Who Would Win – Goku or Doom Slayer?

As a hardcore gamer and content creator, this battle between two of gaming‘s biggest heroes has me hyped! I‘m here to dig deep into their powers and weapons to determine who I think would prove victorious. Get ready for an epic breakdown!

Goku‘s Insane Strength and Speed Give Him the Edge

Goku has displayed some truly outrageous feats over the course of the Dragon Ball franchise, blasting his power levels into the stratosphere. We‘re talking universe-busting attacks and enough speed to dodge practically anything. Some key advantages for Goku:

  • His base Super Saiyan form alone makes him causally faster than light. By my calculations, Ultra Instinct pushes him to 100x light speed or more!
  • Goku‘s mastery of ki grants him the power to bust planets and even universes once fully charged. Doom Slayer packing big guns, but nothing like that kind of firepower.
  • Ultra Instinct is broken! Its auto-dodge ability would help Goku evade Doom Slayer‘s wide arsenal with ease.

I estimate Goku‘s destructive capacity based on scaling from Dragon Ball Super to exceed 1 universe busting level (200 trillion megatons of TNT!). He might just one-shot Doom Slayer with a serious Kamehameha or Qi blast!

FighterSpeedDestructive CapacityWinner?
GokuMassively FTL+Universal+?
Doom SlayerSupersonicPlanet Level?

Doom Slayer – An Unstoppable Rage Machine

Don‘t sleep on Doom Slayer though! Doom Guy is a walking arsenal packing advanced tech and firepower. His feats include:

  • Rip and tear! Doom Slayer‘s physical strength can massively overpower demons and titans. He inflicts astonishing melee damage.
  • His praetor suit enhances his reaction time, speed, and durability to insane superhuman levels. It can survive extreme punishment.
  • That BFG-9000 though! His Big F#@%ing Gun can one-shot most foes with a plasma detonation equaling 11.5 kilotons of TNT!
  • His crucible blade and an array of advanced guns give Doom Slayer impressive versatility. Combined arms for the win!

Doom Slayer also has one key advantage – he‘s effectively immortal thanks to his sheer rage and will to fight. He literally beat death itself! I think his relentless aggressive style could potentially overwhelm techniques like Ultra Instinct.

FighterUnstoppable Rage?Arsenal StrengthDetermined to Win?
GokuNoUniverse BustingYes
Doom SlayerYesPlanet BustingHE‘LL YES

The Verdict? Too Close to Call!

This Saiyan versus Slayer matchup is just too close for me to definitively crown a victor. While Goku seemingly edges out in Destructive capacity and speed, Doom Slayer‘s endless stamina, wider arsenal, and tenacious skill should never be underestimated. I think the only way to settle this debate is an actual Death Battle!

In my dream matchup, these two gaming legends would push each other to their limits, unleashing apocalyptic attacks before one finally goes down. And the stadium erupts in cheers at witnessing the greatest battle in history! Who are you putting money on? I‘m torn!

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