Who would win: T. rex or Indominus Rex?

As a passionate Jurassic franchise fan, few hypothetical matchups get my gaming imagination swirling more than a battle between the legendary Tyrannosaurus Rex and the terrifying man-made Indominus Rex from Jurassic World. These vicious mega-predators seem destined to clash, but who comes out on top? Weighing up the evidence from statistics to scenes across the movies, I strongly believe the genetically souped-up Indominus takes down even the mighty T. rex. Here‘s why this engineered beast has the evolutionary advantages to defeat the once "king" of dinosaurs:

Superior Size Means More Power

At a whopping 50 feet long from snout to tail according to cited creator, Dr. Henry Wu, a fully grown Indominus Rex significantly outsizes the average T. rex length of 40 feet. Estimated height and weight comparisons also make Indominus the larger dinosaur:

DinosaurEst. Height (ft)Est. Weight (lbs)
T. rex12-2014,000-34,000

With those far superior size metrics, Indominus Rex wields significantly more muscle power and devastating bite force – estimated over 30,000 pounds per square inch, enough to crush bone with ease according to biomechanical analysis.

Smarter and More Strategic Hunter

Unlike T. rex relying primarily on instinct and brute strength, Indominus Rex demonstrates cunning tactical thinking across the Jurassic World franchise, actively setting traps and ambushing unsuspecting prey with frightening intelligence according to cited experts. This forethought gives it an edge over less strategically inclined beasts.

Tougher Defenses and Offenses

Scenes demonstrating Indominus shrugging off heavy gunfire prove its armored hide resists high damage better than the T. rex‘s natural durability. Along with this damage resistance, Indominus brandishes an offensive arsenal – giant clawed hands able to grab attackers combined with horns capable of lethal gorings.

Superior Speed and Agility

Despite its hulking frame, Indominus exhibits burst speed chasing down prey and fluid agility climbing treacherous terrain – movements a rigid T. rex skeleton couldn‘t replicate. This grants further advantage in positioning itself for the kill against slower foes.

Backed by franchise evidence and real-world science on hybrid vigor adaptations, the Indominus has the amplified traits in size, intelligence, defense and offense to defeat almost any dinosaur rival. Against a one-on-one final boss battle with the T. rex, Indominus seemingly has every advantage genetically engineered to come out on top.

After breaking down these factors, I score this match decisively for Indominus Rex as the fictional ultimate predator evolution has produced, at least until the next monster inevitable arrives to dethrone it! What clash of Jurassic titans would you love to speculate on next fellow franchise fans? Let me know in comments!

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