Who Were the Original 5 Planeswalkers in Magic: The Gathering?

As a passionate Magic: The Gathering player and content creator, I still vividly remember the excitement and speculation surrounding the introduction of the first-ever planeswalker cards in October 2007. These five legendary creatures – Ajani Goldmane, Jace Beleren, Liliana Vess, Chandra Nalaar, and Garruk Wildspeaker – became known as the "Lorwyn Five." They revolutionized Magic gameplay and sparked enduring lore that still captivates fans today. In this deep dive article, we‘ll explore who comprised this iconic group of planeswalkers and why they left such an indelible impact on Magic.

An Earthshaking Paradigm Shift

Magic sets have introduced numerous gameplay-altering mechanics over the years, from the Storm ability to Mutate to Companions. But none made waves quite as enormous as planeswalkers. According to my analysis of commentary across Magic forums, article archives, and personal recollections, the Lorwyn Five sparked some of Magic‘s most impassioned discussions and debates ever.

Planeswalkers represented an entirely new permanent type; they weren‘t creatures, enchantments, lands, etc. Instead of being cast normally, planeswalkers enter the battlefield with a set number of "loyalty counters." Players can then activate one loyalty ability per turn as though the planeswalker was a player itself making decisions. This groundbreaking design space allowed planeswalkers to impact games in ways unlike any previous Magic card.

The Lorwyn Five Planeswalkers

Without further ado, let‘s explore the identities, magic, and legacies of each member of this infamous group:

Ajani Goldmane – The Healer and Leader

  • Color Identity: White
  • Card Types: 4 Planeswalker Cards, 2 Creature Cards
  • Background: A leonin from the plane of Naya, he watched his brother Jazal Goldmane die to the destructive black mana forces in their home. Now a fierce protector, he represents community, order, and healing magic in the Magic Multiverse.
  • Signature Magic: Gains life, puts +1/+1 counters on creatures, prevents damage
  • Fun Fact: Ajani has the most printed planeswalker cards (tied with Liliana Vess at 13)

As the white-aligned planeswalker, Ajani Goldmane protects people through communal magic like gaining incremental advantage via +1/+1 counters, preventing damage, and stabilizing life totals. While not the most competitively viable, Ajani Goldmane still sees Commander play today in lifegain strategies.

Jace Beleren – The Mind Sculptor

  • Color Identity: Blue
  • Card Types: 14 Planeswalker Cards
  • Background: A formerly amnesiac telepath from the plane of Vryn, Jace is driven by secrets and enhances his mental magic through extreme study and experimentation.
  • Signature Magic: Card draw, milling opponents, memory manipulation
  • Fun Fact: Jace, the Mind Sculptor remains one of the most powerful planeswalkers ever printed. It‘s banned today in Commander 1v1.

The blue-aligned Jace Beleren deals in knowledge – secrets uncovered, memories erased and altered, intellect sharpened to a razor‘s edge. Many competitive decks leverage Jace‘s card advantage engines like Jace, the Mind Sculptor and Jace, Architect of Thought. Counterspell tribal Commander decks also utilize Jace as secret tech.

Liliana Vess – The Deceitful Necromancer

  • Color Identity: Black
  • Card Types: 13 Planeswalker Cards, 1 Creature Card
  • Background: Obsessed with eternal youth after watching her brother Josu rot from a curse, Liliana made bargains with four demons across the Multiverse, damning herself to an eternity of service to the dead.
  • Signature Magic: Destroying creatures, reanimation from graveyards, discard
  • Fun Fact: Liliana of the Veil and Liliana, Dreadhorde General remain competitive staples today

Seductive necromancer Liliana Vess highlights black magic‘s self-interest and morbidity; she destroys opponents creatures and uses their graveyards against them with reanimation. Her ruthlessness and demonic pacts characterize black‘s "by any means necessary" philosophy. Competitively, Lilianas frequently pressure life totals and clear paths to victory.

Chandra Nalaar – The Impulsive Pyromancer

  • Color Identity: Red
  • Card Types: 11 Planeswalker Cards
  • Background: Born on Kaladesh, Chandra‘s uncontrolled pyromancy led her to be imprisoned before she ultimately escaped and joined the Gatewatch. Her passions fuel the chaotic freedom and volatility of her magic.
  • Signature Magic: Direct damage spells, discard effects, destruction
  • Fun Fact: Chandra is tied for the most unique planeswalker printings ever at 19 cards

The red-aligned Chandra Nalaar slings offensive magic like lightning bolts and sweeping destruction. Her impulsiveness also manifests in chaotic effects like random discards or impulse card draws. Occasionally competitive when manifested as focused damage spells, most Chandras instead enable explosive Commander turns with rituals and extra combat phases.

Garruk Wildspeaker – The Primal Beast Master

  • Color Identity: Green
  • Card Types: 9 Planeswalker Cards, 1 Creature Card
  • Background: Hailing from the plane of Dominaria, Garruk embraced nature early and acquired his signature skill for communing with wild beasts of all kinds as allies and weapons.
  • Signature Magic: Creature token generation, overgrown beasts, untapping lands
  • Fun Fact: Garruk Relentless features one of the only transform double-faced planeswalkers ever printed

Our green-aligned planeswalker, Garruk Wildspeaker channels nature‘s overgrowth through token armies and stampeding behemoths. As Magic‘s premiere beastmaster, Garruks enable ramp and overpower opponents through strength of numbers. While outpaced by later planeswalkers, Garruk still empowers creature swarms in casual and Commander formats today.

Why Do the Lorwyn Five Endure?

The original five planeswalkers revolutionized Magic design and lore, establishing the foundation for the diverse and compelling planeswalkers we know today. Their complex backstories, personality archetypes tied to magic, and dynamic gameplay perfectly embodied what Magic‘s creators always hoped this new card type could achieve.

While power creep has certainly exceeded their competitive viability, the nostalgic charm and table presence of the Lorwyn Five ensures their iconic status is immortalized. Fans reminisce fondly on the innocent debut of planeswalkers before their ascension as integral Magic protagonists and lore drivers. There is no doubt in players‘ minds or Wizards‘ future plans that Ajani, Jace, Liliana, Chandra, and Garruk will continue showing their faces for another 15 glorious years.

So what are your favorite memories or opinions on Magic‘s original planeswalker lineup? How have the Lorwyn Five personally impacted your play? Let me know in the comments below!

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