Why is My Adventure Rank Stuck at 35 in Genshin Impact?

As an avid Genshin Impact player and content creator myself, I totally get the confusion around adventure ranks seemingly getting "stuck." But don‘t worry, hitting this wall at AR 35 is completely normal!

Your adventure rank is paused at 35 because you need to complete an Ascension Quest to raise your World Level first. Once you finish this quick quest, your adventure rank will be uncapped again and you can continue gaining AR XP as usual.

World level determines enemy levels, drop rates, chest rewards etc. across your whole world, while adventure rank is your overall account progression tracker. By raising your world level at key milestones, the game keeps pace in terms of maintaining engaging combat and meaningful rewards.

In this guide, I‘ll cover everything you need to know about getting unstuck from adventure rank 35, including:

  • Quick refresher on how adventure rank works
  • Should you stay at AR 35 or push ahead?
  • Unlocking later adventure ranks and their rewards
  • Target damage per adventure rank benchmarks
  • How to gain AR XP quickly
  • When to start farming artifacts

So let‘s get into it! This is going to be very exciting…

A Quick Refresher on Adventure Ranks

Here‘s a quick recap on the key things that govern adventure rank progression:

  • Your adventure rank goes up as you gain AR XP from anything you do in the game – quests, domains, commissions etc. It is essentially your "account level"
  • Your world level determines overall difficulty and rewards in your world. It caps out at 8.
  • You need to complete special ascension quests at AR 25, 35, 45 and 50 to increase your world level further
  • Each world level increase also raises the cap on your adventure rank

For example:

Adventure RankMax World LevelWhat Happens
253Complete ascension quest to raise world level
354Complete ascension quest to raise world level
404Adventure rank cap raised
455Complete ascension quest to raise world level
506Complete ascension quest to raise world level

So in your case, you‘ve hit the normal adventure rank ‘wall‘ at 35, where you need to complete an ascension quest to break through to the next world level before progressing further.

Should I Stay at AR 35 or Push Ahead?

"I‘m worried enemies will get too hard if I increase my world level! Should I just park myself at adventure rank 35?"

This is probably the most common question around managing your adventure rank. Let‘s go through the key pros and cons:

Pros of Staying at AR 35

  • Enemies and bosses will not get tougher for a while since world level is capped
  • Gives you more time to raise your main DPS and supports without feeling pressured
  • Unlocks the Hidden Palace of Zhou Formula domain which has useful Hydro/Cryo artifact sets

Cons of Staying at AR 35

  • Weekly boss material drops will be capped at lower levels (e.g. only one dream solvent per week)
  • Ley line blossom rewards will not improve significantly
  • Missing out on locked domains that require higher world levels
  • Adventure rank progression itself halted of course!

You give up a lot of possible progression by staying at a lower world level permanently. My recommendation would be to continue pushing your world level whenever you can to reap those juicy rewards!

But the key is to go at your own pace. I like to use the trial runs in ascension quests to test my mettle before committing to raise the world level.

The game also adds mechanics like world level suppression and bile bile parametric transformer to help tackle spikes in difficulty. So no need to worry!

Unlocking Later Adventure Ranks and Their Rewards

Adventure RankUnlocks
36New Archon story and world quests
40Guaranteed 5★ artifact from weekly bosses
45Highest level domains reward at least 1 5★ artifact
50Chance to get 5★ artifacts from all weekly bosses
55Adventure rank cap raised to 60!

As you can see, you gain access to significantly better rewards from Adventure Rank 40 onwards for all existing weekly and resin activities.

At AR 45, you can start seriously farming 5★ artifacts and preparing builds for attempting the brutal Spiral Abyss endgame challenge.

Meanwhile Adventure Rank 50 opens up new tangible progression with the Sakura Sacred Tree. This lets you gain extra standard wishes and special refinement material over time.

Finally, AR 55 removes the last cap, letting you join the ranks of players at the max Adventure Rank 60!

Target Damage per Adventure Rank

"My main DPS seems really weak – how much damage should they be doing at my adventure rank?"

This is a common question as well, since we all want reassuring benchmarks for our characters.

Here are the rough guidelines for average damage values per Adventure Rank assuming a reasonably built main DPS:

Adventure RankNormal Attack DMG (per hit)Skill DMG (per cast)Burst DMG (per cast)

Of course, this will vary hugely based on your exact character, weapon choices, artifacts etc. But it should provide a decent ballpark to assess your progress!

Focus on maxing out your main DPS first and foremost before building your supports. Prioritize offensive stats like CRIT over defensive ones at early stages since raw damage matters most.

How to Gain Adventure Rank XP Quickly

If you‘re looking to power up your adventure rank quickly, follow these tips:

  • Always do daily commissions. They give ~1200 AR XP per day.
  • Spend all resin before logging off. Leylines, domains, bosses will give chunks of AR XP.
  • Forge consumables whenever possible using magical crystal chunks for extra XP.
  • Unlock as much of the map as possible to find one-time chests.
  • Complete world and archon quests. They are huge sources of AR XP.

Once you‘ve exhausted one-time sources of AR XP, it does slow down to a steady daily grind. So just stay patient and keep at it!

When to Start Farming Artifacts

One last common Adventure Rank related question – "When should I start farming 5★ artifacts?"

Here are my recommendations:

  • Adventure Rank 30: Build 4★ artifact sets with correct main stats for your main DPS
  • Adventure Rank 40: Try to get 5★ artifacts from weekly bosses to supplement existing 4★ sets
  • Adventure Rank 45: Unlock highest level domains and begin serious 5★ artifact farming

The key is not to ignore artifacts completely until AR 45. Having properly built 4★ sets will carry you through to endgame. Then you can start mixing and matching 5★ pieces.

I‘ve tried to be quite comprehensive, but let me know if you have any other questions! Hopefully this gives you a much clearer picture of advancing your adventure rank.

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