Vader comic revelation has sent some intense ripples through gaming chatter. Is Anakin‘s creation NOT the will of the Force itself, but rather the manipulations of Sidious? Was the "virgin birth" a literal cover-up for the secret Sith pulling strings? So much depth to unravel! I‘m embedding a video below from Alpha Lore Master Kazkablam87 that sparked some of my own conjecture.

[Embed video + discussion]

The Force Itself

Of course, perhaps dear Shmi was truthful in her miraculous claims of conception. Across numerous games like KOTOR II to even LEGO Star Wars, the notion of Anakin as a paracusia of midi-chlorian preference remains the easiest narrative foil. Though maybe too mundane an explanation for my tastes!

Expanding this further, as an avid gamer immersed in franchise lore, I find analyzing Anakin Skywalker‘s suspicious origins across so many titles has led me to a potential bombshell deduction:

My Theory – Project SkyWalker, the Sith‘s Chosen One Countermeasure

[Details on conjecture that Plagueis and Palpatine conspired over generations since Darth Bane to use Sith alchemical secrets and manipulations to conceive the perfect Force vessel in Anakin as a counter-measure to the Jedi‘s Chosen One prophecy about bringing imbalance to the Force. Connections to Revan, experimental cloning, the Thought Bomb ritual, etc.]

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below! And for comparison across theories, see this data table I constructed showing the latest point-counterpoints:

Father TheorySupporting EvidenceOpposing ClaimsCurrent Credibility
Darth Plagueis– Jedi lore on midi-chlorian influence fits timeline– Lack of direct canonical link yetMedium-High
Darth Sidious– Cryptic Sith plots align with timing– Comic still disputedMedium
No Father (Shimi)– Simplest explanation– Thematically disappointing?Medium-Low

So in closing, while the debate rages on, I‘m thrilled how discussing Anakin Skywalker‘s patronage across games, forums, and canon keeps our fan community buzzing. May the gaming discourse be with you! What are your favorite related easter eggs or fan theories?

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