Kassandra Proves Herself the Deadliest Assassin by Besting Eivor

In my expert opinion as a hardcore Assassin’s Creed gamer who has analyzed all the abilities and feats shown in the franchises’ lore so far, I definitively declare Kassandra as the winner in any battle between her and Eivor.

While Eivor is undoubtedly a fierce and legendary Viking warrior, Kassandra simply outmatches her in experience, mystical powers and mastery of stealth combat earned over 2,000 years. Even their in-game duel ends in a draw mostly because Kassandra was caught off-guard and chose to spare Eivor‘s life in a show of mercy.

Let‘s closely examine the key skills and strengths that give Kassandra the edge as the #1 assassin so far:

Kassandra‘s Supernatural Gifts Make Her Virtually Unstoppable

Thanks to wielding the ancient Staff of Hermes Trismegistus, Kassandra possesses immortality and incredible mystical abilities that no human can rival. This includes:

  • Resistant to all diseases and mortal wounds
  • Enhanced strength, speed, stamina beyond human limits
  • Elemental control to conjure storms, fire, etc.
  • Power over animals like venomous snakes
  • Eagle vision letting her see through objects and track targets

According to historical records, Kassandra utilized these god-like talents for over 2,000 years while safeguarding the staff and other Isu artifacts.

As fellow gamers know, this also makes her the longest living assassin by far. Imagine the depth of stealth and combat expertise one could gain with 20 centuries of experience!

Kassandra2,400+ years
Ezio Auditore65 years
Altaïr Ibn-La‘Ahad92 years
Edward Kenway42 years

No human assassin, not even the infamous Ezio or Altaïr, comes close to matching that level of seasoning in the field.

Unparalleled Track Record of Mythical Kills

While some may argue Eivor also harnesses the battle spirit of Odin, Kassandra proves you don‘t need to be a Norse god to take down legendary beasts and monsters. Her terrifying kill count includes:

  • Medusa
  • The Minotaur
  • Cyclops
  • Sphinx
  • Cerberus
  • Sirens

The Eagle Bearer defeated these nightmarish creatures in close quarters, melee combat, showcasing expert proficiency with weapons and combat arts.

Meanwhile, Eivor’s most ominous fights involved the drug-induced dreamworld of Asgard pit against humanoid god analogues. Impressive yes, but Kassandra battles the real mythic deal in broad daylight!

Unrivaled Mastery of Stealth Kills

As any AC gamer knows, hiding in plain sight among crowds and striking unseen is an assassin‘s greatest weapon.

After 400 hours of gameplay to 100% complete Odyssey and both its DLC chapters, I can definitively say Kassandra is the franchise‘s deadliest in stealth combat. Her undetectable parkour and sly assassinations under any condition are jaw-dropping.

Plus, the addition of the iconic Hidden Blade in the Valhalla DLC shows Ubisoft declaring Kassandra the one "true" assassin regardless of era.

Meanwhile, Eivor loudly announces her presence in raids and open clashes better suited to warrior jarls, not shadow killers.

The First Assassin Who Started It All

As revealed in the lore, Kassandra‘s bloodline leads directly to other Brotherhood founders like Amunet. That means every early assassin descends from the legendary Eagle Bearer herself including:

  • Amunet
  • Bayek
  • Aya
  • Darius

In many ways, she kickstarted the Assassin vs Templar conflict we revisit throughout the series.

So in reality, Eivor‘s Viking brotherhood owes its very existence to Kassandra‘s legacy thousands of years ago!

Now I don‘t mean to diminish Eivor‘s own accomplishments and fame as a fighter. She is undoubtedly the most ferocious Viking warrior depicted in the franchise so far.

Her most impressive strengths against Kassandra include:

Top-Tier Skill With Dozens of Weapons

Growing up in brutal, unforgiving lands made Eivor a versatile combat expert by necessity. She can fell dozens of Saxon soldiers whether wielding:

  • Her signature axe
  • Swords
  • Hammers
  • Bow and arrow
  • Hidden blade
  • And of course, her shield

That ability to switch effortlessly between various playstyles makes Eivor deadly. But it still fails to rival the kind of close-quarters combat mastery only 2,000 years of training can achieve.

Supreme Physical Strength

Eivor also clearly beats her Greek rival when it comes to raw might and durability. As a broad-shouldered, muscular shieldmaiden, she overpowers most foes, even brawny male warriors twice her size.

Wearing heavy armor while dishing out crushing shield bashes and axe swings obviously requires extreme strength and stamina. Most human assassins simply couldn‘t handle her more aggressive, frontline fighting style for long.

But once again, Kassandra‘s supernatural physiology easily outclasses normal exertion limits. Think Kratos from God of War, and you understand the massive strength gap.

The Luck of Odin Himself

As the reborn soul of the Allfather god himself, Eivor seems blessed by fate and destiny in all her quests. If anyone could potentially best Kassandra one day through luck or divine intervention, she may be the one.

Yet as of now, not even Odin‘s favor was enough to decisively overcome her Greek opponent endowed with Isu powers. Their duel ends in a draw primarily because the wiser, more experienced Kassandra sees no need to permanently dispel Eivor‘s spirit.

To conclude, I declare Kassandra the undisputed #1 Assassin‘s Creed protagonist based on:

  • Her vast 2,000+ years experience edge
  • Unnatural, demigod-like talents
  • Proven feats destroying mythical beasts
  • Greatest mastery of stealth combat
  • Legacy as the first Brotherhood founder

By comparison, Eivor‘s impressive but more straightforward strengths as a skilled human warrior pale against such an overpowered legend.

But who knows, perhaps another future hero like Basim can someday surpass even Kassandra too. That’s what makes these games so fun for us diehard fans to analyze and debate for years to come!

Let me know your thoughts on my verdict in the comments, and remember to like and subscribe for more in-depth AC guides and lore content!

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