Who was Draco Malfoy‘s crush?

As a longtime gamer and Harry Potter fanatic, I‘m often asked—who was Draco Malfoy‘s top crush in the wizarding world? As an insightful content creator, I‘m here to provide some in-depth analysis.

Draco‘s Main Love Interest: Astoria Greengrass as the Virtuous Heroine

Just as fantasy video games have the heroic savior who reforms the brooding bad boy, Astoria Greengrass fills that role for Draco Malfoy. Though the Malfoy family chose the dark path by following Voldemort, the kind-hearted Astoria was able to redeem Draco and bring him into the light. Like many morally-centered gaming protagonists, Astoria appealed to Draco‘s hidden good side and became his wife and one true love.

By the Numbers: Astoria and Draco Ship Votes

Looking at data from popular Potter fan sites, the Draco and Astoria ship overwhelmingly dominates:

ShipPercentage of Votes

As a fellow gamer, I can see why fans root for the Draco/Astoria power couple that brought some redemption to the Malfoy family!

Mean Girl Pansy Parkinson Never Stood a Chance

While many speculate Draco had a thing for fellow Slytherin Pansy Parkinson at Hogwarts, I see Pansy as filling the "mean girl" trope common in fantasy games and series. She was petty, vindictive and bullied other students—not exactly a winning romantic lead! Just imagine Pansy cackling away like a typical evil boss battle. No wonder Draco ultimately moved on from this toxic relationship that likely began due to expectations of marrying a pureblood. From a gaming perspective, Pansy lacked the complexity to be Draco‘s final love interest.

Theories on Draco‘s Attraction to Pansy

That said, some fans have theorized why Draco may have crushed on Pansy initially:

  • Pansy stroked Draco‘s ego and laughed at his taunts towards Potter, Weasley and Granger
  • She came from a respectable pureblood Slytherin family approved of by Draco‘s parents
  • As teens, Draco enjoyed the attention and status of having a girlfriend

While some bad boy redemption arcs involve staying with the "popular girl," Pansy clearly wasn‘t destined for a long-term Draco romance.

The Brightest Witch of Her Age: Hermione Granger Defied Expectations

Finally, in a surprising twist worthy of the best RPG plot, none other than Hermione Granger caught Draco‘s eye for a time during their Hogwarts years. Though one of Potter‘s best friends and a Muggle-born, Hermione‘s intelligence, confidence and boldness seemed to intrigue Draco. Perhaps he glimpsed a worthy adversary—or even someone who could challenge his family‘s pureblood prejudices. Like the warrior princess trope, Hermione refused to fawn over Draco like other Slytherin girls. This likely stoked his interest despite their stark opposition. Though never acted upon, this dormant crush defied expectations in delightfully unexpected ways.

As I reflect on Draco’s relationships with my gamer hat on, it’s clear Astoria claimed the role of virtuous heroine in his own redemption tale. While other crushes came and went, Astoria emerged as Draco’s destined love match and the mother of his beloved son Scorpius—securing her place in Malfoy family lore.

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