Whose head does Erron Black have?

As savvy Mortal Kombat fans know, the severed head that gunslinger Erron Black totes in his intro belongs to none other than Hsu Hao – one of the most widely disliked characters in MK history. But why does Erron Black carry this grisly decapitated trophy? And what‘s the deal with fans hating Hsu Hao? As a long-time gamer and content creator, let me break it down…

Hsu Hao‘s History of Hate from Fans

Hsu Hao has been dubbed "one of the worst characters ever" by fans. Introduced in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance in 2002, both his storyline and moveset were seen as boring and lacking compared to other characters. As Reddit user u/shaketheclouds put it:

"He‘s a character no one asked for, no one cared about or thought was cool or interesting in any capacity whatsoever."

In a poll on possibly removing Hsu Hao from the roster, a staggering 93% of fans voted to ditch him.

Keep Hsu Hao7%
Remove Hsu Hao93%

Across the spectrum, Hsu Hao is despised by MK fans as a wasted character slot. And the developers seem to have taken notice…

Hsu Hao Dies Increasingly Elaborate Deaths

In nearly all Hsu Hao‘s appearances after Deadly Alliance, he suffers an over-the-top gruesome death as a nod to fans‘ disdain:

  • Blown in half by Jax in MK Armageddon‘s opening scene
  • Killed off in MK9‘s story mode before the game even starts
  • Fatally bludgeoned by Scorpion in the MKX comics

And perhaps the most humiliating indignity – getting his head ripped off to adorn Erron Black‘s belt in MK11!

So Why Does Erron Black Carry Hsu Hao‘s Head?

As an Earthrealm warrior turned mercenary gunslinger in Outworld, Erron Black isn‘t squeamish about busting heads or collecting trophies it seems. According to MK lore, it‘s likely Erron Black was simply paid to take out Hsu Hao and decided to literally carry around proof as a warning.

Fandom wiki user Kombatgod suggests:

"Black ending Hao‘s pathetic life would have been seen as a charity case rather than an assassination. The head serves as a reminder for potential clients."

Considering Hsu Hao‘s lack of popularity among fellow fighters and fans, chopping off his head to intimidate others makes bloody sense!

Erron Black‘s Relations With Other Kombatants

Beyond his grisly memento, gunslinger Erron Black has some intriguing connections to other MK characters that long-time franchise fans may find interesting:

  • According to MK11 pre-fight dialog, Erron Black once had a romantic relationship with vampiress Nitara from Deadly Alliance
  • He is also linked to blood mage Skarlet, with implications of a current or former romance based on intro dialog exchanges
  • His slowed aging process comes courtesy of sorcerer Shang Tsung‘s magic, allowing him to live for centuries serving different rulers of Outworld

With deadly skills from centuries of mercenary work across realms, plus fading friendships and romances, Erron Black brings a lot of history to his rivalries and grudges. Carrying his mutilated victims‘ remains is undoubtedly another psychological tactic.

By the Numbers: Erron Black‘s Fighting Prowess

According to detailed frame data testing by fighting game stat gurus at NRSTierList, Erron Black lives up to his reputation as a lethal gunslinger:

  • 9% damage output rating (Top 15% of MK11 characters)
  • 75% offense rating (Top 20%)
  • High scores in ranged attacks, zoning, movement

No wonder snipers and aggressive rushdown fighters are his preferred methods of serving up cold, hard death. And based on his trophies like Hsu Hao‘s lifeless noggin, he‘s clearly racking up kills!

So there you have it – through his signature sick gunplay and lack of mercy, Erron Black cemented his legacy in MK lore by separating Hsu Hao from his widely despised head. It‘s a gory badge of honor for Outworld‘s deadliest gun-for-hire!

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