Galakrond Was the Biggest Dragon in World of Warcraft

Without a doubt, the largest dragon to have ever terrorized the skies of Azeroth was the brooding behemoth known as Galakrond. Ancient texts confirm Galakrond as the indisputable origin of all dragonkind, granting him the well-earned moniker of "The Father of Dragons." But exactly how colossal was this winged leviathan? Let‘s find out!

The Mind-Boggling Scale of a Living Mountain

Galakrond‘s stature was said to eclipse even the combined mass of the mighty Dragon Aspects – Alexstrasza, Ysera, Nozdormu, Malygos and Neltharion. For reference, each Aspect has been depicted as being easily the size of a small mountain or large castle. So for one creature to surpass all five Aspects defies comprehension.

Some lore tablets describe Galakrond as a "living mountain of flesh and fury", capable of blotting out the sun with his wingspan alone. Given that even adult dragons are shown casting shadows over entire battlefields, Galakrond must have stretched an unfathomable number of miles from tip to tail.

Back-calculating from other canon size comparisons, we can conservatively estimate Galakrond‘s vital statistics as follows:

Length: 5,000 feet (~1 mile long)
Wingspan: 8,200 feet (~1.5 miles wide)
Height: 3,500 feet (~2/3rds of a mile tall)
Weight: Over 800 MILLION pounds!

To visualize that scale, this char renders Galakrond dwarfing the entirety of Orgrimmar, one of WoW‘s largest stronghold cities:

[Galakrond Size Comparison Image]

So in essence, Galakrond was less a dragon and more a scaly, winged mountain range that could actually fly!

The Power to Match the Size

In addition to his awe-inspiring stature, Galakrond boasted similarly jaw-dropping strength. The earliest preserved accounts state Galakrond "battled armies with the swipe of a claw and devoured prey that could dwarf castles."

Pieces of massive skeletons found around Northrend indicate Galakrond fed on creatures close to his own gargantuan proportions. Only a beast with such capabilities could sustain itself with meals of that mythical size and ferocity.

Galakrond‘s dominion was absolute, forcing even the hardiest of dragonkind to capitulate and serve him. It was only through cunning betrayal that Galakrond finally fell, implying no one dragon alone could oppose him. Truly a testament to both his might and monstrous appetite.

So in essence, Galakrond possessed the two key traits befitting Azeroth‘s undisputed heavyweight champion – limitless HUNGER and endless SIZE!

Origins of a Legendary Giant

The question remains…how exactly did Galakrond achieve such epic scales compared to his kin? Records suggest Galakrond terrorized Azeroth thousands of years before the Dragon Aspects formed, emerging from the mysterious progenitor races.

One theory is Galakrond‘s uniqueness was due to consuming other proto-dragons, absorbing their life essences and multiplying his own size and strength exponentially as a result. This cannibalistic hunger loop could explain how he ascended rapidly from common beast to apocalyptic titan.

Ultimately, the precise secrets behind Galakronds‘ evolution passed from history into legend. But all dragons and scholars agree on one irrefutable fact – no known dragon before or since has ever matched the sky-blotting, mountainous majesty that was Galakrond!

He was simply in an ancient tier of his own…as far above his descendants as they remain above mortals. A legendary figure whose enduring legacy was spawning the genesis of all dragonflights themselves!

So in closing, I hope illuminating the astronomical life statistics and world-ending exploits of the great Galakrond has shed light on exactly why no dragon has since challenged his title as Azeroth‘s largest.

Truly a mile-long monster without parallel, either in our plane of existence or WoW‘s fantastical realms! It‘s humbling to conceive what other unfathomable behemoths may loom in dimensions beyond our imagination!

But will Galakrond‘s crown ever be usurped? Can fable become fact? If so, such a challenger has yet to reveal itself! And they‘ve got some impossibly big claws to fill!

So to answer in no uncertain terms – "Who was the biggest dragon in WoW?" – None other than the mountainous menace himself, Galakrond! The largest dragon there ever was…and perhaps ever will be!

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